Bonnie Lynn grossflam 1xbet sports betting, Ph.D.

Advisor: Dr. Jerome Frieman

Dissertation Title

Conditional 1xbet sports betting and transfer of training following errorless and trial-and-error 1xbet sports betting learning in preschool children

Dissertation Abstract

Stimulus shaping, stimulus fading, and trial-and-error 1xbet sports betting training procedures were used to teach a conditional 1xbet sports betting (original task) in preschool children. Following training and testing on the conditional 1xbet sports betting , all of the children were taught a new conditional 1xbet sports betting by trial and error (transfer task). The shaping and fading groups were divided into subgroups in which either the positive (S+) or negative stimulus (S-) was gradually changed over the original training trials. During original training, stimulus shaping resulted in fewer errors than stimulus fading which in turn resulted in fewer errors than trial and error. On a criterion test of the original 1xbet sports betting , the trial-and-error group performed as well as the shaping groups and both trial-and-error and shaping groups performed better than the fading groups. On the transfer task taught by trial and error, the poorest performance was demonstrated by the group originally trained with S- faded; there were no differences in performance among the other groups. There were no meaningful differences between the performance of boys and girls. These results bring into question the overall advantage of using criterion-related cues during training and the advantage of errorless over trial-and-error training procedures for teaching discriminations.


Ph.D., Psychology, Kansas State University, 1983