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Status Report Number 2
1xbet best casino website Evaluation and Development
Kansas State University
September 30, 1996

The original 1xbet best casino website Evaluation and Development Report was submitted to the Board of Regents (BOR) on April 24, 1996. Copies of this report are available in the Office of the Provost. The report below, "Status Report Number 2, 1xbet best casino website Evaluation and Development," is a response to questions raised by the BOR relative to the original report.

In response to the Board's questions (see the letter from Regent Nolan, July 29, 1996), additional materials related to 1xbet best casino website evaluation were developed. Three separate issues are addressed in the following sections. First, we provide a brief description of the annual evaluation process at Kansas State University. Second, we detail our response to those departments that are using locally developed student evaluation forms. Finally, we provide a detailed account of 1xbet best casino website development.

  1. The Annual 1xbet best casino website Process

    At Kansas State University the evaluation of 1xbet best casino website (and other unclassified individuals as well) is based on a series of events that have been established by the 1xbet best casino website Senate in Section C. Evaluations are not conducted in a vacuum. The process is well defined and orderly and each department/unit has a set of guidelines that conform to the general requirements. There are three major types of evaluations that are outlined in the University Handbook -- Annual Merit, Tenure, and Promotion. The information collected and used for each purpose tends to overlap, but the decision processes that are based on the information are kept separate. To help understand the process and the related time lines, Attachment 1 provides a brief Calendar of Major Evaluation Events (adapted from a calendar published each year by the provost's office). The primary focus of this section will be on the annual merit evaluations.

    The major components of the annual merit 1xbet best casino website process are outlined below. These generally are provided in the order in which they occur. The provost's office conducts annual reviews of 1xbet best casino website materials to insure they conform to the requirements of the University Handbook and that evaluations are made equitably. We have included Attachment 2 with the applicable citations from the University Handbook.

    1. Each person "will meet annually with the unit head to jointly establish personal goals and objectives for the upcoming 1xbet best casino website period and to discuss their relative importance within the context of the unit's goals" (C45.1).
      1. This typically occurs at the end of the prior year's 1xbet best casino website and often concurrently with the meeting to discuss the 1xbet best casino website .

      2. Setting goals and expectations is a critical step to insure that department/unit heads and 1xbet best casino website members have a clear understanding of the expectations and goals of the 1xbet best casino website member for the next evaluation period and the relative importance of various activities to their evaluation.

      3. The goals are to be based on the strengths and weaknesses of the individual and the needs and expectations of the department, the college, and the university. In general, it is not expected that all individuals in a department will have similar goals and objectives or give the same relative importance to these goals and objectives.

      4. The goals and expectations generally are in the areas of instruction, research (scholarship), extension, service, and other (e.g., administrative) and would guide the performance for the 1xbet best casino website member in these areas.

      5. The goals and expectations set in this annual meeting are individualized, based upon the knowledge of the department/unit head and departmental 1xbet best casino website about reasonable levels of productivity at that rank in that discipline. They also are established with the mutual knowledge of the minimal acceptable levels of productivity in that department. These minimums are now being developed and must have the approval of the department/unit head, dean, and provost (C31.5).

    2. If the assignments for an individual are changed during the 1xbet best casino website year, then a corresponding change may need to be made in the goals and objectives.
      1. These changes are to be jointly discussed by the individual and the unit head and approved by the dean.

      2. Changes in the relative importance of areas reflect the time remaining in the 1xbet best casino website year.

    3. Some departmental/unit systems require mid-year discussion of progress towards the goals.

    4. At the end of the 1xbet best casino website period - "Each unclassified person will provide an annual written summary of accomplishments and activities in accordance with the guidelines provided by the unit's statement of criteria, standards, and procedures." (C45.2).

      1. While not explicitly stated, it is expected that the summary would be related to the goals and objectives.

      2. The summary is a major resource for the unit head's 1xbet best casino website .

    5. After receiving the individual's annual written summary, the unit head will prepare a "written 1xbet best casino website " (C46.4b).

