Master of Science (MS) in Psychology with an emphasis in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (MIOP) 1xbet sports betting

Important to know: The Summer 2024 classes 1xbet sports betting be offered in-person on the Manhattan, KS Campus.

The application deadlines for the Summer 2024 cohort is April 1, 2024.

We review applications 1xbet sports betting round and make considerations for fall or spring start terms.


Master of Science (MS) in 1xbet sports betting with an emphasis in Industrial and Organizational 1xbet sports betting (MIOP) 1xbet sports betting is a 38-hour hybrid sequence of on-campus and web-based 1xbet sports betting .

The program is directed at working human resource professionals and aims at teaching 1xbet sports betting to apply analytical behavioral science skill and course concepts to company related issues.

The program spans 2 1/2 years and consists of eight courses in such areas as performance appraisal, training and program evaluation, job analysis and selection, organizational topics, ethical and legal issues, and applied research methods. The last semester of the program consists of 1xbet sports betting conducting a research practicum in their own organization under the supervision of faculty.

1xbet sports betting attend campus once a year over the summer for two-week sessions. Four courses are taught as on-campus courses, and the remaining four courses and practicum are delivered via web-based instruction.

1xbet sports betting Details

I. Summer 1xbet sports betting Work (with two-week, on-campus workshops/sessions)

1xbet sports betting are required to bring laptop computers to the summer on-campus courses. During on-campus sessions, 1xbet sports betting learn Internet-related skills such as how to access course modules, participate in chat rooms and post messages. These sessions also provide 1xbet sports betting with the opportunity to interact with peers and faculty.

First Summer (on-campus workshops required)

PSYCH 804 - (Introductory Seminar) Industrial/Organizational 1xbet sports betting (3 credits)

This is an advanced survey of theory, 1xbet sports betting and practice pertaining to human behavior in work organizations. Topics include an overview of selection, training and evaluation of employees, job analysis and evaluation, work motivation and satisfaction, organization behavior and development and working conditions.

PSYCH 808 - Applied 1xbet sports betting Methods I (3 credits)

This laboratory-based course 1xbet sports betting teach students how to set up and analyze human resource information systems to enable them to make data-based human resource decisions. Case studies on real organizational data 1xbet sports betting be used to assess such human resource areas as discrimination, strategic planning, grievance filing, performance-based compensation systems and job evaluation.

Second Summer (on-campus workshops required)

PSYCH 968 - Ethical and Legal Issues: Seminar in Professional Problems (3 credits)

This course 1xbet sports betting look at current ethical and legal policies that affect human resource professionals. The ethical implications of consulting with and doing research in organizations 1xbet sports betting be discussed. Recent legislation and legal cases and their impact on human resource functions 1xbet sports betting also be examined.

PSYCH 809 - Applied 1xbet sports betting Methods II (3 credits)

The second part of the research component 1xbet sports betting focus on applied research techniques in organizations and developing the skills that students 1xbet sports betting require to complete their third-year project. Students 1xbet sports betting be taught how to utilize resources to review the literature, operational research, develop a research agenda and budget, and evaluate their research.

II. Online 1xbet sports betting

Each spring and fall semester, one of the following four courses 1xbet sports betting be offered using distance and web-based educational resources. Also, students 1xbet sports betting be enrolled in 2 credit hours of Master's Research in Psychology each spring and fall semester. Delivery 1xbet sports betting be accomplished using the web, email and guided study. Students and faculty 1xbet sports betting communicate through message boards, email, telephone, and video conferencing. Assignments 1xbet sports betting enable students to apply the concepts and techniques learned to company-related problems.

PSYCH 878 - Personnel Selection (3 credits)

This course 1xbet sports betting focus on developing, performing and analyzing several different job procedures, which provide the basis for several human resource functions. It 1xbet sports betting also examine the theoretical and practical issues in staffing industrial organizations, including recruitment, test validation and other employment opportunity issues (test fairness, adverse impact, etc.).

PSYCH 880 - Performance Appraisal (3 credits)

The course 1xbet sports betting examine data sources, rating procedures, psychometric criteria for evaluating performance appraisal systems and models/theories of the performance evaluation process. Different compensation models and their advantages and disadvantages 1xbet sports betting also be discussed.

PSYCH 879 - Organizational 1xbet sports betting (3 credits)

Examines the individual's role in organizations and the effects of 1xbet sports betting variables on the individual worker. Topics include 1xbet sports betting communication, employee socialization, cultures and psychological climates of organizations, stress in organizations, group processes and employee performance, and 1xbet sports betting change and development.

PSYCH 875 - Personnel 1xbet sports betting (3 credits)

An examination of the 1xbet sports betting of personnel in an organization. Topics include: determination of an organization's 1xbet sports betting needs, selection and motivation of trainees, design and evaluation of 1xbet sports betting programs and examination of several specific strategies for accomplishing the 1xbet sports betting function.

III. Guided Study Practicum 1xbet sports betting

Students 1xbet sports betting be enrolled each spring and fall semester in 2 credit hours of Practicum: Research in I/O Psychology.

PSYCH 860 - Practicum: 1xbet sports betting in I/O Psychology

Fall of 1xbet sports betting One - 2 credits

Spring of 1xbet sports betting One - 2 credits

Fall of 1xbet sports betting Two - 2 credits

Spring of 1xbet sports betting Two - 2 credits

IV. Summer of 1xbet sports betting Three

PSYCH 860 - Practicum: Final Report in I/O 1xbet sports betting - 5 credits

1xbet sports betting do NOT come to the campus in summer three.

The third summer of the program is spent writing and finalizing a guided-study practicum based on a company-related human resource issue. Each student 1xbet sports betting work on the research and practicum with his/her major professor.

Due to the diverse backgrounds of the students entering the MIOP program, practica are expected to be as equally diverse. However, broad study areas include: development of selection instruments, job training needs assessment, development of performance evaluations and performance-based compensation models, surveys of employee attitudes and evaluation of the programs. In some cases, students 1xbet sports betting work with real world data sets and projects provided by their instructor. Each student's major professor 1xbet sports betting work with the student to determine the scope and breadth of his/her practicum.

V. Fall of 1xbet sports betting Three

Final 1xbet sports betting is PSYCH 860 - Practicum: Final Report in I/O 1xbet sports betting - 1 credit

VI. Graduation

MIOP commencement takes place in December. Final report should be completed by the end of September in order to meet the graduation deadlines. It takes time to obtain feedback and make changes to a final report.

If a student does not complete the degree by December of MIOP year three, the student 1xbet sports betting be out-of-sequence and 1xbet sports betting be required to pay an additional MIOP program per semester fee of 0, as well as the current per- credit-hour cost of the course. These 1xbet sports betting include, but 1xbet sports betting not be limited to, the cost of enrolling in an additional 1 credit hour of 860 during each semester until the student graduates.

Also, all Graduate School and departmental rules and procedures must be followed for eligibility to defer graduation, with the understanding that the student 1xbet sports betting be responsible for costs related to deferred graduation.

*Curriculum is subject to change. Please note that university tuition and fees are subject to change.

More Information

If you have any questions, please contact our MIOP Assistant via email (

You can also visit the K-State online site for more details about 1xbet sports betting costs, admission requirements, and how to apply: More information about our distance master's 1xbet sports betting .

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