1xbet best casino website IGE Program limited submission guidance

Internal submissions to 1xbet best casino website ’s Innovation in Graduate Education, or IGE, Program should provide the information listed below. The document should be no longer than five pages including tables and figures. The page count does not include the cover sheet, the list of core participants, the table of other institutions/organizations and their roles, the bios, and the reference list. Information should be presented in the order requested.

  • 1xbet best casino website title — use the NSF structure.

  • List of core participants — in tabular form, including name, department (and university if not K-State), role in the 1xbet best casino website and area of expertise.

  • The names of any other institutions or organizations and their role in the 1xbet best casino website in tabular form.

  • 1xbet best casino website Synopsis:

    • 1xbet best casino website Graduate Education Model(s), approaches, or activities to be piloted and tested and why it is innovative.
    • Address the extent to which the 1xbet best casino website would generate the knowledge needed to inform implementation and adaptability of potentially transformative improvements to graduate education.
    • How will models be developed and disseminated?
    • 1xbet best casino website disciplinary or interdisciplinary needs and/or challenges addressed and your anticipated contributions to STEM education.
    • Description of the performance assessment/1xbet best casino website assessment you plan.
    • Specific efforts focused on integrating diversity into the program.
  • The team’s experience in attracting external support, 1xbet best casino website and other — include information about educational projects as appropriate.

  • If you applied to the NRT IGE Track last year, discuss the overall review you received and how you are addressing the weaknesses of the previous submission.

  • Estimated budget — follow the format shown below. Provide brief justification for each item in the 1xbet best casino website column.


1xbet best casino website

5-year total budget

Senior personnel (salary + 1xbet s)

Describe in some detail; add extra rows as necessary


Participant support costs


Other (specify)



  • Reference list
  • Two-page 1xbet best casino website biosketch for the PI and all co-PIs.

Please combine these into one PDF and submit via ordlimitedsubs@k-state.edu by 5 p.m. on the date listed on the Upcoming 1xbet online casino Submission Opportun. Use no smaller than an 11 pt Times New Roman font.