      1. "Annual written evaluations conducted for the purpose of determining merit salary increases are based on the distribution of responsibilities assigned, the relative difficulty and importance of these responsibilities, and the level of success with which each was performed. " (C40).

      2. As specified by the provost in his letter of January 8, 1996 unit heads are to provide a summary 1xbet best casino website and give greater weight in the summary 1xbet best casino website to responsibilities (as determined by the goals and objectives) which required more time and effort from the individual.

      3. The 1xbet best casino website must state whether the goals and expectations were met or exceeded and, if not met, whether the minimal acceptable level of productivity was met.

    6. The individual reviews the written summary 1xbet best casino website prepared by the unit head. This includes "an opportunity to examine the written 1xbet best casino website and to discuss with the evaluator the individual's resulting relative standing for the purpose of merit salary increase in the unit." (C46.4d).

      1. This opportunity for review will be documented with a signature of the 1xbet best casino website member (C46.4d).

      2. An opportunity will be provided for "written statements submitted by unclassified individuals of unresolved differences regarding their evaluations. " (C46.4e).

    7. The unit head will "recommend a merit salary adjustment for each unclassified person that should be based directly on the person's 1xbet best casino website ." (C46.4c). Ideally, this would occur at the same time as the 1xbet best casino website review, but final decisions by the legislature on salary monies are often not made until late April or early May. Therefore, this decision may be delayed until after the 1xbet best casino website review meeting.

    8. The unit head will also provide "recommendations for salary adjustments on bases outside of the annual 1xbet best casino website , together with documentation which supports these recommendations." (C46.4f). This would include increases for market and equity adjustments and promotions.

    9. Deans will review the evaluations, resolve any problems, and forward them to the provost.

    10. The provost will review the evaluations for consistency with requirementsc established by the 1xbet best casino website Senate and procedures established by his office, and for equity (for the most part, these reviews are done by Educational Advancement, Institutional Research and Analysis, and Unclassified Affairs).

    11. Evaluations are returned to the college deans, along with feedback from reviewers, for final actions.

  2. Locally Developed Student Rating Forms

    The great majority of departments at Kansas State University are in compliance with the Board of Regents recommendation that "teaching 1xbet best casino website be rated at least once a year, on a form controlled for student motivation and other possible bias." Effective this fall semester we anticipate that all departments will reflect this BOR recommendation in their 1xbet best casino website evaluation procedures. The annual reviews of departmental evaluation policies and individual 1xbet best casino website evaluations make it possible to audit implementation of this recommendation.

    The IDEA System and the TEVAL System, two student ratings systems developed at Kansas State, meet the BOR guidelines. Both systems are administered by the Office of Educational Advancement and are made available for use by all 1xbet best casino website members and graduate teaching assistants.

    Data collected about the use of TEVAL and IDEA during the past three academic years -- including the fall, spring and summer terms of each year -- are shown in the table below. The number of classes rated using both systems has risen during this time as have the number of 1xbet best casino website using these systems. Approximately 1200 1xbet best casino website members use either TEVAL or IDEA in at least one course each year. GTAs are included with the ranked 1xbet best casino website in this table.
    			-----1993-1994-----     -----1994-1995-----     -----1995-1996-----
    			F    S     S               F    S     S            F     S    S
    			# Classes  1498 1436  137             1639  1495   154        1845  1627   186
    			# 1xbet best casino website   812   815  122              955   852   125        1025   870   147

    Recent university-wide reviews of department evaluation systems gave particular attention to the departmental requirements regarding the use of student ratings in the evaluation of teaching effectiveness. The provost has stressed the December 1995 amendment in C34.1 of the K-State University Handbook which indicates that (1) all departments identify the student rating form to be used that conforms to the BOR guidelines, (2) tenured 1xbet best casino website use such a form in one course per year, and (3) probationary 1xbet best casino website be rated by students at least once a year in each course they teach.

    Eight departments did not use either TEVAL or IDEA during the past three academic years. To assure compliance with BOR and K-State policies, the provost has asked each dean to confirm in writing that every department will be in compliance with these policies effective this semester. Departments that wish to use forms other than IDEA or TEVAL must submit their selected forms for review by the Office of Educational Advancement to insure accordance with BOR guidelines and for subsequent approval by the provost.

