ࡱ> hjg ;bjbj *x՟՟d3# 8>d.6L$u"*664KR% ^a0"| "t66" * :  PROPOSAL BUDGET WORKSHEETFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSGENERAL1. How do I get started creating a budget?Open the Long Worksheet on our budget page ( HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/research/faculty/proposal/budgets/)" http://www.k-state.edu/research/faculty/proposal/budgets/), select the "Year 1" tab located at the lower left corner of the Excel file, and begin filling in the requested data. When you have completed the information for year one, select the Year 2 tab and continue filling in the requested data. Much of the information on the subsequent years is designed to automatically fill based on the information input in Year 1, but this information may be modified as needed.2. Can I use this form to create subaward budgets?This template may also be used to develop subaward budgets. You should start a new file for each subaward by reopening the original file and saving it again using a different filename. The title on the budget worksheets should so indicate if a file is a subaward budget for a particular project.3. What if I have questions about the information that I need to input for a category?Additional information is provided by category in this FAQ. If the information that you need is not provided in this document, please contact PreAward Services for further information at 532-6804.4. What is the "Budget Summary" Page?This is a summary of all the data that you enter into the yearly Budget Worksheets. It will automatically fill based on the information that you provide in the Budget Worksheets. You do NOT need to enter any information on this page.5. How do I get this information to PreAward Services for processing?When printing the budget of your proposal, please print from the Budget Summary tab within the Excel file. This worksheet, which automatically fills based on the information you provided, includes yearly summary pages (up to five years) as well as a project summary page for submission. Include these forms when submitting your completed proposal with transmittal sheet to PAS. You may also want to save an electronic copy of your file in case the contract administrator needs to make any changes prior to submission.PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (Row 2 on the Budget Worksheet)1. Whose information do I need to include here?Type in the FIRST INITIAL and LAST NAME of the Principal Investigator and the Co-Principal Investigators separated by commas.PROJECT TITLE (Row 4 on the Budget Worksheet)1. What if my title is longer than the space provided?Many sponsor agencies have title length restrictions, so please try to keep your title within the space limit of this cell. 2. What if I do not have a title for my project yet?Please enter To Be Determined or TBD in this section.SENIOR PERSONNEL (Category A)1. Who's information do I need to include here?Please list the names and titles of ALL senior personnel to include Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigators, and Colleagues on Year 1 of this file. You only have to fill in salary information for these individuals on their relevant years. Name and title information will automatically fill to all pages of the worksheet to allow the level of effort to be included on any year.2. What if there are more than 9 senior personnel?On line 10 of this section, please list the remaining number of people in the orange cell provided and a total amount per year in the yearly columns. Be sure to provide a breakdown of these individuals in your budget justification. This number may be changed from year to year.3. What if I don't want to include an automatic percentage increase?You can either enter 0% in the PINK cell, or leave it blank.4. Why is the percentage rate that I entered not showing up correctly?This cell is formulated to accept decimal point percentage rates. In other words, if you would like a 5% increase, enter .055. What if the percentage increase that I entered does not apply to all individuals?You can manually change the amounts for those individuals for which it does not apply.OTHER PERSONNEL (Category B)1. What is the difference between "Unclassified" and "University Support Staff" individuals?Generally speaking, unclassified individuals are those that are salaried such as faculty members, whereas university support staff individuals are those that receive an hourly rate.2. Why is the information for postdoctoral associates and other professionals (lines 1-3) different from the remaining other personnel?Sponsor agency requirements for this section varies; however, for postdoctoral associates and other professionals (lines 1-3), it is common to provide the total number of persons required with the number of full-time equivalent person-months and total annual salaries. For the remaining line items in this category, it is usually acceptable to provide only the total number of persons and total amount of salaries for each year.3. What does CAL, ACA, and SUM stand for?CAL is Calendar, ACA is Academic, and SUM is summer.4. What if there are more than 4 individuals per category?Under "Funds Requested Person 4" please list a total dollar figure for all remaining individuals in that category and provide a breakdown of these individuals in your budget justification.5. What if I don't want to include an automatic percentage increase?You can either enter 0% in the PINK cell, or leave it blank.6. Why is the percentage rate that I entered not showing up correctly?This cell is formulated to accept decimal point percentage rates. In other words, if you would like a 5% increase, enter .057. What if the percentage increase that I entered does not apply to all categories?You can manually change the amounts for those categories for which it does not apply.FRINGE BENEFITS (Category C)1. Why is this category already completed?This category automatically calculates based on the information that you provided in Categories A and B.2. Are the percentage rates provided in this form correct for my proposal?The percentage rates listed are standard K-State percentage rates and are updated at the beginning of each fiscal year. These rates are also listed on the K-State research website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/research/faculty/proposal/budgets/fringe-rates.html" http://www.k-state.edu/research/faculty/proposal/budgets/fringe-rates.html. If you require non-standard percentage rates, please make this change on the budget worksheet.HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/VPRDGS_FILEVOL3SHAREDJodi%22 l" \l "'Budget Worksheet'!D95"EQUIPMENT (Category D)1. How do I enter equipment in this form?Please list the names of ALL equipment for the project on Year 1 in this file. When completed, you will then need to fill in the equipment cost on the years that you plan to purchase each individual piece. 