elizabeth 1xbet sports betting T. Cady, Ph.D.

TITLE: Associate Program Officer

COMPANY: National Academy of Engineering, Center for the Advancement of scholarship on Engineering Education

Advisor:Richard 1xbet online sp

Dissertation Title

The Effects of Gender Stereotypes and Language in Sports Reporting

Dissertation Abstract

Despite the success of female 1xbet sports betting in a wide variety of sports, women are treated differently than men in the sports media. Content analyses consistently find differences in the language used and amount of coverage for male and female 1xbet sports betting , but little research has examined the effects of those differences on media consumers. The present study examined reactions to and memory of sports articles written about fictitious 1xbet sports betting . The articles followed a 2 (Athlete Gender) x 2 (Language Gender) x 2 (Sport Gender) design, and participants read one story and afterwards answered questions about it. Ratings for the athlete were factor analyzed into 5 factors and subjected to MANOVA analysis. Although it was hypothesized that ratings would be better for 1xbet sports betting whose gender matched that of their sport and language used, compared to 1xbet sports betting with incongruent information in the article, no interactions reached significance. However, the main effects of Athlete Gender and Language Gender showed significant differences on the ratings, with the female 1xbet sports betting having more positive ratings than male 1xbet sports betting while the stereotypically female language led to less positive ratings for physical abilities and future success than the stereotypically male language. In addition, memory for information presented varied with the language and athlete gender, with female language and female 1xbet sports betting promoting more recall. Overall, information about female 1xbet sports betting was recalled better than information about male 1xbet sports betting , and females were perceived more positively than their male counterparts. These results indicate that common phrases used to describe female 1xbet sports betting in the sports media affect perceptions for and memory of 1xbet sports betting , regardless of the gender of the 1xbet sports betting .


Ph.D., Psychology, Kansas State University, 2006

E-mail: ecady@nae.edu

Phone: (703) 888-1957