NEA Grants for the 1xbet online casino limited submission guidance

NEA provides excellent guidance for the Grants for the 1xbet online casino program. Specific application requirements can be found under the 1xbet online casino links in the lower right box. A guidelines workshop webinar is available and is strongly recommended before starting a mini-proposal.

The internal review panel will consider projects according to the NEA criteria of Artistic Merit and Artistic Excellence as well as the Grants for the 1xbet online casino program's specific criteria for projects; i.e., the projects are likely to prove transformative, are distinctive, and have the potential to be shared or emulated. Key project objectives should address: creation, engagement, learning, and livability. Also from the guidance: "The 1xbet online casino are a powerful and important part of what unites us as Americans. The 1xbet online casino celebrate our differences while connecting us through a communal experience. " This information is explained further in the 1xbet online casino and in the webinar.

Internal 1xbet online casino mini-proposals should include:

  • Cover sheet. (PDF)
  • One- to three-page 1xbet online casino description that names the discipline to which you will be submitting and addresses:
    • Goals.
    • Audience.
    • Activities.
    • Location.
    • Outcomes/measurements.
    • Any specific criteria named under the chosen 1xbet online casino .
    • How your 1xbet online casino meets the four program objectives — creation, engagement, learning, livability.
    • How your 1xbet online casino is transformative, distinctive, and has the potential to be shared or emulated.
    • Note that a reference list can be 1xbet online casino , but it does not count against the page limitation.
  • List of the 1xbet online casino team members/collaborators and their roles.
  • Timeline/programmatic activities list.
  • One-page draft budget prepared according to the 1xbet online casino guidelines —found under each discipline.
  • A description of how the one-to-one match requirement will be met. This can be included as part of the budget, but there 1xbet online casino be an explanation. Any amounts committed by departments/colleges 1xbet online casino have email documentation.
  • Full vitas/bios for the PI and co-PIs.
  • Five to ten images of work samples you intend to include in your submission — with media identification and year created — and how the images demonstrate the 1xbet online casino overall evaluation criteria of Artistic Merit and Artistic Excellence.

Please combine the above into a single PDF file and submit it to by the deadline listed on the Upcoming 1xbet online casino Submission Opportunities. Use no smaller than an 11 pt Times New Roman font.