Sponsored Research and Controlled Unclassified 1xbet online games login

The executive branch of the United States government is moving forward with new requirements for safeguarding controlled unclassified information, or 1xbet online games login . Information provided by or collected on behalf of the 81 entities comprising the executive branch and that falls into at least one of the 1xbet online games login Registry categories will be considered 1xbet online games login and will need to be safeguarded to at least NIST 800-171 standards. Multiple executive branch entities are currently implementing the new 1xbet online games login requirements.

K-State is responsible for safeguarding 1xbet online games login to the minimum standard mentioned above. The impact of safeguarding 1xbet online games login will affect the entire university community.


1xbet online games login is identified by executive branch entities as sensitive information that demonstrates risk resulting from the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of information collected or maintained by or on behalf of an agency. Executive branch entities include the Department of Agriculture, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Education, and so on. Executive branch entities are required to identify and mark 1xbet online games login that requires safeguarding.


Executive branch entities are in different phases of implementing final rules for complying with 1xbet online games login standards. At this time, only the Department of Defense, the General Services Administration and the National Aeronautic and Space Association have published the final rule. The Department of Homeland Security has published a proposed rule, but it is unknown at this time when it will be finalized. The implementation schedule for the remaining federal agencies is under negotiation.


Under the direction of the Vice President for 1xbet online games login , a small group is working to:

  • Identify sponsored research 1xbet online games login activity on campus.

  • Educate key stakeholders about 1xbet online games login .

  • Develop appropriate 1xbet online games login processes.

  • Use existing DoD, GSA, NASA, and DHS sponsored research to test the proposed processes and corresponding solutions, including identification of 1xbet online games login , development of 1xbet online games login -specific solutions, management of 1xbet online games login during its lifecycle, and disposition of 1xbet online games login .

  • Develop 1xbet online games login solution options for the different types of 1xbet online games login , such as technical data, software, equipment, and materials. Each solution option will include access control, physical security, 1xbet online games login training, auditing and disposition planning.



Laws, regulations, and 1xbet online games login orders

1xbet online games login program and publications


If you have questions, please contact Jonathan Snowden 1xbet online games login @k-state.edu.