Sarah linsner 1xbet online games login, Ph.D. (2009)

Major Professor:

1xbet online games login . Clive Fullagar

Title and Institution:

Behavioral Analyst, PeopleAnswers, Dallas/Fort Worth


Transformational leadership and "1xbet online games login ": The mediating effects of psychological climate


While researchers have begun to study "1xbet online games login " (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975) as it applies to the workplace, little is known about the impact of leadership on followers' 1xbet online games login experiences. The current study examined the effect of transformational leadership on followers' experiences of 1xbet online games login . It was hypothesized that transformational leaders would have an indirect effect on 1xbet online games login through their positive influence on psychological climate. Bakker's (2008) WOLF scale was used to assess work-related 1xbet online games login . Results supported the hypothesis; psychological climate fully mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and 1xbet online games login . Transformational leaders had a strong indirect effect on all three components of work-related 1xbet online games login : intrinsic motivation, work enjoyment, and absorption. It was also hypothesized that each of the five climate dimensions would significantly mediate the leadership-1xbet online games login relationship. The dimensions were examined simultaneously in a multiple mediator model to identify the unique contribution of each dimension. Results indicated that three dimensions were significant mediators of the leadership-1xbet online games login relationship: contribution, recognition, and challenge. Because Kahn (1990) found these dimensions to be indicative of psychological meaningfulness, this study builds on other research linking transformational leadership to perceptions of meaning. While transformational leadership strongly predicted all five climate dimensions, two dimensions failed to contribute to the prediction of 1xbet online games login and to the overall mediating effect of climate: role clarity and supportive management. Longitudinal research is needed to validate the causal nature of the findings in this study. By conceptualizing "1xbet online games login " as a specific form of momentary cognitive engagement, the present study illustrates the applicability of "1xbet online games login " to the workplace. The findings of this study point to leadership behaviors and climate conditions that are conducive to 1xbet online games login . Managers seeking to improve employee engagement can apply these findings to the workplace.