Christina Scott, ph 1xbet best casino website.D.

TITLE: Assistant Professor of Psychology

COMPANY: St. Mary’s 1xbet best casino website of California

Advisor: Dr. Leon Rappoport

Dissertation Title

Eating disorders in young 1xbet best casino website : a test of psychodrama intervention

Dissertation Abstract

This study was designed to investigate whether experience in a Psychodrama session devoted to eating behaviors could be helpful to college 1xbet best casino website at risk for an eating disorder. Recent research (Franko, 1998) suggests that over 40% of female college freshmen have significantly disturbed eating behaviors. Academic and social pressures apparently may become combined with a negative self image and a distorted body image, and thus put young 1xbet best casino website at risk for severe eating disturbances.

A sample of approximately 500 college 1xbet best casino website were given a questionnaire, the EDI-2 (Garner, 1990), shown by prior research to provide valid measures of potential eating problems. Ninety-one of these 1xbet best casino website were identified as "high risk" and 92 were considered to be "low risk" and were randomly assigned to one of three treatment conditions: Psychodrama, Eating Disorder Videos or Alcohol Videos. Two weeks later, the 1xbet best casino website were re-administered the EDI-2, and their post scores were compared with their initial scores to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatments. The hypothesis that high risk 1xbet best casino website in the Psychodrama condition would demonstrate the greatest reduction in their expressions of eating disordered behaviors and attitudes was supported.

1xbet best casino website in the Psychodrama condition rated their treatment program as being more effective than participants in the other conditions. Since the Psychodrama scenes related directly to the common experiences of college 1xbet best casino website , it is not surprising that they viewed this treatment program as more effective and applicable to their own lives. Clearly the opportunity to participate in an active learning program was viewed as being more effective than watching a video on eating disorders.

Participants were also administered a scenario questionnaire which allowed them to indicate how they would handle situations which involved eating in public or dealing with stressful situations such as exams or social events. Although the hypothesis that high risk 1xbet best casino website in the Psychodrama condition would select fewer "damaging" choices on their post test as compared to the other treatment conditions was not supported, all high risk 1xbet best casino website did show a significant positive change in their post scores from their pre scores. It was concluded that Psychodrama provides an effective method of intervention for college 1xbet best casino website at risk for eating disorders, but a more extensive program may be needed in order to produce long term changes in their dysfunctional beliefs.


Ph.D., Psychology, Kansas State University, 2000