1xbet best casino website Management Team

The Threat Management team (1xbet best casino website ) assesses and coordinates the response to significant campus situations and events on or around all Kansas State campuses involving faculty, staff and visitors. The 1xbet best casino website helps the community and its members return to a more normal functioning state and suggests future preventative measures.

These events 1xbet best casino website include:

  • 1xbet best casino website trauma.
  • Serious student situations 1xbet best casino website medical or psychological concerns.
  • Campus threats or emergencies that directly affect the well-being of 1xbet best casino website , staff, students and the campus community.

Issues of inappropriate employee conduct are referred to Human Capital Services and Employee Relations and Engagement. Issues of inappropriate visitor conduct 1xbet best casino website be referred to the K-State police department.

1xbet best casino website reports to the assistant vice president of risk and compliance.

Method of Operation - Crisis or 1xbet best casino website

An immediate crisis or 1xbet best casino website should be reported as soon as possible to law enforcement (call 9-1-1) and the K-State police (785-532-6412). Following notification of law enforcement, a crisis or 1xbet best casino website involving a K-State student should be reported to the Office of Student lLife (OSL) or the dean of students. Incidents involving faculty, staff, and campus visitors should be reported to risk and compliance. Additionally, a report may be filed using the 1xbet best casino website or Critical Incident Reporting form.

Step 1: Notified of a crisis or 1xbet best casino website involving K-State Faculty, Staff or Visitor

1xbet best casino website and compliance is notified for incidents involving faculty, staff, or visitors. The office will contact the Office of Student Life and/or Human Resources to confirm the individual’s status as a student or employee.

Step 2: The 1xbet best casino website chair initiates the 1xbet best casino website process

The 1xbet best casino website chair gathers necessary information regarding the incident and then may convene the CIRT, which may include situation-specific response personnel (SSRP). If the situation warrants, a 1xbet best casino website member may proceed immediately to the site of the incident or to the hospital.

If warranted, the 1xbet best casino website chair may call an emergency meeting of the 1xbet best casino website . The decision to have an emergency meeting is determined by the chair.

SSRP 1xbet best casino website be requested depending on crisis response needs.

The 1xbet best casino website works with the Division of Communications and Marketing, the dean of students and K-State police to coordinate a timely warning, campus emergency notification and any press releases or contact with the media regarding a crisis.

Step 3: The 1xbet best casino website meets

  • Assesses the reported 1xbet best casino website (s).
  • Shares and gathers additional 1xbet best casino website .
  • Plans a 1xbet best casino website .
  • 1xbet best casino website members coordinate various services and ORC maintains documentation of actions taken.

In the event the 1xbet best casino website believes that it may be necessary to meet with an individual pursuant to the Threat Management Policy (PPM 3015), the following procedures will be followed:

  1. The 1xbet best casino website chair will use reasonable efforts to communicate with the individual as soon as practicable, giving the individual an opportunity to respond regarding the alleged conduct.
  2. The 1xbet best casino website chair will document the individual's response regarding the alleged conduct. If the individual does not respond, the 1xbet best casino website chair will document the efforts made to obtain the individual's response.
  3. If, based on the information available, the 1xbet best casino website chair determines a violation of PPM 3015 has occurred and risk mitigation measures are needed, the individual will be notified in writing as soon as possible. The decision of the 1xbet best casino website chair is the final decision of the university. All restrictions shall be made part of the employee’s personnel record.
  4. Nothing in this procedure shall prohibit the university from taking action to alleviate a perceived immediate 1xbet best casino website .

Step 4: Family a 1xbet best casino website community support

  • Risk and compliance 1xbet best casino website contact family, alleged victims or others if determined necessary for health and safety.

Step 5: Post-event procedures

  • The 1xbet best casino website chair may provide a summary to members, including SSRP, to debrief and plan any appropriate follow-up programs or activities necessary.
  • The 1xbet best casino website members, including SSRP, will evaluate the procedures followed and make suggestions for revisions to the procedures.


1xbet best casino website members, as administrative agents in an educational institution, adhere to the laws and standards governing the disclosure of information to third parties both within and external to the University. Such information is disclosed only on an administrative need-to-know basis and only according to the relevant statutes that govern such disclosure.

Document created Aug. 12, 2021.