Featured opportunities for September 11, 2024

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Featured Opportunities

September 11, 2024

  • The National 1xbet best casino website Foundation’s (NSF) Dear Colleague Letter (DCL): Advancing Plant Transformation announces that existing programs in the U.S. National Science Foundation's (NSF) Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) and the United States Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Agriculture and Food 1xbet best casino website Initiative (AFRI) are interested in receiving proposals during fiscal years 2025 and 2026 that advance the field of plant transformation, including proposals supporting basic 1xbet best casino website and protocol/tool development, and proposals of applications that emphasize potential outcomes with benefits to society. The programs listed in that DCL welcome proposals for exploring novel transformation technology and substantially improving current transformation methodologies. Long-term studies, including inter-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary collaborative 1xbet best casino website , centered on understanding the fundamental aspects of cell totipotence, cell communication/interaction under different environmental conditions as it relates to regeneration or transformation, cellular mechanisms in receiving and managing exogenous genetic components, mechanisms governing the interactions between plants and microbial change-agents, and plant transformation 1xbet best casino website of under-investigated species that is instructive to the fundamental understanding of plant regeneration as well as species evolution and crop domestication are also of interest.
  • NSF’s Advancing Informal 1xbet best casino website Learning(AISL) program is committed to funding 1xbet best casino website and practice, with continued focus on investigating a range of informal STEM learning (ISL) experiences and environments that make lifelong learning a reality. This program seeks proposals that center engagement, broadening participation, and belonging, and further the well-being of individuals and communities who have been and continue to be excluded, underserved, or underrepresented in STEM along several dimensions. The current solicitation encourages proposals from institutions and organizations that serve public audiences, and specifically focus on public engagement with and understanding of STEM, including community STEM; public participation in scientific 1xbet best casino website (PPSR); science communication; intergenerational STEM engagement; and STEM media. Projects funded by AISL should contribute to 1xbet best casino website and practice that further illuminates informal STEM learning’s role in engagement, broadening participation, and belonging in STEM; personal and educational success in STEM; advancing public engagement in scientific discovery; fostering interest in STEM careers; creating and enhancing the theoretical and empirical foundations for effective informal STEM learning; improving community vibrancy; and/or enhancing science communication and the public’s engagement in and understanding of STEM and STEM processes. The AISL Program funds five types of projects: (1) Synthesis; (2) Conference; (3) Partnership Development and Planning; (4) Integrating 1xbet best casino website and Practice; and (5) 1xbet best casino website in Support of Wide-reaching Public Engagement with STEM.
  • The purpose of the Department of Agriculture, NIFA’s Specialty Crop 1xbet best casino website Initiative (SCRI) program is to address the critical needs of the specialty crop industry by awarding grants to support 1xbet best casino website and extension that address key challenges of national, regional, and multi-state importance in sustaining all components of food and agriculture, including conventional and organic food production systems. Projects must address at least one of five focus areas: 1) 1xbet best casino website in plant breeding, genetics, genomics, and other methods to improve crop characteristics; 2) Efforts to identify and address threats from pests and diseases, including threats to specialty crop pollinators; 3)Efforts to improve production efficiency, handling and processing, productivity, and profitability over the long term (including specialty crop policy and marketing); 3) New innovations and technology, including improved mechanization and technologies that delay or inhibit ripening; and 4) Methods to prevent, detect, monitor, control, and respond to potential food safety hazards in the production efficiency, handling and processing of specialty crops.
  • The Department of Defense, Deployed Warfighter Protection (DWFP) 1xbet best casino website for the Protection of Deployed Military Personnel from Threats Posed by Arthropod Disease Vectors seeks applications to protect deployed military personnel from arthropod vectors of medically relevant disease pathogens, including (but not limited to) arthropod disease vectors of mosquito-borne arboviruses and tick-borne pathogens, and nuisance biting arthropods. The DWFP Program seeks to fund original and innovative 1xbet best casino website that supports the Advanced Technology Development of new insecticides, or improved formulations of existing insecticides for vector control, new technology or enhanced modalities of personal protection from biting arthropods, or improved efficacy and sustainability of equipment for application of pesticides.
