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University Handbook, Appendix F: Academic conduct, academic honesty, and 1xbet sports betting system constitution

Academic Conduct, Academic Dishonesty, Undergraduate 1xbet sports betting Code, and Student Grievance Procedures
(FSM 4‑11‑89, 10‑10‑89, 4‑18‑98, 2-10-04, 6-12-07, 9-09-08, 11-11-14)

I. 1xbet sports betting CONDUCT

Rights and Responsibilities: 1xbet sports betting and Graduate Students

A. Every 1xbet sports betting has:

    1. Freedom of inquiry, conscience, expression, association, and the right to petition for redress of grievances.
    2. The right to have information about his or her opinions and associations acquired by professors and administrators in the course of their work as instructors, advisors, and counselors held confidential and not disclosed to others unless by the 1xbet sports betting 's consent.
    3. Freedom from unfair treatment on the part of faculty and administration in the assignment and evaluation of 1xbet sports betting work done for the completion of requirements for a particular course of his or her program for a degree.
    4. The right to due process in the conduct of proceedings pursuant to the provisions of this document or any other proceedings conducted under any other provisions of any other rule or regulation governing Kansas State University.
    5. The right to immunity from reprisal in the form of University disciplinary action or proceedings for seeking redress pursuant to the provisions of this document.

B. Every 1xbet sports betting is responsible for:

    1. The exercise of applicable rights and freedoms, as enumerated in Section I.A. above, in a manner which shall not materially and substantially interfere with the requirements or appropriate discipline in the operation of the institution or infringe on the rights of other students.
    2. Completing the requirements and meeting the standards of any course in which he or she is enrolled; requirements for participation in classroom discussion and submission of written assignments are not inconsistent with this section.

II. 1xbet sports betting DISHONESTY
(FSM revised 02‑15‑94, 09-09-08)

All academic relationships ought to be governed by a sense of 1xbet sports betting , fair play, trust, and a readiness to give appropriate credit to the intellectual endeavors of others where such credit is due. Since the academic community expects that the process of intellectual and creative endeavor is beneficial to a student, the student's original work, created in response to each assignment, is normally expected. The following rules and guidelines are intended not to replace an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the pursuit of knowledge, but rather to assure due process and to provide guidelines for action in those instances where the proper relationships and attitudes have broken down.

The definitions, procedures, and penalties included in this report shall be publicized and made available
to all students; any 1xbet sports betting enrolling at Kansas State University implicitly indicates by so enrolling that he or she accepts the stipulations concerning academic honesty and the procedures they entail as outlined in this report.

A. Cheating: Plagiarism

1. Definition of Plagiarism.

Plagiarism is taking credit for someone else’s ideas, work, or words. In a university setting, it means submitting 1xbet sports betting , scholarly, or literary work in which you either claim or imply the material to be your own, when that is not the case. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, eleventh edition, defines plagiarism simply: “to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own without crediting the source" (2003).

2. Avoidance of Plagiarism.

In practical terms, plagiarism could include:

    1. Buying a term paper, or copying another person’s paper, even if she or he gives you permission.
    2. Cutting and pasting information from the Internet into your own paper without properly identifying it as a quotation and properly attributing the source.
    3. Using someone else’s concept and presenting it as if it is your own original creativity, without acknowledging the source of the idea.

While some acts of plagiarism are obvious attempts to deceive, like buying a term paper, others result from sloppy scholarship or failure to follow proper format for crediting sources. For example:

    1. If you copy directly from another source and acknowledge it in your bibliography or list of works cited, yet fail to put it in quotation marks, this is plagiarism. The reason is that, although you have indicated that the idea is someone else’s, the lack of quotation marks implies that the words are your own.
    2. Paraphrasing is summarizing a source so that you have rewritten the material in your own words but maintained the original author’s ideas. When you paraphrase, you do not need to put the words in quotation marks, but you do need to properly attribute the original source. Paraphrasing does not mean simply changing one or two words, or leaving out a sentence, while the rest remains the same. Even if you identify the original author, but have used faulty paraphrasing that retains too much of the original, the result is inadvertent plagiarism.
    3. If you use another researcher’s specific methodology, you should acknowledge doing so. While some research protocols are widespread and general enough to need no citation, if the protocol, analysis, or technique can be attributed to a specific publication it should be cited.
    4. Works of visual art and design, and images of the work, cannot be misrepresented as original work by another. Such images cannot be used in part or whole without permission of the artist.