  3. 1xbet best casino website Development

    At Kansas State University, 1xbet best casino website development efforts are jointly determined actions directed at the career-long professional and personal development, adaptation, growth, and change of each 1xbet best casino website person. No single plan will work for everyone; any plan must be tailored to the needs of each individual and department. Each 1xbet best casino website member is expected to play an active role in the identification of needed developmental programs and activities.

    1xbet best casino website development is important for many reasons. Given that many 1xbet best casino website will be with us for 30 or more years, it is not surprising that major shifts and changes occur in academic disciplines and we must support 1xbet best casino website in their efforts to keep current with these changes. Technological changes will continue to have a major influence on higher education and its delivery of instructional and research services. Over time, many 1xbet best casino website undergo significant shifts in interests and changes in career directions. It is in the best interest of both 1xbet best casino website and the university to support this growth and change. The university must be responsive to external changes, pressures, and opportunities and be positioned and prepared to develop and guide 1xbet best casino website to be responsive to these areas. The hiring of new 1xbet best casino website is costly and time consuming and we must create the conditions to insure that during the tenure granting process they have every opportunity to be successful. In a similar fashion, we need to create an environment where 1xbet best casino website work in a context, and with adequate resources, to move through the ranks from assistant professor to full professor. Finally, we need to provide directions and services to those 1xbet best casino website who are having performance problems. In all cases we want to create a situation where each 1xbet best casino website member has the opportunity to grow and change and provide the greatest level of performance to the university.

    1xbet best casino website members and their department/unit heads bear the principal responsibility for 1xbet best casino website development on a day- by-day basis. Dean are charged with bringing focus and coordination to 1xbet best casino website development efforts. While 1xbet best casino website development is seen as an on-going everyday process, major decisions on a 1xbet best casino website member's development are generally made during the annual goal setting meeting and/or the evaluation process. Each 1xbet best casino website member follows a plan that fits her/his individual goals and needs. The goal setting and evaluation activities typically occur in December and January.

    During goal setting the 1xbet best casino website member charts future career directions and plans appropriate support activities. A 1xbet best casino website member could plan a series of activities to learn about and implement a "new" teaching strategy. A granting agency may be initiating a new program and one or more 1xbet best casino website members could be funded to attend workshops aimed at improving their level of competitiveness.

    During evaluation, which is a comprehensive assessment of the 1xbet best casino website member's performance in a variety of responsibilities, judgments are made about the 1xbet best casino website member's progress in light of the department's criteria and standards. A 1xbet best casino website member who is working toward tenure could be advised to participate in certain activities that would strengthen specific skills. A 1xbet best casino website member who is weak in some area could be assigned to intensive effort to improve performance within a set time period. A 1xbet best casino website member who is doing exemplary and innovative work could be asked to share that expertise with others.

    Actual implementation of 1xbet best casino website development objectives is facilitated through several organized or informal programs. Programs are often placed into five categories. A brief description of these areas plus specific examples of programs from are shown below:

    1. Special Assignments -- These activities normally require the 1xbet best casino website member to spend some allotted amount of time in a special assignment and recognize the need for periodic changes, redirections, and shifts in 1xbet best casino website 's careers.


      1. Sabbatical -- The sabbatical is a formal leave granted to 1xbet best casino website on a periodic basis for renewal and development. In FY 1996, we granted 42 sabbaticals to 1xbet best casino website at an approximate cost of ,400,000. 1xbet best casino website on sabbaticals engage in a wide variety of activities and in FY 1996 this ranged from working with world-class colleagues at Carnegie Mellon on computer programing issues to completing a text book.

      2. Unpaid Leaves -- For the most part, unpaid leaves are managed at the departmental level. In FY 1996 approximately 10 unpaid leaves were granted. These could range from as little as a month to as much as a year. Unpaid leaves come at no direct cost to the university. In general, individuals use them for personal development (e.g., to finish an advanced degree) or for personal reasons (e.g., extended leave for childcare).

