John Steele, ph 1xbet sports betting.D.


Dr. Clive Fullagar

Dissertation Title

1xbet sports betting efficacy: Antecedents and consequences.

Dissertation Abstract

Interpersonal 1xbet sports betting has remained a pervasive and important issue in all organizations. Despite the prevalence of workplace 1xbet sports betting and high individual and organizational costs, hypotheses regarding the effects of operationalizing work 1xbet sports betting in different ways have been largely ignored and only indirectly investigated. Study 1 experimentally examined the extent to which the process of 1xbet sports betting resolution was affected by context (i.e., definitional differences). Results from 507 college student participants indicated that felt 1xbet sports betting was manipulated by subtly changing the definition of work 1xbet sports betting used in survey instructions. While the manipulation was somewhat effective, the effect size was weak. Ultimately, students' perceptions about what the 1xbet sports betting was about directly predicted 1xbet sports betting intensity, frequency, efficacy, and some resolution preferences. Results from Study 1 help refute recent criticisms that operationalizing work 1xbet sports betting in different ways has created a fragmented literature base, and allowed for Study 2 to move away from measurement and design issues to the more pragmatic concern of investigating the newly established and important concept of 1xbet sports betting efficacy, including its antecedents and consequences. Although self-efficacy is one of the most popular constructs in psychology, little research has examined 1xbet sports betting efficacy, or one's assessment of their ability to resolve interpersonal conflicts. Study 2, a cross-sectional study, tested a model in which 1xbet sports betting efficacy (CE) was the central research variable. Study 2 attempted to establish 1xbet sports betting resolution skills, mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, physiological arousal, and verbal persuasion as antecedents of CE, and negative interactions at work and positive social relationships at work as key outcomes of CE. Results from 137 college students indicated that the hypothesized sources of 1xbet sports betting efficacy were actually better predictors of positive work relationships than either task or domain CE. Negative interactions at work and positive social relationships were predicted by task CE. In addition, frequency of negative work interactions was found to moderate the effect of 1xbet sports betting avoidance preference on work relationships such that avoiding was negatively related to positive work relationships when the individual experienced frequent negative interactions at work, but non-significantly related when relatively less negative interactions at work were experienced.


Ph.D., Psychology, Kansas State University, 2008