3. Discipline-specific Guidelines.

Different departments and disciplines may have specific guidelines and standards for how to properly acknowledge and document sources. For example, some departments will require students to use a certain citation format, such as MLA, APA, or CMS. If instructors or departments have specific requirements concerning citation or paraphrasing, it is their responsibility to make these requirements clear to the students. If students have any question about how to properly attribute work, it is their responsibility to ask the instructor. Departments that encourage collaborative learning and scholarship should make clear to students what constitutes fair 1xbet sports betting collaboration, and what constitutes 1xbet sports betting dishonesty.

4. 1xbet sports betting Community.

The ethical standards outlined above apply throughout the 1xbet sports betting community. These guidelines apply to faculty and research assistants in their possible use of students’ and colleagues’ research and ideas, as well as to students’ use either of source materials and authorities or of other students’ ideas and work.

5. Honesty, courtesy, and open dealing with others underlie 1xbet sports betting the above stipulations.Whenever possible, in cooperative intellectual ventures, 1xbet sports betting parties should be fully informed at the outset, preferably in writing, of the allotment of responsibilities, recompense, and credit and recognition to be given to 1xbet sports betting parties to the enterprise.

B. Other Forms of 1xbet sports betting Cheating

1. Definition: In addition to plagiarism as defined above, various other forms of academic dishonesty occur which shall be subject to the penalties provided below (Section III). These include, but are not limited to, consultation of textbooks, library materials, or notes in examination where such materials are not to be used during the test; use of crib sheets or other hidden notes in such an examination, or looking at another 1xbet sports betting 's test paper to copy strategies or answers; having a confederate supply questions or answers from an examination to be given or in progress; having a person other than the one duly registered and taking the course stand in at an examination or any other graded activity (in which cases all consenting parties to the attempt to gain unfair advantage shall be deemed culpable and subject to penalties); deliberate falsification of laboratory results, or submission of samples or findings not legitimately derived in the situation and by the procedures prescribed or allowable; submission in a paper, thesis, lab report, or other academic exercise of falsified, invented, or fictitious data or evidence, or deliberate or knowing concealment or distortion of the true nature, origin, or function of such data or evidence; procurement and/or alteration without permission from appropriate authority of examinations, papers, lab reports, or other academic exercises, whether discarded or actually used, and either before or after such materials have been handed in to the appropriate recipient; collaborating with others on projects where such collaboration is expressly forbidden; submission of one's previously graded work for a new assignment (without the instructor's consent); and other forms of academic dishonesty and fraud. The application of the above definition of academic cheating and that of the definition of plagiarism in II.A. above within a given discipline shall rest finally with the department or discipline concerned.

2. Procedures: While the governing principle, once cheating is suspected, is that due process shall be observed and no charge made without adequate objective evidence, it is apparent that prior to that, it is most desirable to exercise due care so that tempting, compromising, or ambiguous situations do not arise.

CONSTITUTION(revisions 11/11/14)

We, the undergraduate and graduate students and faculty of Kansas State University, in order to conduct our academic endeavors under high standards of individual responsibility, thereby promoting personal 1xbet sports betting and integrity, set forth this constitution of the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System.


