ࡱ> 463g `bjbj .&xqbxqb`4 t$l"."p2Iv D0tDtB ^: K-State Budget JustificationPersonnel. The Postdoc (0.8 FTE year 1 and 1.0 FTE years 2-5, base rate $___/FTE) will be responsible for model and algorithm development, data quality assurance (QA) tasks, and experimental data analysis. The Programmer (0.8 FTE year 1 and 1.0 FTE years 2-5, base rate $____/FTE) will code the BOINC science package, BOINC- and website-related server side software, and required QA software. The GRA (0.5 FTE years 1-2, base rate $___/FTE) will work with the Programmer in BOINC-related activities. The Web Designer (0.7 FTE year 1, base rate $___/FTE) will produce all screens, work with the Programmer to define server side software needs, upload needed materials, and install the site on the Bioinformatics Center server. The Technician (0.1 FTE, base rate $ /FTE) will: 1) construct the housings and mounts needed for the spectral radiometers, 2) instrument calibration, and 3) assist in on-site equipment installation. Cost-of-living increases are calculated at 3%. Fringe benefit rates are 45% for the Technician, 12.5% for the graduate student, and 32% for all others. To summarize the count of Other Personnel, there is 1 postdoc (all years), 3 other professionals (a technician and a web designer in year 1, and a programmer in all years), and 1 graduate student (years 1-2). Equipment. The PP Systems UniSpec Spectral Analysis devices ($ ) dual channel capability allows differential reflectance spectra to be collected between high and low density plantings. The dedicated reconfigurable mount ($ ) enables proper positioning of the two optical pickups. The Ocean Optics HR4000CG-UV-NIR ($ ) system monitors solar radiation across all wave lengths applicable to plant pigments. Because its output varies unacceptably across the Laramie temperature range, we will construct a temperature controlled all-weather housing dedicated to this instrument. A need for both continuous monitoring but periodic factory recalibration necessitates two this Ocean Optics system and the one listed under Materials and Supplies. The Campbell Scientific ($_____) automated weather station continuously records atmospheric conditions in the field. The Decagon 40-point soil water potential monitoring system ($____) will obtain data needed by existing models of stem and leaf expansion. The portable workstation ($_____) is for testing individual software components whose demands exceed normal PC capabilities.Materials and Supplies. A set of backup sensors for the automated weather station ($____) stored on site will minimize down time as will a backup Campbell Scientific data logger ($____). The USB4000 device ($____) monitors radiation inside greenhouses in a narrower waveband than the Ocean Optics system listed above under Equipment. Three laptops ($____ea.) control and acquire data from the spectral radiometers. HOBO temperature and relative humidity recorders ($ ea.) will track internal growth chamber environments and provide inputs to calculate vapor pressure deficits near plants in field plots as needed by existing models of stem and leaf expansion. Other incidentals will be covered by an allowance of $____/year. Travel. Travel funds will cover meetings to present results, confer with project staff, and attend the awardees annual meeting. An extra allowance is present in the first two years for travel to the field site and to meet with collaborators.Other Direct Costs. Includes publications charges ($____/year, years 2-5), initial factory spectral radiometer calibration ($____), data communications to automatically download field sensor data ($ /year), and $ /year for weather station maintenance and instrument recalibration. Facilities and Administrative Costs: The indirect rate is 52% of the modified total direct costs (MTDC). This rate was negotiated with the U.S. Department of Health and HumanServices.'(*./7]hk$ / 3 9 \ e i q ƺ{{{{p{p{hh]2CJaJh=dh?VCJaJh=dh#>CJaJh"CJaJh=dhtCJaJh=dhCJaJh=dh]=CJaJh=dhGdCJaJh=dhGd6CJaJh=dh6>*CJaJh=dhCJaJh=dh CJaJh=dh5CJaJh_5CJaJ(4U_` 7$8$H$gdn P7$8$H$gd#7K dPgd( dPgdGddgd $da$gd  ' * + / 6 8 C F L     " ( , / 0 3 A d w { }  ڱڦ}rh=dh WCJaJh"\CJaJh=dhGdCJaJh=dhXCJaJh=dh,CJaJh=dhSCJaJh=dhtCJaJh=dh!CJaJh=dh?VCJaJh#cCJaJh=dhUCJaJh=dhCJaJh]2CJaJh"CJaJ)   & ( ) , G M N _ 34=@t|!#Zyz}·uu哋jjjuuh=dhCJaJh=dh#@CJaJh=dhpCJaJh"CJaJh=dh .sCJaJh=dhGdCJaJh=dh6>*CJaJh=dhCJaJh#cCJaJh=dh,CJaJh,CJaJh"\CJaJh=dh WCJaJh=@CJaJh%D[CJaJ%):gt(*+EJpry{HMOR_cg| Jߊߒh=dh=dCJaJh%D[CJaJh=dh_]CJaJh=dh_]6>*CJaJh=dhpCJaJh=dh,CJaJh"CJaJh=dh .sCJaJh=dhCJaJh=dhCJaJh=dh#@CJaJh=dh?VCJaJ0J~E}RT^}FKX_✔~ssssgh=dhU>*CJaJh=dhnCJaJh'CJaJh=dh^]6>*CJaJh#cCJaJh=dh^]CJaJh=dhGd>*CJaJh=dhp6>*CJaJh=dhGdCJaJh=dh_]CJaJh=dhI;CJaJh"CJaJh=dh(CJaJh=dhMxCJaJ# _`Ƚ#hGdhn>*CJOJQJ^JaJh#7KCJaJh=dhnCJaJh=dhn5CJ\aJh=dhn6CJ\aJh=dhn6>*CJ\aJh=dh]=>*CJaJ ,1h/ =!"#$% s6866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ _HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w<v `&  J` `8@0(  B S  ?LOOVbbhk/3CF",/&GMNt|!}EJH M  _ c |   } RTppFKX_ U_bKJGd&' 7yV5`pSOj  !&(,s0]2s:Df<]=#>6?d@#@=@#7KdKrpR?Vf_Y%D["\^]_]#c=d)g&nmo .svtMx-n=[b6H_]w 'jgXN-UI;n-RtTq%T,I W,"`b@NNNN`@UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5Symbol3. .[x ArialA$BCambria Math"qh\\fKK!r4YY?HP  ?2!xx ? KSU Budget JustificationStephen M Welch Anita Fahrny Oh+'0 (4 T ` lxKSU Budget JustificationStephen M WelchNormalAnita Fahrny2Microsoft Office Word@@NFg!@J4v@J4vK ՜.+,0 hp  Kansas State UniversityY KSU Budget Justification Title  !"$%&'()*,-./0125Root Entry F`^Iv71TableWordDocument.&SummaryInformation(#DocumentSummaryInformation8+CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q