EPSCoR track- 1xbet online sports betting2 limited submission instructions

In your limited submission preproposal, please include the following:

  • A cover sheet (PDF)
  • A one- to four-page 1xbet online sports betting description, explaining your approach to the RFA’s focus area that includes:
    • A strong rationale for the planned inter-jurisdictional collaboration.
    • An explanation of why the collaboration is well positioned to produce outcomes that cannot be obtained through the efforts of a team in a single jurisdiction working alone.
    • A description of the planned 1xbet online sports betting and how it fits into the identified programmatic focus area of "advancing climate change 1xbet online sports betting and resilience capacity to expand opportunities for disproportionately affected communities.”
    • An explanation of how the project will contribute significantly to the 1xbet online sports betting capabilities and infrastructure of the participating jurisdictions in the RFA’s focus area.
    • A discussion that defines the target population in each jurisdiction and addresses how the collaborative effort will positively impact each participating jurisdiction and its respective target population by leveraging the proposed climate change and climate change resilience 1xbet online sports betting , including methodologies and metrics for measuring success. In particular, address how the target population(s) will specifically relate to the proposed 1xbet online sports betting and its anticipated impacts.
    • Address how the 1xbet online sports betting will advance innovation, technology transfer, and potential commercialization.
    • A strategy for long-term sustainability of the proposed activities including how to generate subsequent, sustained non-EPSCoR funding from federal, jurisdictional or private sector sources.
  • A reference list (does not count against the five page limit)
  • A one page description of your work force development plans. Some things to consider — How are you going to:
      • Integrate researchers into collaborative teams?
      • Attract and mentor a diverse, early-career faculty and enable their success as educators and researchers? Describe their specific contributions to achieving the 1xbet online sports betting ’s goals in the programmatic focus area.
      • Engage diverse populations in the 1xbet online sports betting and education activities?
      • Train postdocs and students to develop skills that allow them to work easily across disciplinary and other perceived boundaries and to interface with stake holders — e.g., the public, industry, academia, government?
      • Demonstrate that the participating jurisdictions’ 1xbet online sports betting capacities will be positively impacted— including anticipated workforce development and educational outcomes?
  • A ½ page description of how you plan to integrate 1xbet online sports betting elements. Some questions to think about:
      • How will the different aspects — 1xbet online sports betting , education, innovation, workforce development, sustainability, project coordination and evaluation — be integrated in the project?
      • What are some innovative ways you can address these elements in tandem?
      • What are the benefits of integrating 1xbet online sports betting elements?
      • How do you plan to integrate shared facilities and 1xbet online sports betting partners?
  • A list of the 1xbet online sports betting collaborators (investigators), their affiliation, and their roles in the 1xbet online sports betting .
  • A one-page draft budget in NSF format with a no more than one page justification.
  • Bios for the PI and co-PIs in NSF format.

For pre-proposals that will address EPSCoR Track 2 resubmissions, you must also include the following:

  • A copy of your review comments from NSF
  • A half page (not part of the 1xbet online sports betting description page count) discussion of how you intend to address the review comments.

Please use Times New Roman 11 pt. for the text and nothing smaller than 9 pt in tables. The above components should be combined and submitted as a single PDF file. Submissions are due by 5 p.m. central time, via ordlimitedsubs@k-state.edu, on the date specified on the Upcoming 1xbet online casi. Submissions not meeting these requirements will be returned without review.