Peter Elgin, ph 1xbet online casino.D. (2007)

Major Professor:

Dr. John Uhlarik


HFI (Human Factors International)


Validating the User-Centered Hybrid Assessment Tool (User-CHAT): A comparative 1xbet online casino evaluation


1xbet online casino practitioners need effective 1xbet online casino assessment techniques in order to facilitate development of usable consumer products. Many 1xbet online casino evaluation methods have been promoted as the ideal. Few, however, fulfill expectations concerning effectiveness. Additionally, lack of empirical data forces 1xbet online casino practitioners to rely on personal judgments and/or anecdotal statements when deciding upon which 1xbet online casino method best suits their needs. Therefore the present study had two principal objectives: (1) to validate a hybrid 1xbet online casino technique that identifies important and ignores inconsequential 1xbet online casino problems, and (2) to provide empirical performance data for several 1xbet online casino protocols on a variety of contemporary comparative metrics. The User-C entered H ybrid A ssessment T ool (User-CHAT) was developed to maximize efficient diagnosis of 1xbet online casino issues from a behaviorally-based perspective while minimizing time and resource limitations typically associated with 1xbet online casino assessment environments. Several characteristics of user-testing, the heuristic evaluation, and the cognitive walkthrough were combined to create the User-CHAT. Prior research has demonstrated that the User-CHAT supports an evaluation within 3-4 hrs, can be used by individuals with limited human factors/1xbet online casino background, and requires little training to be used competently, even for complex systems. A state-of-the-art suite of avionics displays and a series of benchmark tasks provided the context where the User-CHAT's performance was measured relative to its parent 1xbet online casino methods. Two techniques generated comparison lists of 1xbet online casino problems---user-testing data and various inclusion criteria for 1xbet online casino problems identified by the User-CHAT, heuristic evaluation, and cognitive walkthrough. Overall the results demonstrated that the User-CHAT attained higher effectiveness scores than the heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthrough, suggesting that it helped evaluators identify many 1xbet online casino problems that actually impact users, i.e., higher thoroughness, while attenuating time and effort on issues that were not important, i.e., higher validity. Furthermore, the User-CHAT had the greatest proportion of 1xbet online casino problems that were rated as serious, i.e., 1xbet online casino issues that hinder performance and compromise safety. The User-CHAT's performance suggests that it is an appropriate 1xbet online casino technique to implement into the product development lifecycle. Limitations and future research directions are discussed.