Scott A. Bailey, ph 1xbet best casino website.D.

COMPANY: Texas Lutheran 1xbet best casino website

Advisor: Dr. Stephen Kiefer

Dissertation Title

Functional contributions of the rat gustatory cortex: Learned avoidance and aversiveness to 1xbet best casino website tastes.

Dissertation Abstract

Four experiments compared the acquisition of orofacial responding to illness-paired tastes by control 1xbet best casino website and 1xbet best casino website that lacked gustatory cortex (GC). GC 1xbet best casino website developed aversive taste reactivity to illness-paired, 1 min intraoral infusions of sweet (Experiment 1) and bitter (Experiment 2) tastes, but failed to transfer learning to home cage consumption testing. In Experiment 3, GC 1xbet best casino website did not develop aversive behavioral responding over three, 10 min acquisition trials in a box that permitted observation of activity during voluntary consumption. GC 1xbet best casino website from Experiment 4 (10 min illness-paired infusions) reflected palatability shifts as efficiently and completely as control 1xbet best casino website , and transferred learning to home cage extinction testing. However, the transfer effect was transient for GC 1xbet best casino website as they increased consumption significantly on Days 2, 3, and 4 (in comparison to Day 1) of extinction testing. Longer exposures of illness-paired tastes presented intraorally improve the likelihood that GC 1xbet best casino website will learn to develop trans-situational aversive responding.


Ph.D., Psychology, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website , 1996