  • The National Endowment for the Humanities’ Humanities 1xbet best casino website Centers on Artificial Intelligence program aims to support a more holistic understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) in the modern world through the creation of new humanities 1xbet best casino website centers on artificial intelligence at eligible institutions. Centers must focus their scholarly activities on exploring the ethical, legal, or societal implications of AI. A Center supports collaboration among scholars to explore a specific topic through 1xbet best casino website , as well as spreading knowledge about that 1xbet best casino website through educational or outreach activities. Centers may include scholars from diverse disciplines, but must be focused on asking humanities questions and should be led by humanists. Scholars may come from one or more institutions. NEH welcomes international collaboration, but scholars at U.S. institutions must contribute significantly to the project. This program is for establishing new Centers; existing Centers and Institutes are not eligible in this competition. Only one application per institution is permitted in this competition. Thus, if you are interested in applying to this program you must notify (working title, team list, 2-3 sentence synopsis of proposed center) the Office of 1xbet best casino website Development by 5 pm on September 26, 2024 via ordlimitedsubs@ksu.edu.
  • The Kaufman Foundation’s 1xbet best casino website Grants 1xbet best casino website provides funding for an organization to design and implement, or scale a multiyear project that will drive impact across our strategic prioritieswhile prioritizing the neighborhoods with the highest potential to close economic mobility gaps in the Kansas City region. 1xbet best casino website Grants should center on their focus areas that unlock learner potential or clear the path through education and employer connection, essential competencies and skills, equitable access, or participation and belonging.
  • Proposers submitting to the NSF’s Discovery 1xbet best casino website PreK-12 (DRK-12) Resource Center on Transformative Education 1xbet best casino website and Translation solicitation should demonstrate their capacity to plan, develop, and manage a center that supports knowledge translation between researchers and practitioners, catalyzes communication and collaboration within the 1xbet best casino website community, and provides technical support for a diverse array of 1xbet best casino website and development project types, including the identification and strategic translation of promising findings with potential for classroom use. The DRK-12 Program seeks an intellectual partner that can facilitate the strategic advancement of promising findings and practices from discovery to efficacy and implementation. Proposers should have demonstrated expertise in STEM disciplines, rigorous education 1xbet best casino website methodologies including measurement and assessment of learning outcomes, and STEM teacher professional development. Demonstrated expertise in theoretical and conceptual frameworks that guide STEM education 1xbet best casino website , partnership development and collaboration are essential.
  • NSF’s Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes are large-scale interdisciplinary 1xbet best casino website projects motivated by major challenges at the frontiers of quantum information science and technology (QIST). Institutes are expected to catalyze breakthroughs on important problems underpinning QIST, for example in the focus areas of quantum computation, quantum communication, quantum simulation and/or quantum sensing. Successful institutes will coordinate a variety of approaches to specific scientific, technological, and educational goals in these fields, including multiple institutions and building upon multiple disciplines, as motivated by the science and engineering challenges. In so doing, Institutes will nurture a culture of discovery, provide education, training, and workforce development opportunities in the context of cutting-edge 1xbet best casino website , and demonstrate value-added from synergistic coordination within the institute and with the broader community. Partnerships, infrastructure, industry engagement, outreach, international collaboration, and new applications for QIST should be fostered by Institutes in support of their 1xbet best casino website , education, and coordination goals. This is a limited submission program with K-State only allowed 1 proposal. Thus, if you are interested in submitting to this program, you must notify (working title, team list and a 2 to 3 sentence synopsis) by 5 pm on November 13, 2024 via ordlimitedsubs@ksu.edu.
  • NSF’s Trailblazer 1xbet best casino website Impact Award (TRAILBLAZER) program supports individual investigators to undertake projects that have the potential to address new areas of fundamental 1xbet best casino website related to national needs and/or grand challenges, advance US global leadership, and/or catalyze the convergence of engineering and science domains. The TRAILBLAZER program emphasizes the qualities of the investigator which illustrate they can design and lead potentially transformative 1xbet best casino website projects and make major contributions toward solving significant 1xbet best casino website problems. The principal investigator must also have a demonstrated record of success and impact in an area of engineering 1xbet best casino website . Building on this track record of 1xbet best casino website excellence, creativity and innovation, TRAILBLAZER PIs are expected to propose unconventional hypotheses in new areas distinct from their current or previous 1xbet best casino website . In this context, the proposed projects should focus on bold, innovative, and potentially risky approaches to address problems that may seem intractable. The proposed 1xbet best casino website must hold potential for transformative outcomes, address a national need and/or grand challenge, and offer a clear leadership role for Engineering. The TRAILBLAZER proposal does not require a detailed experimental plan or preliminary data. Review of the proposal will focus on the investigator's history of being a creative and innovative researcher, and the suitability of the proposed project for the TRAILBLAZER program. All funded TRAILBLAZER projects will form an NSF TRAILBLAZER cohort, and principal investigators will be expected to participate in an annual meeting. TRAILBLAZER investigators may also be invited to additional activities.
