steven 1xbet online sports betting J. Hoekstra, Ph.D.

TITLE: Associate Professor of Psychology

COMPANY: Kansas Wesleyan University


Dr. Catherine Cozzarelli

Dissertation Title

The assimilation of soap opera portrayals into viewers’ relational knowledge structures

Dissertation Abstract

Two studies were conducted to test the degree to which exposure to soap opera television influences individuals' relational schemas. Participants in the first study completed a series of questionnaires that measured their beliefs about romanticism, 1xbet online sports betting fragility, the utility of conversation in relationships, and sexual attitudes. The first three of these constructs were measured in the context of a specific 1xbet online sports betting (i.e. with reference to individuals' current romantic partner), and all four were assessed with reference to beliefs about relationships in general. Individuals in relationships also completed a measure of 1xbet online sports betting satisfaction. All participants reported their habits for television viewing in general and soap opera viewing in particular. Results showed that general and 1xbet online sports betting -specific beliefs predicted 1xbet online sports betting satisfaction, but that soap opera viewing time did not appear to be a central influence in either general or specific 1xbet online sports betting beliefs.

Participants in the second study completed a series of short 1xbet online sports betting scenarios, as well as memory tests for that material and subjective judgments of task difficulty. As a priming manipulation, half of the participants completed television viewing measures prior to the scenario completion and the other half completed the television viewing measures after the scenarios. The scenarios were content analyzed and the memory tests scores were tallied. Across priming conditions, individuals who watch soaps were compared with individuals who do not. Neither priming nor individual differences in soap viewing appeared to affect the content of the generated stories, memory for the original story stems, or the perceived difficulty of the various experimental tasks.

Suggestions are presented both for revisions of the methodology utilized in the present study and potential directions for future research. The implications of the present studies for the media effects and romantic 1xbet online sports betting literatures are discussed.


Ph.D., Psychology, Kansas State University, 1999


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