Cognitive/ human 1xbet online games login Factors

The Cognitive/Human Factors Graduate Program at Kansas State University is designed to prepare students for careers as psychologists in academia, government, and industry. The program provides students with a broad background in the 1xbet online games login methodology used in cognitive and many other areas of psychology. Students are expected to acquire a general knowledge of the 1xbet online games login problems and practices of current cognitive psychologists in their chosen area. Current active 1xbet online games login areas include judgment and decision making, visual perception and visual cognition, evolutionary psychology, memory, cognitive aging, and event perception. Students interested in applied psychology careers are encouraged to undertake an internship in an applied setting.

Kansas State University has had more than 50 years of experience in preparing students for positions as applied cognitive psychologists. Graduates are now working as academic faculty in both 1xbet online games login and teaching focused institutions, government researchers, marketing 1xbet online games login consultants, medical researchers, grant proposal specialists, and human factors analysts. As this partial listing indicates, there have been a wide variety of openings available to graduates of our program in applied cognitive psychology. (A list of recent PhD graduates’ current positions can be seen Cogni.)

We invite applications and inquiries about our program. Please contact Dr. Heather Bailey ( at the Department of Psychological Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506-5302.

Graduate students from the cognitive/human factors program are eligible to receive the Harry Helson Award. Students are selected on the basis of both scholarship and 1xbet online games login excellence that best typifies the excellence achieved by Harry Helson, a prominent experimental psychologist who was on the faculty at Kansas State University.

Before applying, please check the 1xbet online games login interests of our faculty on the website to ensure that someone at KSU is doing 1xbet online games login of interest to you. We encourage you to directly contact professors whom you believe share similar 1xbet online games login interests with you.



Deadline: 12/1 for full financial support consideration. Fees can be found here.

Admission Criteria

  • GPA: 3.0 minimum, successful applicants typically have over 3.5 GPAs.
  • GRE (general test only): no minimum, but successful applicants typically have over 150 in both the Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning sections.
  • (for foreign students): TOEFL score of at least 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based), or 79 (IBT – internet based) are minimum requirements for consideration. Competitive applicants generally have scores above 600/250/100.
  • Undergraduate major in 1xbet online games login is not essential. It is recommended that applicants have a minimum of 15 hours in 1xbet online games login (including experimental methods), plus 3 hours of statistics.
  • The Cognitive/Human Factors faculty also consider applicants’ actual 1xbet online games login experience, work experience (if relevant), letters of recommendation, coursework history, and the degree of fit between the applicants’ interests and the 1xbet online games login areas of our current faculty.


During typical years the program will receive about 20-30 graduate applications, of which 2-4 will be accepted.

Financial Assistance

About 75-80% of admitted students receive support from the department, typically in the form of part-time assistantships. Graduate teaching assistants within the department usually receive a salary (contact us for the amount) and also receive full tuition waivers. 1xbet online games login assistant positions are available on-campus and typically pay significantly more, but they do not always include tuition waivers. Graduate 1xbet online games login assistants typically receive out-of-state tuition waivers.

Degree Requirements


  • A minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate credit
    • A minimum of 22 credit hours of coursework
      • This coursework must include PSYCH 802, PSYCH 805 and PSYCH 968
    • A minimum of 6 Master’s thesis 1xbet online games login credit (PSYCH 899)
  • Thesis
    • Oral examination of thesis ideally will be completed by the end of the third year
  • Non-thesis option: no
  • See Graduate catalog for more information


  • 60 units (beyond MS)
    • Typically 30 credit hours of coursework
      • Any coursework requirements set by the 1xbet online games login Department that were not completed as part of the Master’s Program of Study must be completed in the Doctoral Program of Study
      • This coursework requirement may be fulfilled by core courses, seminars, Teaching Apprenticeship courses or other advanced courses in or outside of the department
        • 15 credit hours should be at the 800-level or above
        • No more than 6 credit hours of 500-level courses are permitted (none of these can be from the 1xbet online games login Department)
        • A minimum of 30 dissertation 1xbet online games login credit hours (PSYCH 999)
  • Preliminary exams
    • After earning a Master’s degree, all students must pass a preliminary examination in order to become a Doctoral candidate
  • Oral examination of dissertation
  • 1xbet online games login required (dissertation)


1. Students are required to take the following sequence of courses during their first three semesters:

  • Psychological 1xbet online games login Design and Analysis I (802)
  • Psychological 1xbet online games login Design and Analysis II (805)
  • Following the above two courses, one of the following courses:
  • Multivariate Analyses of Behavioral Data (961)
  • Seminar in Mathematical Models of Behavior (958)

