NEH Summer 1xbet online casino Limited Submission Guidance

One tenured/tenure-track faculty member will be selected for nomination by K-State to submit to the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer 1xbet online casino program. The internal submission mirrors a large part of the NEH submission, which is typically due in mid-September. Please refer to the NEH Summer 1xbet online casino  website to find the submission guidelines for this program.  Note that if you are not tenured nor have a tenure track faculty position, you may submit to this program without being nominated.

Limited submission pre-proposals should include:

Please combine the above into a single PDF file and submit it to  by 5 p.m. on the date given in the Limited submissions 1xbe. Use no smaller than an 11 pt. Times New Roman font. Note that in order to submit a preproposal, you must have notified (working title and quarter-page synopsis) the Office of Research Development of your interest in submitting by the notification date given in the Limited submissions 1xbe.

Typical Summer 1xbet online casino timeline

  • Mid to late May: Summer 1xbet online casino notice appears in Funding Connection.
  • Mid June to early July: NEH Releases new RFA and new internal submission guidelines are available.
  • Early August: Notification to the Office of Research Development, or ORD.
  • Mid August: Internal preproposals due to ORD.
  • Late August: One preproposal chosen to go forward.
  • Mid September: Proposals due to NEH.