angela 1xbet online games login Karrasch, Ph.D.

Advisor: Dr. Catherine Cozzarelli

Dissertation Title

The effects of tokenism on task-specific 1xbet online games login and global self-esteem

Dissertation Abstract

This study extended the research on Kanter's tokenism theory by addressing the influence of group proportion on task-specific 1xbet online games login and global self-esteem. One hundred eighty female and 1554 male Army captains working in small real groups of 12-14 rank ordered each other, and themselves, on leadership ability. The survey, taken at two intervals (6 weeks apart), also assessed their global self-esteem, perceptions of tokenism, commitment to the army and self-criticism. Results indicated that female Army captains in disproportionate groups reported lower 1xbet online games login than males at both T1 and T2. The number of women per staff group was not related to females' 1xbet online games login , peer evaluations, or global self-esteem at either T1 or T2. Additionally, there were no significant differences in peer evaluations or global self-esteem between males and females and no differences between solo and non-solo females on these variables. Females reported more tokenism at T1 and less commitment at T2 than males. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction between tokenism and commitment in predicting global self-esteem for all participants. Finally, the 1xbet online games login of solo females and females in the three women per staff group condition appeared to be more influenced by peer evaluations than the 1xbet online games login of females in the two women per staff group condition and males.


Ph.D., Psychology, Kansas State University, 1999