NSF 1xbet sports betting Traineeship limited submission guidance

Internal submissions to the National Science Foundation 1xbet sports betting Traineeship Program should provide:

  • Cover sheet (PDF); fill out only the applicable portions.

  • 1xbet sports betting title — use the NSF structure.

  • List of core participants in tabular form including name, department (and university if not K-State), role in the 1xbet sports betting and area of expertise.

  • Names of any other institutions or organizations and their role in the 1xbet sports betting .

  • 1xbet sports betting synopsis — include the following information (four pages, including all tables and figures):

    • Vision and goals of the program.
    • Interdisciplinary or convergent 1xbet sports betting theme — emphasis is on 10 big ideas.
    • Main training elements including professional development for students.
    • Integration of the 1xbet sports betting and training and justify the need for bold and innovative approaches to train graduate students in the thematic area.
    • How you will facilitate and advance novel, potentially transformative interdisciplinary or convergent 1xbet sports betting .
    • National/international need for the program.
    • How you plan to recruit, mentor and retain trainees.
    • Specific efforts focused on integrating diversity into the program.
    • Evaluation approach.
    • How the program will be sustained following the end of NSF support.
  • Reference list
  • The leadership team’s experience with graduate training programs, NSF and other (not more than one page).

  • The leadership team's experience in attracting external support, NSF and other (not more than one page).
  • Estimated budget — follow the format shown below; provide brief justification for each item in the description column.



5-year total budget

Senior personnel (salary + 1xbet s)

Describe in some detail; add extra rows as necessary

1xbet sports betting coordinator (salary + 1xbet s)

Indicate what fraction of time will be covered by this 1xbet sports betting – must be 75-100%

Travel including to NRT PI meetings

Participant support costs

Indicate how many trainee years will be included and the cost for each


Other (specify)



  • Biosketches in NSF format for PI and co-PIs

Please combine these into one PDF and submit via ordlimitedsubs@k-state.edu by 5 p.m. central time on the date listed on the Upcoming 1xbet online casino Submission. Use a font no smaller than Times New Roman 11 pt.