      3. Release Time -- Release time is a major approach used by a department to support 1xbet best casino website development. Department heads (with the approval of the dean) make these decisions. It is impossible to identify numbers or dollars for this type of activity, but a good estimate would be over a hundred 1xbet best casino website each year are provided release time from one activity to further their knowledge and skills. The heart of this process is for the heads to adjust the amount of time a 1xbet best casino website member spends on one activity (e.g., research or teaching) and allow them to use that time for developmental activities. This could include the development of a new course, modifying a course to use a greater amount of technology, developing a grant proposal, working with the 1xbet best casino website Senate, serving on a major university-wide committee, and so on. Release time requires a shift of resources from one type of activity into another.

      4. Other -- There are many other ways that 1xbet best casino website receive special assignments. Most of these are small in number, but may have far reaching impact. 1xbet best casino website exchanges between universities, 1xbet best casino website exchanges between departments (e.g., temporary assignments from an academic department to an administrative department), etc. In many ways they serve a similar function as sabbaticals, but without the direct costs to the university.

    2. Institutional Grants and Awards -- These programs are aimed at recognizing and stimulating special 1xbet best casino website achievements. The awards are made on a merit basis to a limited number of individuals. This approach, by using matching state funds, leverages additional sources of funding from grant and contract agencies.

      1. Teaching Awards -- The university provides a number of awards for teaching excellence. In FY 1996, 10 university-wide awards were given at a cost of ,000. Each of the colleges also provide teaching awards. A total of 33 teaching awards were provided by the colleges in FY 1996 at an approximate cost of ,000. The provost has also established a University Teaching Scholars Chair. Teaching Scholars Chairs become advisors for the campus on teaching issues and approaches.

      2. 1xbet best casino website Development Awards -- In FY 1996 approximately ,000 in awards were granted to 1xbet best casino website to support travel to international meetings for invited papers, travel to visit extramural sponsors, matching support for grants, support for Fulbrights,etc. These grants were seen as awards to encourage high profile activities and meetings which had the potential to generate additional extramural funding.

      3. Incentive Research Awards -- This is a special program to encourage new interdisciplinary programs of research. It provides the initial startup funding for these programs with the expectation that extramural funding will assume these costs in the future. About 0,000 was expended in FY 1996 for these programs.

      4. Administrative Development Grants -- Annually, the university supports one or two 1xbet best casino website for special programs for developing administrative skills. Special consideration has been given to women in this area. Costs vary for these programs, but average about ,000 annually to cover costs of the program and living expenses (e.g., Harvard programs).

      5. Educational Communication Center Curriculum Grants -- For the last several years, the Regent's Educational Communication Center has been providing funding for the development of multimedia courses. Typically, four or five grants are funded each year by providing services worth approximately a cumulative total of nearly 0,000. This initiative is being used to improve the use of technology in the classroom.

      6. General Education Development Grants -- A series of small grants were provided to 1xbet best casino website to develop courses for the General Education Program. This was a special program for the past two years. Ten to fifteen grants were given each semester and have reached a cummlative total of approximately 5,000.

      7. Distinguished Professors -- The university has a total of fourteen 1xbet best casino website with the title of Distinguished University Professors. They received this title in recognition of excellence in teaching and research. We intend to increase the number being awarded this title. An additional five 1xbet best casino website have special chairs and titles in recognition of their achievements.

      8. 1xbet best casino website Startup Grants -- Nearly all new 1xbet best casino website joining the university require initial startup packages. These grants would cover the cost for computers, special equipment needs, revamping of research space, state-of-the-art facilities, etc. Between the Main Campus, ESARP, Salina, and Veterinary Medicine, more than 0,00 are used annually to support this area.

      9. Other -- There are a variety of other awards given to 1xbet best casino website . The sources for these awards vary and include local, state, and federal groups and organizations. The awards recognize 1xbet best casino website for their achievements in their professional fields and areas. This could include being named a fellow in a professional organization, awards for outstanding achievements in their field, recognition of past service, etc. No central list exits for these awards, but they are often used as part of a 1xbet best casino website members annual evaluation.

