Patrick 1xbet online games login , Ph.D.

knightContact Information

Office: BH 411

E-mail: 1xbet online games login

1xbet online games login Interests

Dr. Knight's current 1xbet online games login focuses on the general issue of psychological commitments to various organizations and activities, and how these commitments affect workers' behaviors both on and off the job. Recent 1xbet online games login has examined commitments to work and school, work and church, part-time vs. full-time commitments, among others. There is a sizable group of students and faculty pursuing the issue of multiple commitments, and undergraduates who are interested in this area would have no problem getting involved.

Dr. Knight is also involved in 1xbet online games login examining the process by which people make decisions to seek part-time employment. A model of this decision process has been developed and a series of studies testing the model are underway.

Dr. Knight encourages any student who believes that he or she might be interested in these topics to contact him. Assistants would be involved in designing 1xbet online games login and developing 1xbet online games login materials, running experiments, and helping with data analyses.