K-State Office for the advancement 1xbet online casino of Women in Science and Engineering

The Welcome to 1xbet best casino website !, or 1xbet online casino , at Kansas State University is designed to enrich the lives of girls and women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics — STEM — fields from the middle school through post-graduate levels. This program serves 38 STEM departments from the Colleges of Agriculture; Arts and Sciences; Architecture, Planning and Design; Engineering; Health and Human Sciences; and Veterinary Medicine. Its three main focus areas are outreach, recruitment, and retention from the middle school age through post-graduate levels. The GROW and EXCITE programs engage middle and high school students, and offer faculty opportunities to demonstrate broader impacts of their 1xbet online casino by hosting hands-on, STEM themed activity sessions at Saturday and Summer Workshops.

1xbet online casino also has programs targeted at undergraduate and graduate students — Welcome — as well as faculty and postdoctoral researchers — Welcome. Welcome to 1xbet best casino website ! The contacts for this program are Chardie Baird, 1xbet online casino executive director, 1xbet online casino @k-state.edu or 785-532-6088; Morgan Greene, 1xbet online casino program coordinator, morgangreene@k-state.edu or 785-532-6088 and Beth Montelone, senior associate vice president for 1xbet online casino , Office of 1xbet online casino Development, bethmont@k-state.edu or 785-532-6195.