Jin lee 1xbet online games login, Ph. D.

Jin LeeContact Information

Office: BH 467

E-mail: jinlee@ksu.edu

Lee Lab

Research Interests

Dr. Lee’s research focus is primarily on workplace safety, health, and well-being. Specifically, he holds research interests in 1xbet online games login assessment and management in high-risk industries, analysis of risk perception styles of temporary workers, work system improvement through the perspectives of macroergonomics and Total Worker Health™, and application of advanced quantitative methodology in multidisciplinary research efforts. Currently, he is a principal investigator projects about the design and implementation of 1xbet online games login intervention based on socio-technical systems approach. Also, he is interested in data visualization and application of machine learning approaches to I/O psychology. More information is available at Dr. Lee's laboratory web page.


Fire Fighter & Emergency Medical Service Safety & Health

High-Reliability Organization Psychological Safety & 1xbet online games login

Office Ergonomics & Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention

Application of Machine Learning for Personnel Selection

(see more: https://lee-lab.weebly.com/lab-director.html)

Student Involvement

Dr. Lee supervises and collaborates with graduate students in the industrial and organizational psychology graduate program. Students attend weekly laboratory meetings to develop research ideas and learn knowledge and skills for occupational safety and health research. In his lab, opportunities to learn about management and analysis of data, grant proposal writing, and publication of the research results will be offered. Ultimately, students will be prepared as independent applied psychology researcher. More information about research opportunities in his lab can be obtained by contacting him (jinlee@ksu.edu).

Current Graduate Students & Lab Members


Recent Publications

Lee, J., Lin, J., Bao, S. S., & Robertson, M. M. (2024). Work From Home: Facilitators for an Effective Ergonomic Work System. Applied Ergonomics, 118, 104276.

Huang, Y. H., He, Y., Lee, J., & Courtney, T. C. (2024). Advancing safety in turbulent times: Development and validation of a pandemic 1xbet online games login scale, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 97, 479-515.

Lee, J., Resick, C. J., Allen, J. A., Davis, A., & Taylor, J. A. (2024). Interplay between 1xbet online games login and Emotional Exhaustion: Effects on First Responders’ Safety Behavior and Wellbeing Over Time. Journal of Business and Psychology, 39, 209-231.

He, Y., Lee, J., Huang, Y. H., Xiang, Y. & Courtney, T. K. (2023). Error Disclosure Culture and Counterfactual Sharing as Antecedents of 1xbet online games login Trajectories. Journal of Business and Psychology, 38, 907-924.

Lee, J. (2022). Good and Bad Apples in a Barrel: Implications for Managing Both Ends of Within-Workgroup 1xbet online games login . Safety Science, 145, 105502.

Klos, L. S., Giordano, F. B., Stoffregen, S. A., Azuma, M. C., & Lee, J. (2021). It may cost an arm and a leg; Value on Workers and Occupational Fatality Rates in U.S. BMC Public Health, 21, 1133.

Giordano, F. B., Stoffregen, S. A., Klos, L. S., & Lee, J. (2021). Risks that are “Worthy” to take: Temporary Workers’ Risk-Benefit Perceptions. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(6), 899-914.

Huang, Y. H., He, Y., Lee, J., & Hu, C. (2021). Key Drivers of Trucking 1xbet online games login from the Perspective of Leader-Member Exchange: Bayesian Network Predictive Modeling Approach. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 150, 105850.

Stoffregen, S. A., Giordano, F. B., & Lee, J. (2019). Psycho-socio-cultural factors and global occupational safety: integrating micro-and macro-systems. Social Science & Medicine, 226, 153-163.

Lee, J., Huang, Y. H., Sinclair, R. R., & Cheung, J. H. (2019). Outcomes of 1xbet online games login in trucking: A longitudinal framework. Journal of Business and Psychology, 34, 865-878.

Lee, J., Huang, Y. H., Cheung, J. H., Chen, Z., & Shaw, W. (2019). A Systematic Review of the 1xbet online games login Intervention Literature: Past Trends and Future Directions. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 24, 66-91.

Lee, J., Connelly, B. S., Goff, M., & Hazucha, J. (2017). Are assessment center behaviors' meanings consistent across exercises? A measurement invariance approach. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 25, 317-332.

Huang, Y. H., Lee, J., McFadden, A. C., Murphy, L. A., Robertson, M. M., Cheung, J. H., & Zohar, D. (2016). Beyond safety outcomes: An investigation of the impact of 1xbet online games login on job satisfaction, employee engagement and turnover using social exchange theory as the theoretical framework. Applied Ergonomics, 55, 248-257.

Lee, J., Huang, Y. H., Murphy, L. A., Robertson, M. M., & Garabet, A. (2016). Measurement equivalence of a 1xbet online games login scale across multiple trucking companies, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89(2), 352-376.

Zohar, D., Huang, Y. H., Lee, J., & Robertson, M. M. (2015). Testing extrinsic and intrinsic motivation as explanatory variables for the 1xbet online games login -safety performance relationship among long-haul truck drivers. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 30, 84-96.