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Bill and Amy also sent letters to prior student award winners and graduate students inviting them to the anniversary celebration and inviting them to contribute to the psych department. Gail indicated that it viewed its efforts as long term. Members of the Fundraising Committee for the coming year are: Amy, Bill, Jennifer, Gail, Ken, Paul, and Sandi. John Hill asked Damon to provide a brief summary of funding outcome for the prior year. Damon handed out a brief summary (see attached document). He noted the success of the Councils efforts. Jerry noted that 100% of the faculty members participated in the Universitys All University Fundraising Effort. Jerry informed the Council that he would be going on phased retirement starting next year. He noted that the department would be conducting an external search for a new head. There would also be a search for an assistant/associate level faculty member in the Industrial and Organizational area. Jerry expressed an interest in the Council establishing a membership committee. Amy asked for nominations for the Chair Elect for 2012. Jim Wright moved and John Hill seconded the nomination of Mitch Brigell and Joel DiGiralam. Mitch was elected by acclamation. Amy passed the gavel to John Hill. Jim noted that there seemed to be a lack of interest in the Councils activities on the part of faculty members (excluding the ones directly associated with the Council). He also noted how nice the new rooms looked. Jerry noted that there continues to be a slow decline in State funding. Over the years, State funding has decreased from 50% to less than 2% of the Universitys budget. The committee can help make decisions about future members of the Council. Ron noted his past efforts to organize alumni dinners during the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologys Annual Conference. He indicated that other areas in the department (e.g., social, neuroscience, etc.) might want to adopt a similar approach to stimulate alumni interest in the department. Sue Astley asked about the use of technology (e.g., Facebook) to stimulate interest. Jerry indicated that we do have Facebook on the departments home page. Bill asked if Jerry would send the link to Council members. John Hill asked for nominations for the membership committee. Joel, John, and Mitch all expressed an interest in serving on the membership committee. John noted he was going to send out an invitation to other board members to see if there was an interest in serving on the membership and fundraising committees. Ken said he was pleased to hear that we were hiring new faculty. He also noted that the current faculty members involved with the Advisory Council were all nearing retirement. Maybe there was a need to involve new faculty members in the Councils activities. Jim said that we need to let current faculty members know about the Council and the Banquet was a good time to do that. Jerry was asked to provide a brief summary of the Councils activities to the faculty. Mitch wondered, given the number of retirements and older faculty no longer involved with the department, if its legacy would be lost. Jerry said he has been working on preserving the departments history. He indicated the faculty chart he developed for the celebration. Barriers to faculty involvement with the Council were identified: time, perceived value and lack of knowledge of many alumni. Ron noted that maybe we should start inviting faculty members to the Council meetings on a rotating bases. Mitch said the Council needed to recognize Jerrys contributions to the Council and the department. The Council members did so publicly by a loud round of applause. There was a discussion of possible dates for the fall 2012 Council meeting. John Hill asked for a show of hands for a football weekend (4), a non-football weekend (3), and dont care (7). Sometime in late September seems like the right approach. The meeting was adjourned at 1:15.2<DM l    NO  cd34$&hkejhkeUhzh `hEwh \Rh `5CJ$aJ$ht4~5CJ$aJ$ht4~,2EFI 6 5'dh$a$dh$a$,1h/ =!"#$% 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontViV 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k(0No List 4@4 Header!4 4 Footer!.).  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