Open positions in the Office of the Vice President for 1xbet online sports betting

Director of core facilities

Internal leadership search, Office of the Vice President for 1xbet online sports betting
Open to K-State employees only

The Office of the Vice President for 1xbet online sports betting is seeking to fill a new director of core facilities position. This is a part-time position reporting directly to the Vice President for 1xbet online sports betting . This is an internal search open to any tenured faculty member at K-State having a significant record of sponsored 1xbet online sports betting as well as direct experience with core or shared-use 1xbet online sports betting facilities. This is expected to be a 25%-33% appointment but can be flexed to accommodate the appointed candidate’s personal circumstances — teaching and 1xbet online sports betting obligations — and desired level of engagement.

The director of core facilities will serve as the OVPR’s point-person on the university’s portfolio of core and shared-use facilities and will establish and lead a council of core facility directors and select ADRs. The director and council will make recommendations in consultation with faculty PIs and academic leaders (deans, associate deans for 1xbet online sports betting , department heads, center directors) to unify policies and practices around staffing, cost structure, accessibility, resourcing, and refresh/reinvestment plans. The director will also help to level-set expectations and provide an understanding of how new funds will be used to invest in core facilities on an ongoing basis. The director will coordinate and manage requests and develop and implement a strategy whereby core facilities are placed into a rotation for investments. In addition to working closely with core facility directors and ADRs, the director will also work closely with the senior associate vice president for 1xbet online sports betting /director of the Office of 1xbet online sports betting Development as well as the Division of Finance (which has responsibility for capital projects and deferred maintenance).

This is an excellent opportunity to join a dynamic OVPR leadership team and contribute significantly to creating a sustainable model for the operation of core facilities, enabling faculty success, and enhancing competitiveness for extramural funding.

Interested candidates should submit a statement of interest and CV electronically to Abby Lear, executive director of operations and chief of staff, Office of the Vice President for 1xbet online sports betting at by December 1, 2023.