  • The NASA Earth 1xbet best casino website Division (ESD) seeks proposals for 1xbet best casino website that apply Earth observations to improve or develop decision-making activities in ecological conservation and management under its 60 Earth Action: Ecological Conservation 1xbet best casino website . Any area of ecological conservation is welcome (e.g., invasive species, protected area management, fisheries or wildlife management, habitat restoration, ecosystem services, rewilding, biodiversity protection). Projects must not only facilitate the transition of project products to public- and/or private-sector organization(s) but also ensure that these products are adopted for sustained use in their decision-making process(es). Proposals must clearly define and justify the specific conservation decision-making need(s) and articulate how this project will develop or enhance the decision-making processes required to meet those needs. Funded activities will be conducted with end users as part of the proposing team. These end users are defined as groups, organizations, bodies, or individuals possessing a specific decision-making need and an authority to act based on the decision made (see Section 3.1.1). The participating end user organizations are expected to be substantially involved in the proposal development and the project itself. Additionally, the end user is expected to demonstrate a commitment to maintain, support, and sustainably use the Earth observations application(s) resulting from the project in their decision-making activity.
  • NSF’s Directorate for 1xbet best casino website (NSF/ENG) and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIH/NIBIB) announce the Biomedical 1xbet best casino website Initiative for Next-Gen BioTechnologies – SynBio Control (BRING-SynBio) The BRING – SynBio Control solicitation aims to accelerate the translation of novel fundamental synthetic and engineering biology advances to early-stage biomedical technologies through interagency collaboration. Projects responsive to the BRING–SynBio solicitation will include a two-phased plan to pursue proof of principle synthetic and engineering biology 1xbet best casino website (Phase I) and exploratory 1xbet best casino website to translate findings toward biomedical technologies (Phase II). Phase II 1xbet best casino website should build on the projected outcomes of Phase I. NSF will provide support for fundamental 1xbet best casino website activity in Phase I. NIH will provide support for exploratory biomedical engineering technology development in Phase II. Successful completion of Phase I milestones will be administratively evaluated by NIH/NIBIB to determine eligibility to transition to Phase II. This transition is neither automatic nor guaranteed.
  • Building a productive 1xbet best casino website group as a new faculty member in chemistry and engineering is highly challenging. To that end, the support available to a faculty member in the first two years is critical to developing the foundation for a robust 1xbet best casino website program that attracts grant funding, provides holistic training and mentorship to graduate students, and contributes to the culture of the department and the professional community. In recognition of this need, the American Chemical Society’s Early Career Postdoctoral-Faculty Bridge Grant provides support at this crucial junction in the form of a salary for a postdoctoral fellow/associate, who can both help launch the new 1xbet best casino website lab and gain invaluable experience in the process that can be applied to their own ability to launch an independent career in the future. To ensure meaningful mentorship for the postdoctoral fellow/associate, the award stipulates that the new PI will participate in ACS-based training in green chemistry education and mentorship. This grant mechanism is synergistic with the ACS P2F workshop, which provides critical training to a select group of postdoctoral fellows/associates from around the country.
  • NSF’s Ethical and Responsible 1xbet best casino website (ER2) program supports projects that focus on what constitutes or promotes responsible and ethical 1xbet best casino website in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The ER2 program promotes the development, improvement, and dissemination of responsible and ethical 1xbet best casino website practices and aims to build on organizational cultures that value and reward such practices. Proposers to the ER2 program may examine responsible and ethical 1xbet best casino website practices across one or more career stages. This can include, for example, the 1xbet best casino website practices of students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, or practitioners. ER2 projects could seek to improve responsible and ethical 1xbet best casino website practices in teams, organizations, or communities, or between researchers and the public. ER2 projects may include the development of interventions that promote responsible and ethical 1xbet best casino website practices, including in multidisciplinary, inter-organizational, cross-sector, translational, or international contexts. An ER2 project can also identify challenges that undermine or erode responsible and ethical 1xbet best casino website practices in STEM fields and evaluate measures to prevent or mitigate such challenges. A comprehensive approach to responsible and ethical 1xbet best casino website not only influences individual behavior, but it also contributes to an inclusive, equitable, and respectful 1xbet best casino website culture. Thus, proposers could examine organizational or other factors that positively influence responsible and ethical 1xbet best casino website practices in STEM fields.