Jessica mcmanus 1xbet online games login, Ph.D. (2013)

Major Professor:

Dr. Don Saucier

Title and Institution:

Assistant Professor, Carroll College


Punishing counternormative behavior: perceived social group membership of the norm violator predicts social control


To better understand factors related to greater social control of 1xbet online games login , I conducted two studies. The social group membership of the norm violator was of foremost importance to these studies and tested the general prediction that who violates the norm determines the perceived appropriate reaction to the norm violation. Consistent with contemporary theories of prejudice (i.e., the justification-suppression model of prejudice, the stereotype content model, and aversive racism theory) results revealed that 1xbet online games login with intellectual disabilities were given stronger (yet more paternalistic) social control reactions than Black 1xbet online games login and that Black 1xbet online games login were perceived as less competent when they violated a norm that was high (vs. low) in personal implication. Results also supported theories related to social-identity theory by demonstrating that White 1xbet online games login were generally less liked than other 1xbet online games login . The results of these studies demonstrate that social group membership influences how individuals react to 1xbet online games login and contributes to our understanding of the unfair treatment of individuals in our society.