Policy for the Protection of Minor Children Participating in 1xbet online games login Programs


Kansas State 1xbet online games login is committed to providing a safe environment for the campus community. The 1xbet online games login values the opportunity to provide educational, recreational, and other programming for minor children. This Policy establishes a framework and certain requirements for 1xbet online games login employees and third-parties participating in 1xbet online games login programs who may interact with individuals under 18 years of age, with the goal of providing a safe environment for all.

This policy applies to 1xbet online games login programs that provide educational, recreational and other opportunities for minor children.


  1. Students who are enrolled at the 1xbet online games login who are Minor Children where FERPA applies. There may be times when the student's status as a minor supersedes their enrollment status (i.e., state mandated reporting of child abuse or neglect);
  2. Students participating in programs through which they are dually enrolled in 1xbet online games login classes for credit while also enrolled in middle or high school;
  3. events open to the general public and not specifically targeted to Minor Children Program Participants (e.g., athletic games, concerts, plays, etc.);
  4. 1xbet online games login research involving Minor Children as human subjects, which is governed by PPM 7010 and subject to standards implemented by the Kansas State 1xbet online games login Research Compliance Office;
  5. 1xbet online games login employees and volunteers of a 1xbet online games login child care facility and activities occurring as part of the programs in those facilities (these programs, facilities, and staff are required to adhere to state and national accreditation standards); and
  6. 1xbet online games login employees and volunteers who are licensed health care providers or otherwise acting at the direction of a licensed healthcare provider in the context of providing health services, who also adhere to their professional standards.


  • Adults working with youth in 1xbet online games login programs should avoid one-on-one interactions whenever possible.
  • Registration of all program participants with parental consent.
  • Background checks completed for all program staff and volunteers.
  • Program staff shall successfully complete annual training on topics set out by the AVP for Risk and Compliance
  • Report all incidents involving accidents, injuries, abuse, or other incidents that poses a threat to safety or well-being. Report Incidents here: 1xbet onl
  • Ensure program participants do not have access to sensitive facilities at the 1xbet online games login .
  • Follow supervision and ratios. Publish supervision and ratios in program policies and handbooks.

Required Staff Supervision Ratios

Participant Age

Number of Staff

Day-Only Participants

Overnight Participants

</= 5 years




6-8 years




9-14 years




15-17 years




Best Practices:

  1. Establish Arrivals/ Departure, Pick-up and Drop-off procedures
  2. Create an emergency response and communication plan
  3. Establish behavioral standards

Reporting Obligations:

  1. Emergencies should immediately be reported to the Kansas State 1xbet online games login Police Department
  2. Reports of Know or Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Minor Children
    1. All employees are required to report to the campus police and/ or other appropriate law enforcement agencies.
    2. Supervisors and administrators must make reports of possible violations of PPM 3010 to the Office of Institutional Equity as soon as practicable upon notification.
  3. Any person who witnesses or learns about another concerning incident involving Minor Child(ren) on campus or through 1xbet online games login -sponsored Programs or Third-party Programs should report through the Minor Children on Campus (Youth Protection) Reporting form found on the K-State Report It webpage as soon as possible. 1xbet onl
  4. Generally, state-required mandatory reporting applies to defined persons who have reason to suspect the abuse or neglect of a child. Even those who are not mandated reporters may report known or reasonably suspected child abuse to the Kansas Report Protection Center at 800-922-5330.