Establish or modify an agreement or 1xbet sports betting

These resources can help with 1xbet sports betting a new account while you await for the execution of your agreement or help to initiate modification on an existing award by working with your designated point of contact in the Office of Sponsored Programs. Please note that all of these processes and forms are handled in Research a. Copies of the forms are provided for reference only.

Overdraft request

This form is used to establish spending accounts within FIS prior to the receipt and K-State acceptance of definitive 1xbet sports betting notices.

Expanded authority authorization (PDF)

This form establishes pre-spending authorizations prior to official start dates listed in 1xbet sports betting notices. This applies ONLY to federally funded programs, and certain restrictions apply. Expanded authority is also used to request no-cost time extensions, budget revisions, and to solicit approval of carryover funds for federally funded programs.

Establish an account with funds transferred from the KSU Foundation (PDF)

The KSUF-9 Sponsored Project Certification should be used for 1xbet sports betting a grant account with funds transferred from the KSU Foundation. Please coordinate routing and process with your PreAward Services grant specialist.