1xbet online sports betting MRI internal submission guidelines

1xbet online sports betting to the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Program must follow standard Limited submissions 1xbet best casino website with the following modifications.

  • All submissions must include a description of where the instrument 1xbet online sports betting be housed and a sustainability plan. The sustainability plan must address:
    • The expected life of the 1xbet online sports betting .
    • Anticipated operations & maintenance, or O&M, 1xbet online sports betting over that lifetime.
    • The plan for covering O&M costs over the instrument's lifetime and the source of funding; in particular, address what 1xbet online sports betting happen when NSF support ends.
    • If you plan to use user fees as a way to support the instrument's O&M costs, please address what the costs to a user 1xbet online sports betting be, the expected number of users per year, and a description of the market for using the instrument — who 1xbet online sports betting be your users and how likely 1xbet online sports betting they be to use the instrument?
    • If O&M costs 1xbet online sports betting be covered through department and/or college support, please provide email documentation from the appropriate administrator.
  • The MRI program has a 30% cost share; thus, all submissions must address how you anticipate meeting this cost share. If you have a commitment from 1xbet online sports betting dean and/or department head, please include a brief email documenting this potential commitment.
  • Include bios only for the PI and one co-PI — the one you consider 1xbet online sports betting key collaborator — using the two-page NSF format.

The rest of the requirements remain the same. For development submissions, please be sure to address in your narrative what significant new capabilities, not available from a vendor, 1xbet online sports betting the new instrument provide? For pre-proposals that 1xbet online sports betting address resubmissions, please be sure to discuss the overall review you received from NSF and how you are addressing the weaknesses of the previous submission.

All 1xbet online sports betting components should be combined into a single PDF and submitted to ordlimitedsubs@k-state.edu by 5 p.m. on the date listed on the Upcoming 1xbet online casino Submission Opportunities. Use no smaller than an 11 pt. Times 1xbet online sports betting Roman font.