Maria 1xbet online games login , Ph. D.

Maria DiehlContact Information

Office: BH 417
Phone: 532-0608

ORCID: 0000-0002-7370-6106

Vita (pdf)

Google Scholar Profile

Twitter: @DrDiehl_Neuro

1xbet online games login Lab Page

Research Interests

Dr. 1xbet online games login 's research program focuses on the understanding of how social stimuli can alter the neural circuits of fear and avoidance to reduce anxiety-like behaviors and subsequently promote resilient behaviors in rats. She uses a several techniques including single unit recordings and optogenetic manipulations in behaving rats.

Research in the 1xbet online games login laboratory seeks to understand why some individuals can overcome trauma and develop behavioral resilience, while other individuals go on to develop a neuropsychiatric disease, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. We are also interested in understanding how social stimuli can alter fear-related behaviors and the neural circuits that guide social interactions under aversive conditions. We combine rodent models of fear and avoidance learning with functional circuit mapping techniques to understand how behavioral resilience can augment the neural circuits of fear and avoidance. Undergraduates in the lab can expect to learn about animal behavioral paradigms that model clinical symptoms of excessive fear and avoidance as well as neural circuitry techniques such as single unit recordings and in vivo optogenetics. Many students also learn surgical techniques, critical interpretation of data, scientific literacy, and critical thinking skills.

Representative Publications

Martínez-Rivera FJ, Pérez-Torres J, Velázquez-Díaz CD, Sánchez-Navarro MJ, Huertas-Pérez CI, 1xbet online games login , Phillips ML, Haber SN, Quirk GJ. “A novel insular/orbito-prelimbic circuit that prevents persistent 1xbet online games login in a rodent model of compulsive behavior.” Biological Psychiatry . (2022). DOI:

1xbet online games login , Iravedra-Garcia JM, Morán-Sierra J, Rojas-Bowe G, Gonzalez-Diaz FN, Valentín-Valentín V, and Quirk GJ. Divergent projections of the prelimbic cortex bidirectionally regulate active 1xbet online games login . eLife . (2020). 9:e59281. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.59281.

1xbet online games login , Bravo-Rivera C, Quirk GJ. “The study of active 1xbet online games login : a platform for discussion.” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews . (2019). 107: 229-237. DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.09.010.

1xbet online games login , Bravo-Rivera C, Rodríguez-Romaguera J, Pagán-Rivera PA, Burgos-Robles A, Roman-Ortiz C, Quirk GJ. “Active 1xbet online games login requires inhibitory signaling in the rodent prelimbic prefrontal cortex.” eLife . (2018). 7:e34657. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.34657.

1xbet online games login , Lempert K, Parr A, Ballard I, Steele V, Smith DV. “Toward an integrative perspective on the neural mechanisms underlying persistent maladaptive behaviors.” European Journal of Neuroscience . (2018). 48: 1870-1883. DOI: 10.1111/ejn.14083.

Bravo-Rivera C, 1xbet online games login , Román-Ortiz C, Rodríguez-Romaguera J, Rosas-Vidal LE, Bravo-Rivera H, Quiñones-Laracuente K, Do-Monte FH. “Long range GABAergic neurons in the prefrontal cortex modulate behavior.” Journal of Neurophysiology . (2015). 114:1357-1359. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00861.2014.