2. All graduate students must take the Seminar in Professional Problems:

  • Seminar in Professional Problems (968)

3. In addition, all cognitive graduate students must take:

  • Perception (812)
  • Advanced Cognitive 1xbet online games login (814)
  • Physiological 1xbet online games login (803)

4. Students are also required to take at least 2 of the following 6 courses:

  • Industrial/Organizational 1xbet online games login (804)
  • Learning (810)
  • Health 1xbet online games login (816)
  • Personality Theory and 1xbet online games login (820)
  • Pro-Seminar in Social 1xbet online games login (830)
  • History of Current Trends (885)

5. Other elective courses may be taken, in consultation with advisors. Recent examples include:

  • Core courses taken after meeting basic requirements
  • 1xbet online games login of Aging (715)
  • Judgment & Decision Making (825)
  • Seminar in Cognitive Processes (957)
  • Engineering 1xbet online games login (625)
  • Advanced statistics courses (STAT 703 / 705 / 720)
  • Seminar in Sensory Processes (952)
  • Seminar in Experimental 1xbet online games login (954)

Required courses (units)

  • Quantitative Methods (4)
  • Experimental Design (3)
  • Multivariate Measurement (3)
  • Perception (3)
  • Advanced Cognitive 1xbet online games login (3)
  • Physiological 1xbet online games login (3)
  • Seminar in Professional Problems (3)
  • Seminar in Cognitive Processing (or similar) (3)
  • and additional graduate core courses


  • Engineering 1xbet online games login (3)
  • Industrial/Organizational 1xbet online games login (3)
  • Judgmental Processes (3)
  • Seminars in Human Factors (3)
  • 1xbet online games login of Aging (3)
  • Computer Science (3)
  • 1xbet online games login of Language (3)
  • History of Current Trends (3)
  • Health 1xbet online games login (3)
  • Personality Theory and 1xbet online games login (3)
  • Learning (3)
  • Pro-Seminar in Social 1xbet online games login (3)

Required courses outside department: 0. Recommended courses outside department: 2.

1xbet online games login Facilities

The Psychological Sciences Department is located on the top two floors of Bluemont Hall, in the middle of the K-State campus, and includes several modern laboratory facilities, most of which are available for hands-on use by students. Resources include an electrically shielded room, 64-channel electroencephalograph (EEG) system, eye tracking equipment, several rooms for individual and group testing, and several computer laboratories. Three TMS systems, neuronavigation, and TMS-EEG are incoming.

Teaching Opportunities

Opportunities range from assisting a faculty member in teaching a course to having sole responsibility for the preparation and teaching of their own course, depending on experience. There is also an optional Teaching Apprenticeship Program designed to give formal training and supervision in teaching at the university level.

Current 1xbet online games login Activities

Current 1xbet online games login activities include projects in:

  • Film and scene perception
  • Event comprehension
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Judgments and decision making
  • Working memory
  • Cognitive aging
  • Social reasoning
  • Statistical inference
  • Social cognition
  • Auditory perception
  • Neuromodulation
  • Brain connectivity
  • Neuroplasticity


Heather bailey
PhD, Kent State University, 2009
1xbet online games login Interests: Memory, Aging and Cognition, Metacognition (thinking about one’s own cognitive processes), Reading Comprehension

Gary L. Brase
PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1997
1xbet online games login Interests: Judgments under Uncertainty, Social Reasoning and Decision Making, Human Rationality

Julio C. Hernandez Pavon
D.Sc, Aalto University, Finland, 2015
Ph.D. University of Guanajuato, Mexico, 2012
1xbet online games login Interests: TMS-EEG, Brain connectivity, Brain mapping, Brain modeling, Neuroplasticity, Language, Stroke, Motor disorders, Signal analysis processing.

lester 1xbet on
PhD, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, 2003
1xbet online games login Interests: Film Perception and Comprehension, Scene Perception, Eye Movements and Attention, Visual Cognition, Language Comprehension, Human-Computer Interaction

Matthew wisniew
PhD, University of Buffalo, 2013
1xbet online games login Interests: Auditory Learning and Cognition, EEG

Michael 1xbet
PhD, University of Minnesota/Twin Cities, 1995
1xbet online games login Interests: Decision Making in Dynamic Environments, Impulsive and Risky Choices in Immersive Environments, EEG During Choice