University direct cost recovery on sponsored project activities as affecting the collection of Facilities and Administrative 1xbet online sports betting

Kansas State University will pursue full 1xbet online sports betting of sponsored project activities funded by extramural sponsors. The full 1xbet online sports betting include:

    • All direct 1xbet online sports betting required to complete the sponsored activity.
    • The Facilities and Administrative (F&A) 1xbet online sports betting borne by the university but which are not included in the direct 1xbet online sports betting . The F&A cost is a federally negotiated rate.
    • Limited exceptions exist, described below, as defined by government statutes or policy.
    • For-profit organizations will be expected to provide full 1xbet online sports betting of sponsored projects. Additional fees may be required for their exclusive limited licensing of intellectual properties resulting from university research, scholarly and creative activities, and discovery activities.
    • The Office of PreAward Services may not approve proposals, awards, or contracts which do not adhere to these policies.
    • The Vice President for Finance will not approve fee-for-service schedules of charges which do not adhere to these policies.


Full 1xbet online sports betting

1xbet online sports betting on sponsored projects are divided into two major categories: (1) direct 1xbet online sports betting and (2) facilities and administrative (F&A) 1xbet online sports betting — indirect 1xbet online sports betting or overhead.

Direct 1xbet online sports betting

1xbet online sports betting that are attributed to the scope of work of a particular project. Examples include project-specific salaries and fringe benefits for personnel, materials and supplies, travel, equipment, tuition, laboratory fees, shipping, and long distance telephone charges.

F&A 1xbet online sports betting (indirect 1xbet online sports betting or overhead)

Pooled project support 1xbet online sports betting that cannot be credited on a project-specific basis, but support the facilities and administration required for RSCAD activities supported by extramural sponsors. By including these 1xbet online sports betting , each sponsored activity contributes to these pooled 1xbet online sports betting . By not including these 1xbet online sports betting , the University and the taxpayers of Kansas support a large percentage of the work.

Regulatory requirements

  • Government regulations require that the approved F&A cost rate be applied consistently to ensure that the government is provided the most favorable 1xbet online sports betting with respect to other sponsors. There is intense scrutiny to insure that the F&A rate is applied to all sponsored projects.
  • The Kansas Board of Regents’ policy requires that sponsored projects be funded on a full 1xbet online sports betting basis unless such recovery is restricted by law or other public policy.

Limited exceptions

  • Some government sponsors limit the payment of F&A 1xbet online sports betting by statute and/or policy. This situation is encountered with state agencies and some federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Education. If so, the differential between the sponsors’ mandated rate and the federally negotiated rate will be a university cost share. When funding flows from a federal sponsor through an intermediary sponsor (federal flow-through funds), the F&A cost rate policy of the federal sponsor will always apply.
  • Deviations from the approved F&A 1xbet online sports betting rate may be considered for organizations with published policies, consistently applied and applicable to all applicants, that reduce full 1xbet online sports betting recovery.
  • For projects requiring an exception, requests must use the Kansas State University 1xbet online sports betting Sharing Form with substantiating documentation attached. This form is routed through the authorizing authority for each requesting department(s), college(s) or administrative office(s) to the Vice President for Research for final review and approval.

All budgets on sponsored projects must be reviewed and approved by PreAward Services prior to being provided to a sponsor. Requests for waivers of F&A or other forms of 1xbet online sports betting sharing without PreAward Services prior review and the Office of the Vice President for Research approval will not be considered.

Submission of a budget to external sponsors without the required prior review and approval through PreAward Services is a violation of university policy.