  1. The 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System is intended to contribute to an environment at Kansas State University that fosters academic honesty and integrity.
  2. All members of the academic community, both students and faculty, are urged to report violations of the 1xbet sports betting pledge.
  3. The 1xbet sports betting pledge statement: On all assignments, examinations, or other course work undertaken by students, the following pledge is implied, whether or not it is stated: "On my 1xbet sports betting , as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work."
  4. The K-State 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System specifies how alleged violations of the 1xbet sports betting pledge are adjudicated by the 1xbet sports betting Council.
  5. The 1xbet sports betting Council employs the Faculty Senate definitions for academic dishonesty in interpreting and applying this 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System.
  6. Grading disputes and non-1xbet sports betting , behavior-related issues are handled elsewhere by existing K-State systems.
  7. Breaches of 1xbet sports betting honesty and integrity are covered by existing university policies that are published in the University Handbook.


a. 1xbet sports betting Council Composition

    1. The 1xbet sports betting Council includes faculty, staff, undergraduate, and graduate student members representing academic colleges as well as Information Technology Services, the Libraries, the office of the Dean of Student Life, the office of the Associate Provost for Diversity, the office of the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Studies, and Graduate Student Council.
    2. For all 1xbet sports betting , staff, undergraduate, and graduate selection, diversity may be a consideration for membership.
    3. Faculty and undergraduate 1xbet sports betting members represent each of the following academic colleges: Agriculture, Architecture Planning and Design, Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Human Ecology, Technology and Aviation. Each college is represented by four 1xbet sports betting members and two faculty members, with the exception of the College of Arts and Sciences, which is represented by six 1xbet sports betting members and four faculty members, and the College of Technology and Aviation, which is represented by four 1xbet sports betting members and four faculty members.
    4. Two faculty or staff 1xbet sports betting represent Information Technology Services.
    5. Two faculty or staff 1xbet sports betting represent the Libraries.
    6. Three staff members represent the Dean of 1xbet sports betting Life.
    7. Three 1xbet sports betting members represent the Associate Provost for Diversity.
    8. Two undergraduate 1xbet sports betting members and two faculty or staff members represent the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies.
    9. Twenty graduate 1xbet sports betting members will represent the Graduate 1xbet sports betting Council.

b. Undergraduate 1xbet sports betting members:

    1. Undergraduate 1xbet sports betting members must have completed two semesters at Kansas State University, be in good academic standing and be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours.
    2. The student body president recommends undergraduate student members for service on the 1xbet sports betting Council from the nominations received from each of the previously mentioned colleges and offices
    3. All nominations are subject to approval by 1xbet sports betting Senate.
    4. The 1xbet sports betting body president forwards the names of approved individuals to the Provost, who ensures eligibility.

c. Graduate 1xbet sports betting members:

    1. Graduate 1xbet sports betting members must be currently enrolled and in good academic standing.
    2. The president of Graduate Student Council recommends graduate student members for service on the 1xbet sports betting Council from the nominations received by the Graduate Student Council.
    3. All nominations are subject to approval by Graduate 1xbet sports betting Council.
    4. The president of Graduate 1xbet sports betting Council forwards approved individuals to the Provost, who ensures eligibility.

d. Faculty and staff 1xbet sports betting :

    1. Faculty representing 1xbet sports betting colleges are appointed by their respective dean.
    2. Faculty or staff 1xbet sports betting representing Information Technology Services are appointed Vice Provost for Information Technology Services.
    3. Faculty or staff 1xbet sports betting representing the Libraries are appointed by the Dean of the Libraries.
    4. Staff members representing the office of 1xbet sports betting Life are appointed by the Dean of 1xbet sports betting Life.


  1. Attend scheduled meetings of the 1xbet sports betting Council.
  2. Communicate and promote the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System to the Kansas State University community.
  3. Advise students and faculty who report violations of the 1xbet sports betting pledge.
  4. Serve as neutral investigators of alleged 1xbet sports betting pledge violations.
  5. Serve as panel members during hearings of alleged 1xbet sports betting pledge violations.
  6. If elected, serve as Chair or vice-Chair of the 1xbet sports betting Council.


  1. 1xbet sports betting ' terms are two years, except for initial appointments, which are divided equally between one-year and two-year terms.
  2. 1xbet sports betting ' terms begin at the end of the spring semester and end at the conclusion of the spring semester of the final year of their appointment.
  3. No member of the 1xbet sports betting Council may serve two consecutive full terms.
  4. Members participate in a training process developed by the Director of the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System.
  5. If 1xbet sports betting resign or are removed from office, replacement appointments are made by the respective entity for the remaining portions of their terms.

