NIH Data management 1xbet online games login Plans

Starting October 1, 2003, investigators submitting NIH applications of 0,000 or more in direct costs per year are expected to include a plan for sharing data or state why 1xbet online games login is not possible. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their 1xbet online games login plan with their program contact at the time they negotiate the agreement with Institute/Center (IC) staff to accept assignment of their large dollar application. This negotiation typically occurs at least 6 weeks prior to the anticipated submission date and even earlier if the amount requested is significantly above 0,000 per year. In some cases, Program Announcements (PA) may request 1xbet online games login plans for applications that are less than 0,000 in direct costs per year.

The 1xbet online games login plan is not factored into the scientific merit or priority score by reviewers. The program staff are responsible for assessing the appropriateness and adequacy of the proposed data-sharing plan. The applicant mayrequest funds for 1xbet online games login and archiving. These financial issues should be discussed in the proposal’s budget section. View NIH guidance on its 1xbet online games login policy or a summary in the NIH 1xbet online games login brochure (pdf). NIH has also created the NIH 1xbet online games login workbook (pdf) to show how investigators working in a variety of scientific areas have shared their data. View a sample 1xbet online games login plan from NIAID.

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