what 1xbet online games login can be recycled?

aluminum cans Newspapers and magazines
Tin cans Mixed papers

The bulk of recyclable materials generated at 1xbet online games login is mixed paper, cardboard, newspapers, and magazines. 1xbet online games login recycles many other materials. Here is a list of what you can recycle at 1xbet online games login :

Did you know that 1xbet online games login recycles more cardboard than any other material? Photo taken at the new 1xbet online games login Recycling Center.
  • Aluminum cans
  • Mixed 1xbet online games login - white/colored/glossy 1xbet online games login , computer 1xbet online games login , shredded 1xbet online games login , index cards, envelopes (except padded)
  • Cardboard - plus card stock, paperboard, poster board, file folders, corrugated cardboard, 1xbet online games login sacks
  • Glass bottles and jars (must be separated from other materials)
  • Magazines
  • Phone books/directories
  • Books, hard-cover and paperbacks
  • Newspaper
  • Plastic containers, #1 through #7
  • Ink Cartridges (from printers, fax machines), collection bins are located in various buildings
  • Wooden pallets
  • E-waste - computers, printers, screens, keyboards, and most portable media*
  • Batteries**

*Call Facilities at 532-6446 or email them at recycles@ksu.edu and schedule a pick-up, or bring your e-waste to the Recycling Center. For departmental e-hardware you will need to fill out a DA110 Disposition of Property Form.

** You can arrange for a pick-up with the Department of Environmental Health and Saftey (EH&S)- it takes 30 seconds tops at: http://www.1xbet online games login edu/safety/environmental/haz, or call EH&S at 532-5856. Small batteries may be mailed to EH&S at 108 Edwards Hall via campus mail.

1xbet online games login Does Not Recycle:

Adhesives, Binders, Carbon 1xbet online games login , 1xbet online games login Towels, Cling Wrap, Food Wrappers, Styrofoam Cups, Wax-coated Drinking Cups, Aerosol Cans, Scrap Metal, Copper, Florescent Bulbs, CDs and DVDs.

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