2. What if there are more than 10 pieces of equipment over $5,000?On line 10 of this section please list "Additional Equipment - See Budget Justification" in the "Item Description" column, and include a total dollar figure for all remaining equipment in the yearly total columns. Be sure to provide a breakdown of this equipment in your budget justification.3. What if the equipment listed should only be reflected for one year?List the dollar figure of the equipment in the year that you plan to purchase it and change the other year amounts to $0.HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/VPRDGS_FILEVOL3SHAREDJodi%22 l" \l "'Budget Worksheet'!R122"TRAVEL (Category E)1. When am I allowed to include travel in my proposal?Travel funds may be requested for fieldwork and attendance at meetings/conferences where attendance enhances ability of senior personnel to perform proposed work, develop future projects, or disseminate project results. For many sponsors, travel to Canada and Mexico is considered foreign travel, but not all. Check the sponsor guidelines for more information.2. How do I estimate airfare?You can use the current cost of a round-trip, economy class ticket to your destination. US Flag Air-Carriers are preferred and in some cases required.3. What if I don't want to include an automatic percentage increase?You can either enter 0% in the PINK cell, or leave it blank.4. Why is the percentage rate that I entered not showing up correctly?This cell is formulated to accept decimal point percentage rates. In other words, if you would like a 5% increase, enter .055. What if the percentage increase that I entered does not apply to all travel?You can manually change the amounts on the travel for which it does not apply.6. What if the travel listed should only be reflected for one year?List the dollar figure of the travel in the year that it is required and change the other year amounts to $0.PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS (Category F)1. When would I use this section?This category is used for costs associated with participants and trainees who are NOT K-State employees. The costs must be associated with a sponsored conference, meeting, or training event.2. What if I don't want to include an automatic percentage increase?You can either enter 0% in the PINK cell, or leave it blank.3. Why is the percentage rate that I entered not showing up correctly?This cell is formulated to accept decimal point percentage rates. In other words, if you would like a 5% increase, enter .054. What if the percentage increase that I entered does not apply to all participant support costs?You can manually change the amounts on the support line for which it does not apply.5. What if the support costs listed should only be reflected for one year?List the dollar figure in the year that it is required and change the other year amounts to $0.OTHER DIRECT COSTS (Category G)1. What if I don't want to include an automatic percentage increase?You can either enter 0% in the PINK cell, or leave it blank.2. Why is the percentage rate that I entered not showing up correctly?This cell is formulated to accept decimal point percentage rates. In other words, if you would like a 5% increase, enter .053. What if the percentage increase that I entered does not apply to all other direct costs?You can manually change the amounts on the lines for which it does not apply.4. What if the other direct costs listed should only be reflected for one year?List the dollar figure in the year that it is required and change the other year amounts to $0.TOTAL DIRECT COSTS AT KSU (Category H)1. What is this category calculating?This category automatically totals all subtotals from categories A through G and provides you with a Total Direct Cost for your project. This total does NOT include indirect costs (facilities and administration fees).INDIRECT COSTS AT KSU (Category I)1. What is an indirect cost item?An indirect cost item specifies how you are determining your indirect costs. The indirect cost determiners most commonly used include Total Direct Cost (TDC), Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC), and Total Federal Funds Awards (TFFA). If you are unsure which of these determiners to use, please contact PreAward Services at 532-6804.2. What indirect cost rate do I use for my project?K-States established total indirect cost rates are provided below.ResearchInstructional (Educ. Services)Public Service (Ext. Div. & Cont. Educ. & Other)Branch Experiment Stations AGR(USDAFunded)On-Campus Facilities Costs26%20%9%11% 18.5% Administrative Costs26%26%26%26% 26%TOTAL:52%46%35%37% 44.5%Off-Campus Facilities Costs0%0%0%0% 0% Administrative Costs26%26%26%26% 26%TOTAL:26%26%26%26% 26%3. How do I determine the base for indirect costs?Your base is going to depend upon the indirect cost item specified by the sponsor agency. Typically, indirect costs cannot be applied to items such as equipment, tuition, rental of land/buildings, subawards in excess of 25,000, scholarships, or fellowships. You would then need to subtract these items from your Total Direct Costs at KSU (Category H) in order to get your base for indirect costs.TOTAL PROJECT COSTS (Category J)1. What is this category calculating?This category automatically totals the Total Direct Cost (Category H) for your project plus the Indirect Costs (Category I).COST SHARING (Category K)1. What is Cost Sharing?Cost Sharing is financial support contributed by the University to a sponsored project.2. Is Cost Sharing always required?There are two types of Cost Sharing - mandatory and voluntary. Some sponsors require a percentage of a project to be cost shared with the University. The Request For Proposal (RFP) or guidelines to which you are responding will normally provide information if a mandatory cost share is required. Kansas State has restricted the commitment of cost sharing to those programs that have mandatory cost sharing requirements as a criteria for eligibility.Contact Information1. What is the contact information for PreAward ServicesPreAward Services is located in 2 Fairchild Hall. You may call us at 532-6804. 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