1xbet online casino Profiles

We are proud of the excellent work 1xbet online casino postdocs are doing. Here are some great examples:

Berangere Berangere Leys is a research associate in the department of geography. 1xbet online casino is a paleo-ecologist, interested in fire ecology and its biogeochemical consequences on ecosystems. Her research is funded by the National Science Foundation and is focused on grassland and savanna ecosystem fire regimes. 1xbet online casino investigates the role of climate and human history in changes in the fire regimes and their consequences on the nutrient cycling and vegetation dynamics in the past 20,000 years. 1xbet online casino participates in the Welcome to 1xbet best casino website ! events and has received a travel grant from the group. 1xbet online casino is actively looking at academic positions and preparing research grants. 1xbet online casino hopes the K-State Postdoc Association can help her to connect with other postdocs to share experiences and tips about tenure track position applications and interviews.

KatieKatherine Jordan is a postdoc in the department of plant pathology and explores the genetic diversity of the hexaploid wheat genome. To date, 1xbet online casino has helped develop the first haplotype map resource for the wheat community to use in genome-wide association mapping studies and breeding programs. In 2014, 1xbet online casino was awarded the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium Early Career Award for her work on the wheat HapMap project. 1xbet online casino hopes to continue to improve genomic resources within the wheat community to aid in understanding genotype-phenotype interactions, which can provide useful genetic material adaptable to certain environments (i.e., drought and pathogen resistance) to increase future global 1xbet online casino production. In addition, Katie is the chair of the Flint Hills Human Rights Project and has advocated for an anti-discrimination ordinance that would provide protections based on sexual orientation and gender equality.

AlmaAlma Laney is originally from Coos Bay, Oregon, and began his research career as an undergraduate at Oregon State University. After completing his master's and PhD at the University of Arkansas working on various plant viruses, he began working as a postdoc in the K-State department of plant pathology. His main areas of focus have been on developing detection assays for yellow dwarf viruses (YDVs) infecting winter 1xbet online casino in Kansas, detection of YDVs in advanced breeding plots, and the biological and molecular characterization of the YDVs in Kansas. His future work includes functional characterization of novel genetic changes in YDV populations found in Kansas, for which he recently was awarded a USDA-NIFA ELI Postdoctoral Fellowship.