matthew 1xbet online sports betting Wisniewski, Ph.D.

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1xbet online sports betting Learning & Cognition Lab

Research Interests

My research program examines the processes that underlie experience related changes in 1xbet online sports betting acuities (i.e., 1xbet online sports betting perceptual learning), and the roles of attention and memory in listening performance. This research serves the applied realm by informing the design of training regimens intended to mitigate 1xbet online sports betting problems.

My approach is interdisciplinary, using methods from psychoacoustics/psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and neural network modeling. In behavioral experiments, 1xbet online sports betting abilities are tested using psychoacoustic methods. With the electroencephalogram (EEG), I explore how 1xbet online sports betting performances correlate with human brain dynamics. Finally, artificial neural networks are used to generate testable hypotheses regarding learning processes. This interdisciplinary approach fosters a productive loop of hypothesis generation and testing that is advancing our understanding of 1xbet online sports betting and learning processes.

For a recent profile of my research interests and the story of my academic path, you can check out the February 2024 issue of the EEGLAB newsletter (

Representative Publications (for full publication list, see CV)

Wisniewski, M.G., Joyner, C.J., 1xbet online sports betting , A.C., & Makeig, S. (2024). Finding tau rhythms in EEG: an independent component analysis (ICA) approach. Human Brain Mapping, 45, e26572.
Wisniewski, M.G., Joyner, C.J., Zakrzewski, A.C., & Anguiano, A. (2023). 1xbet online sports betting to detect sounds in noise: active top-down selection and stable change in signal representations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49, 428-440.
Wisniewski, M.G., 1xbet online sports betting , A.C., Bell, D.R., & Wheeler, K. (2021). EEG spectral dynamics associated with listening in adverse conditions. Psychophysiology, 58, e13877.
Wisniewski, M.G., Church, B.A., Mercado, E., III, & Zakrzewski, A.C. (2019). Easy-to-hard effects in perceptual 1xbet online sports betting depend upon the degree to which initial trials are “easy”. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26, 1889-1895.
Hansen, N.E., Harel, A., Iyer, N., Simpson, B.D., & Wisniewski, M.G. (2019). Pre-stimulus brain state predicts 1xbet online sports betting pattern identification accuracy. Neuroimage, 199, 512-520.