Nancy E. badia-elder 1xbet sports betting, Ph.D.

COMPANY: Indiana 1xbet sports betting -Purdue 1xbet sports betting

Advisor: Dr. Stephen Kiefer

Dissertation Title

Alcohol related traits in 1xbet sports betting selectively bred for sensitivity to serotonin agonists.

Dissertation Abstract

Ten serotonin deficient Fawn-Hooded (FH) and 11 Wistar stock 1xbet sports betting along with 10 HI and 10 LO (1xbet sports betting selectively bred for both high and low hypothermic responses to the serotonin agonist, 8-OH-DPAT) were tested for alcohol related traits. First, all 1xbet sports betting were tested for taste reactivity responding to a range of alcohol concentrations, water, sucrose, and quinine both prior to and following experience with 3 weeks of two-bottle (10% alcohol, water) consumption testing. Second, 1xbet sports betting were tested for fluid balance during 24 hr of fluid deprivation. Third, 1xbet sports betting were tested for alcohol consumption following injections of the serotonin agonist, fenfluramine. As a final measure, the effects of fenfluramine on c-fos immunoreactivity was examined in five brain areas. Neither FH and Wistar nor HI and LO 1xbet sports betting differed in alcohol consumption, however, FH 1xbet sports betting consumed significantly more total fluid (alcohol and water) relative to Wistar 1xbet sports betting . In comparison to Wistar 1xbet sports betting , FH 1xbet sports betting made more ingestive and less aversive taste reactivity responses to all alcohol concentrations, water, and quinine; reactivity to sucrose was high for both groups. When tested for fluid balance during fluid deprivation, all 1xbet sports betting produced similar amounts of urine output. Following injections of fenfluramine, FH, as well as HI and LO 1xbet sports betting , decreased alcohol consumption. All 1xbet sports betting showed increased C-fos immunoreactivity in response to fenfluramine in only one brain area examined, the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA). The effect of fenfluramine on c-fos immunoreactivity in the CeA indicates that this brain area is sensitive to the central actions of the serotonin agonist. It appears that FH 1xbet sports betting are polydipsic animals as reflected by their high fluid intake and high ingestive responding during taste reactivity testing. The results from the present study suggest that decreased serotonergic activity may affect consummatory behaviors in general rather than alcohol responses specifically.


Ph.D., Psychology, Kansas State 1xbet sports betting , 1995