Understand the commercialization 1xbet online casino process

understand 1xbet online casino the commercialization process

Our goal is to promote, encourage, and aid scientific investigation, research, and technology transfer at 1xbet online casino . We strive to assist 1xbet online casino 's faculty, staff, and students in developing and protecting their discoveries and inventions to return the greatest advantage to the creators, 1xbet online casino , and the general public.

Contact us as early as possible in the discovery process to ensure proper protection of your intellectual property and to gain a comprehensive understanding of the options available in commercializing your research.

Each 1xbet online casino goes through a five-step technology commercialization process.

Report an inventionReport an 1xbet online casino

Properly protect your invention by submitting ideas through the disclosure form to the 1xbet online casino Research Foundation, or KSURF.

Assessment iconAssessment

KSURF will evaluate your 1xbet online casino to explore patentability and marketability and to develop an IP protection strategy.


KSURF protects 1xbet online casino disclosures with commercial potential according to the type of intellectual property.


The 1xbet online casino Institute for Commercialization, or KSU-IC, establishes a marketing strategy.


When a company expresses an interest in licensing a 1xbet online casino technology, our team negotiates licensing terms.