EPSCoR Track-4 limited 1xbet online games login submission guidance

1xbet online games login EPSCoR Track-4 internal limited submission proposal should include:

  • Cover sheet (PDF)
  • 1xbet online games login description: An up to four-page description explaining the project you will conduct during 1xbet online games login extended collaborative visit and describing the facility/institution/laboratory you will be visiting. Be sure to include clearly articulated goals and objectives. You should also identify the collaborator(s) you will be working with at the host site and the nature of the collaboration and the collaborator’s roles. Please also address:
    • Why the host site you have chosen is the best place for 1xbet online games login collaborative visit. Be sure to address 1xbet online games login research needs/goals as well as 1xbet online games login collaborating researcher(s) and the infrastructure/resources at the host site.
    • How 1xbet online games login extended collaborative visit will benefit you both during the visit period and beyond.
    • The host site’s role in achieving 1xbet online games login research goals and objectives.
    • The benefits to K-State and the state of Kansas.
    • What resources is 1xbet online games login committing.
    • If 1xbet online games login are taking a graduate student or a postdoc, what will they be doing at the host site?
  • A reference list (does not count against the 1xbet online games login description’s page count).
  • A 1xbet online games login timeline for meeting the goals and objectives of the 1xbet online games login .
  • An email from 1xbet online games login department head indicating his/her support of the collaborative visit.
  • An email from the host site indicating support for 1xbet online games login visit.
  • A one-page draft budget and no more than one page justification.
  • If you have submitted previously to this program and not been funded, a copy of 1xbet online games login review comments and a no more than one page discussion of what 1xbet online games login plans are to address these comments.
  • 1xbet online games login bio in NSF format.

Please combine these into one PDF and submit via ordlimitedsubs@k-state.edu by 5 p.m. central time on the date listed on the Upcoming 1xbet online casino Submission Opportun. Use no smaller than an 11 pt. Times New Roman font.