Christopher 1xbet online sports betting , Ph.D.

Christopher Barlett

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Dr. 1xbet online sports betting is accepting graduate students for the Fall 2025 academic year

Research Interests

Dr. 1xbet online sports betting 's primary research interest focuses on the prediction and reduction of aggressive and violent behavior (broadly defined). His work has examined the many personality (e.g., dispositional fear of retaliation, trait aggression) and situational factors (e.g., heat, provocations, ego depletion) that can individually and interactively predict aggression. Recently, Dr. 1xbet online sports betting has focused his research endeavors at understanding the predictors of cyberbullying, validating his own cyberbullying theory (the BGCM), and developing a unique cyberbullying- focused intervention.

Graduate Student Involvement

Dr. 1xbet online sports betting supervises several graduate students who are accepted in the Social-Personality graduate program. Dr. 1xbet online sports betting 's graduate students will be expected to work with Dr. 1xbet online sports betting on projects related to his area of expertise, but also explore independent ideas that fall within Dr. 1xbet online sports betting 's area of expertise. These independent projects should reflect the graduate student's own research agenda, which will allow each student to carve their own path toward their own independent research program. These experiences will allow for graduate students to learn to conduct theoretically novel and independent research while gaining the theoretical, methodological, and statistical tools necessary to become a world-class scholar. Interested graduate student applicants may contact Dr. 1xbet online sports betting by email ( to inquire about applying to the Social-Personality graduate program at K-State.

Undergraduate Student Involvement

Dr. 1xbet online sports betting supervises many undergraduate students in his research lab each semester. Students are often tasked with designing research projects, creating stimuli, collecting data, data analysis, and presenting findings. Further, Dr. 1xbet online sports betting regularly presents data at local, regional, national, and international conferences with undergraduate students and has a record of allowing for undergraduate student authorship for published papers (after satisfying a set of agreed upon parameters). Interested undergraduates should email for more information about opportunities in his lab.

Representative Publications

1xbet online sports betting , C. P. (in press). Testing the direct and indirect effects of media violence and 1xbet online sports betting perpetration: A brief report. Psychology of Popular Media.

Doty, J., 1xbet online sports betting , C. P., Gabrielli, J., Yourell, J., Yi-Wen, Y., & Waasdorp, T. (in press). A model of 1xbet online sports betting perpetration among adolescents: Examining proximal processes.Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

1xbet online sports betting , C. P. (in press). Social learning of 1xbet online sports betting perpetration: The interactive role of parent and peer 1xbet online sports betting reinforcement in a sample of US adolescents: A brief report.Technology, Mind, and Behavior.

1xbet online sports betting , C. P. (in press). Cyberbullying process in US youth adolescents and their parents: Testing and Extending the 1xbet online sports betting Gentile Cyberbullying Model. Aggressive Behavior. DOI: 10.1002/ab.22117

1xbet online sports betting , C. P. (2024). Developing, testing, and validating theory on predictors of 1xbet online sports betting : A cross-cultural perspective. In A. N. M. Leung, K. K. S. Chan, C. S. M. Ng, and J. C. Lee (Eds.), 1xbet online sports betting and Values Education for Children and Adolescents in Schools (pp. 30-45). Routledge Publishers.

1xbet online sports betting , C. P., Kowalski, R. M., & Wilson, A. (2023). Meta-analyses of the predictors and outcomes of 1xbet online sports betting perpetration and victimization while controlling for traditional bullying perpetration and victimization. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 74, 101886. DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2023.101886

1xbet online sports betting , C. P. & Scott, J. E. (2023). Racism behind the screen: Examining the mediating and moderating relationships between anonymity, online disinhibition, and cyber-racism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(6), 1332-1350. DOI: 10.1037/pspa0000360