ARTICLE V. REMOVAL FROM 1xbet sports betting COUNCIL

The 1xbet sports betting Council may remove any member on grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office by two-thirds vote of the membership. Positions on the 1xbet sports betting Council that are unfilled at the time of a vote are not considered part of the membership.

The 1xbet sports betting Council may recommend that the Provost remove the Director or Associate Director on the grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office by two-thirds vote of the membership.


  1. Chair
    1. The Chair is chosen annually from the membership of the 1xbet sports betting Council by majority vote.
    2. The Chair presides at meetings of the 1xbet sports betting Council and serves in a parliamentary role.
    3. The Chair, with the assistance of the 1xbet sports betting Council, annually evaluates the performance of the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System Director and forwards the evaluation and a recommendation to the Provost.
    4. If the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System Director has a conflict of interest in an alleged violation, the 1xbet sports betting Council Chair serves in the role of 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System Director for that case.
  2. Vice Chair
    1. The vice Chair is chosen annually from the membership of the 1xbet sports betting Council by majority vote.
    2. The vice Chair performs the duties of the Chair when the Chair is unable to do so.
  3. Director
    1. The Director of the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System is appointed by the Provost to oversee the 1xbet sports betting Council.
    2. Director's responsibilities:
      1. Communicate and promote the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System to the Kansas State University community.
      2. Receive alleged violations of the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System.
      3. Determine whether alleged violations should proceed to a hearing panel.
      4. Select investigators, panels for hearings and appeals, and panel Chairs.
      5. Provide the equipment and technical assistance for recording hearings.
      6. Record findings of the hearing and appeal panels.
      7. Maintain the records of all 1xbet sports betting Council proceedings.
      8. Review 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System policies and report annually to the Provost, Faculty Senate and Student Senate.
      9. Serve as an ex-officio member of the 1xbet sports betting Council.
      10. Develop and conduct a training program for members of the 1xbet sports betting Council.


  1. The Provost and the dean of student life, or their representatives, may serve an advisory role at 1xbet sports betting Council meetings.
  2. The Director of the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System and staff members of the 1xbet sports betting Council have speaking rights during 1xbet sports betting Council meetings.

ARTICLE VIII. 1xbet sports betting RIGHTS

Students' rights are enumerated under Article XII of the K-State 1xbet sports betting Governing Association constitution.


  1. Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by any member of the faculty, undergraduate or graduate 1xbet sports betting at Kansas State University.
  2. All amendments must be approved by 3/4 vote of the 1xbet sports betting Council selected and qualified.
  3. All amendments are subject to approval by Faculty Senate and 1xbet sports betting Senate.


The Director and Associate Director annually review the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System Constitution and Investigation and Adjudication Procedures and when appropriate, present amendments to the 1xbet sports betting Council for consideration and approval. Amendments to the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System Constitution must then be approved by Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, and Student Senate. Changes in the Investigation and Adjudication Procedures must be reviewed at five-year intervals by Student Senate and Faculty Senate as specified in Article XI of the Constitution.

The 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System Director and Associate Director prepare an annual report of the previous year’s 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System activities at the beginning of fall semester and present it to the Provost, Faculty Senate, Student Senate, Graduate Student Council and Graduate Council.

The 1xbet sports betting Council Chair annually initiates and organizes the 1xbet sports betting Council evaluation of the job performance of the Director and Associate Director and forwards that evaluation and recommendation to the Provost at the conclusion of the spring semester.


Upon adoption by the Faculty Senate and Student Senate, the Investigation and Adjudication Procedures shall be subject to periodic review by Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, Graduate Student Council, and Student Senate, at 5 year intervals beginning in 2005. Interim revisions to the Investigation and Adjudication Procedures may be made upon approval by, a 2/3 vote of the 1xbet sports betting Council, and the Provost. The Investigation and Adjudication Procedures must be posted at the 1xbet sports betting and Integrity System website (http://www.k-state.edu/1xbet sports betting /basics/investigation.html)and updated regularly.

• Excludes the School of Veterinary Medicine