1xbet best casino website ex: 1xbet best casino website in the Disciplines

2024 1xbet best casino website

A total of 21 commendable 1xbet best casino website were submitted, requesting .8 million in support. After careful review by faculty peers both within and external to K-State, five 1xbet best casino website were selected to receive funds totaling more than 0,000.

The 2024 GRIPex awardees are:

  • Daniel Rolles, physics: "1xbet best casino website -based Molecular Image Analysis for Ultrafast Laser Experiments," 9,249.
  • Cydney Alexis, English: "Collaborating with 1xbet best casino website : A Project to Develop Writing Studies-Informed Applications of Generative 1xbet best casino website for Teaching in Higher Education," 0,356.
  • Tianjun Sun, psychological sciences: "Training Artificial 1xbet best casino website Conversational Agents to Detect Early Cognitive Decline," 4,438.
  • Ajay Sharda, biological and agricultural engineering: "Mapping Seed-to-Plant Life Cycle to Predict Yields — Integrated Artificial 1xbet best casino website and Data Analytics Approach," 8,173.
  • Brian Spiesman, entomology: "1xbet best casino website for Pollinators: Developing a Global Hub for Collaboration, Data Sharing, and Pollinator Research," 7,475.

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1xbet best casino website ex is a 1xbet best casino website 1xbet best casino website for exploratory research that currently seeks to build interest and capacity in the game-changing domain of Artificial Intelligence (1xbet best casino website ). This is a follow-up program to the larger Game-Changing Research Initiation Program (GRIP) initiative launched in 2022, which made ten awards in summer 2023.

Given that 1xbet best casino website is expected to be game-changing for nearly every research domain and aspect of our lives, the focus of this game-changing research initiation program is on exploratory research in 1xbet best casino website in the Disciplines with goals as follows:

  • To build interest, capacity, and excitement for research related to the application of 1xbet best casino website across multiple domains and disciplines;
  • To create synergy groups of faculty members having shared interest in 1xbet best casino website ; and
  • To lay groundwork for competitive proposal development, faculty hiring, and additional investments in 1xbet best casino website -related activities at K-State.

A 1xbet best casino website of 1xbet best casino website in grant funding is available for this 1xbet best casino website ex: 1xbet best casino website in the Disciplines program.

Proposal call:

Proposals are invited for research focused on the application of 1xbet best casino website in the disciplines, inclusive of all disciplines at the university. These can be disciplinary, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, or hyper-disciplinary (precursor to defining an entirely new discipline). Proposals are invited from individual faculty members or teams of faculty members. As this is a research-focused initiative, proposals must be led by a tenured/tenure-track faculty member at K-State. Topics could involve, but are not limited to:

  • Developing novel end-use applications for 1xbet best casino website in transportation, health, education, cybersecurity, agriculture, manufacturing, 1xbet best casino website services, or other industry.
  • Evaluating or applying generative 1xbet best casino website technology.
  • Implementing 1xbet best casino website to perform tasks or process control in highly stochastic domains.
  • Developing or exploring social science, logics, and ethics perspectives on 1xbet best casino website .

Project funding level:

,000-0,000 per project (M 1xbet best casino website funding available)


RFP announced: September 18, 2023

1xbet best casino website due: November 1, 2023

1xbet best casino website : January 2024

Project duration: 12-24 months

Format and requirements:

1xbet best casino website are due by 5 p.m., November 1, 2023. Submit as a single PDF file to ord@1xbet best casino website edu. Use 1” margins and an 11-point font. The proposal (narrative and budget only) is 1xbet best casino website to 10 pages.

  1. Cover Page (1 page, NOT included in 10-page limit). Include title, names of principal investigator (PI) and up to 4 co-PIs with departmental affiliations, abstract, 1xbet best casino website requested funding and project duration.
  2. Narrative (8 pages). Include project description/narrative, timeline, and 1xbet best casino website outcomes, and potential future funding sources.
  3. Budget and budget justification (2 pages) — use the 1xbet best casino website ex budget template(xlsx). For budget inquiries, please contact Ashley Annan at aannan@1xbet best casino website edu.
  4. Biosketches for all project 1xbet best casino website (3 pages per person; NOT included in 10-page limit), NSF format preferred.
  5. References and citations (no page limit; NOT included in 10-page limit), any standard format is acceptable.

Limit on number of 1xbet best casino website :

Each faculty member may be a part of up to two 1xbet best casino website as lead PI or co-PI. Each may be lead PI on only one of these 1xbet best casino website . Faculty may serve as non-lead, including as senior personnel, on as many 1xbet best casino website as desired.


Contact Gina Becker, Office of 1xbet best casino website Development, gbecker@1xbet best casino website edu or ord@1xbet best casino website edu