Natalie 1xbet online games login , Ph. D.

Natalie Barlett

Contact Information

Office: BH 418


Research Interests

Dr. 1xbet online games login ’s primary research interest is to better understand development during emerging adulthood (ages 18-25 years). This is accomplished by asking three questions: 1. What changes occur during this time (e.g., identity exploration, feelings of instability)? 2. Do those changes impact one’s personality (e.g., narcissism), psychological well-being (e.g., worry), and physical health (e.g., sleep)? 3. Which social factors support individuals during their transitional journey (e.g., parenting practices, positive friendships, having quality mentorship)? These questions are also investigated specific to one’s identity and background.

Undergraduate Involvement

Many undergraduate students are involved in the 1xbet online games login Developmental Lab each semester! Students gain experience with the full research process from study design to data collection to presentation. While conducting research is the primary focus of the lab, students also learn many additional skills such as how to read empirical articles more efficiently, how to write like a psychologist, how to mentor new students, and how to work well in a dynamic group setting. We also work on professional development through writing curriculum vitas and graduate school/job applications.

Representative Publications

1xbet online games login , C. P., 1xbet online games login , N. D., & Chalk, H. M. (2020). Transitioning through 1xbet online games login and physical health implications. 1xbet online games login , 8, 297-305. 

Chalk, H., 1xbet online games login , C. P., & 1xbet online games login , N. D. (2020). Disability self-identification and well-being in emerging adults. 1xbet online games login , 8, 306-316. 

1xbet online games login , N. D. & 1xbet online games login , C. P.(2018). Money and job worries as a function of emerging adulthood markers: An analysis of college-aged and adult populations using correlational and longitudinal designs. Journal of Adult Development, 1-13. 

1xbet online games login , C. P. & 1xbet online games login , N. D. (2018). Aggression. In J. Bonds-Raacke & J. Raacke (Eds.), Thinking Critically about Social Psychology (2nd Ed.; pp 141-158). Kendall Hunt Publishers: Dubuque, IA.