Bernardo de la 1xbet sports betting Garza, Ph.D. (2012)

Major Professor:

Dr. Richard Harris

Title and Institution:

Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Brownsville


Creating lexical models: Do foreign 1xbet sports betting learning techniques affect lexical organization in fluent bilinguals?


The use of different 1xbet sports betting learning methods for the purposes of acquiring foreign 1xbet sports betting vocabulary has long been explored but studies have often failed to take into account the potential effects on lexical processing. The current study examined the effectiveness of the Keyword, Context and Paired-Associate learning methods in acquiring foreign 1xbet sports betting vocabulary, but primarily focusing on the lexical and conceptual organization effects that each method may have on a foreign 1xbet sports betting learner. Three main theories/models (i.e., Word Association, Concept Mediated and Revised Asymmetrical Hierarchical) have been used to explain the organization of bilingual lexical, conceptual stores and connections between each store, but studies have not examined the addition of a third 1xbet sports betting (i.e., L3) and the potential connections created between new L3 and the two existing 1xbet sports betting stores. It was predicted that since low-proficiency bilinguals would create lexical models which heavily rely on translation equivalents, thus, the use of non-elaborative learning methods would assist in creating only lexical translation links, while more sophisticated elaborative methods would be successful in creating direct access to the conceptual meaning. The current study further explored the potential effects of 1xbet sports betting learning methods on comprehension ability, requiring the creation of situation models for comprehension. Finally, the present study explored the immediate and delayed effects of 1xbet sports betting learning methods on both vocabulary acquisition and comprehension ability. Results from the current study indicated that all learning methods were successful in creating and conceptual connections between the languages and the conceptual store, while Keyword learners had significantly better scores on certain trial types. Differences in terms in lexical and conceptual strength are suggested since differences in RTs and scores were found between some of the learning methods. Furthermore, in terms of comparisons across time, repeated testing learners attained better scores on all trial types in comparison to learners who were only tested at Time 2. Lastly, when assessing if lexical links could be created to a non-associated highly fluent second 1xbet sports betting known by the bilingual, results indicated that each 1xbet sports betting learning method successfully created such lexical connections, but these links were weaker in strength than those of the base 1xbet sports betting that was used during learning. Based on the current results, new models of lexical access are proposed which vary based on the use of 1xbet sports betting learning methods. The current findings also have strong implications and applications to the field of foreign 1xbet sports betting acquisition, primarily for bilingual 1xbet sports betting learners acquiring an L3.