    3. Collaboration and Collegiality -- Often seen as one of the more effective avenues for personal and professional growth, collaboration and involvement with colleagues both on- and off-campus is especially promoted and supported at the unit/department level. Some activities involve interactions with professional peers -- engaging in collaborative and interdisciplinary opportunities for research or teaching or curriculum development, producing in-house publications, consulting within the university, working with networking or interest groups, providing leadership in university governance, interacting with visiting scholars or experts, conference attendance, and support for programs to improve teaching/ research/service skills. Other activities involve the senior 1xbet best casino website in recruiting, preparing, and mentoring the next generation of 1xbet best casino website members.

      1. Mentoring -- Successful senior 1xbet best casino website are expected to support junior 1xbet best casino website in their own departments and related departments and units. The majority of these support activities are informal in nature, but the University has several formal mentoring programs (e.g., the Sloan Foundation). The goal of mentoring is to increase the day-to-day performance of the junior 1xbet best casino website and to increase the probability that they will stay at the University.

      2. University Governance -- Higher education in the United States operates on the concept of shared governance. 1xbet best casino website are responsible for academic activities and decisions within the University. The formal mechanism for this governance at the university level is the 1xbet best casino website Senate. At the college and department level, almost all 1xbet best casino website serve on one or more committees. Junior 1xbet best casino website serve on departmental committees and the more senior 1xbet best casino website serve on college committees and the 1xbet best casino website senate. This type of service is sanctioned through the goal setting process within the department. Through this process, 1xbet best casino website gain skills in group processes and a broader knowledge of the university. Many 1xbet best casino website moving to an administrative position have had service in the committee structure.

      3. Cooperative Efforts -- 1xbet best casino website engage in a wide-range of cooperative efforts with other 1xbet best casino website . These can include team teaching of courses; development of instructional materials and approaches; course development; joint development and execution of research programs, joint development of outreach programs, interdisciplinary research projects, and so on. These arrangements are both formal agreements between individuals and units as well as informal working groups. They are typically discussed part on an individual 1xbet best casino website member's annual goal setting meeting. Almost all 1xbet best casino website are involved in these types of efforts during each year.

      4. Conference Attendance -- 1xbet best casino website are strongly encouraged to attend professional conferences each year and the presenting of materials at national conventions is an expectation for most 1xbet best casino website . While departments pay a small part of the travel cost for attendance or, in a limited number of cases, travel is supported by grant funding, the majority of 1xbet best casino website pay for traveling to a conference out of their own pocket. Conferences are seen as a major way for 1xbet best casino website to keep their skills and knowledge current. They do this by attending sessions at the conference and interacting with professional from other institutions and businesses during the conference. Conferences can cover teaching, research, service and outreach issues. A large sum is expended each year for conferences and only a small part is from state dollars.

    4. Inservice Education -- Inservice programs conducted on-campus are usually short-term and directed at developing and enhancing specific skills. Workshops, seminars and other activities may be organized and conducted by local 1xbet best casino website leaders or by presenters invited to campus for a specific purpose. 1xbet best casino website are also encouraged to attend regional and national inservice opportunities. The examples provided are representative of this approach.


      1. Provost's Lecture Series --This series brings nationally known experts to campus to discuss pedagogical and technical issues connected with using technology in the classroom. Distinguished 1xbet best casino website and local experts are also used. One lecture per month is offered during the academic year.

      2. CITAC Lecture Series -- This lecture series also deals with the use of technologies in the classroom. Two lectures are scheduled per semester.

      3. College Teaching Course -- Once a semester the College of Education offers a course on the Principles of College Teaching. The emphasis in the course is on preservice (e.g., GTAs) and inservice (1xbet best casino website ) help in improving instruction at the college level. Enrollments are normally in the 20-25 range. Students and 1xbet best casino website from across the campus enroll or audit.

      4. Technical Assistance Center -- This is a new program being developed to help 1xbet best casino website with the use of technology in the classroom. It is currently planned to put this facility and service in the library once it is completed. It will provide services to all 1xbet best casino website .

      5. Research Workshops -- The office of Research and Sponsored Programs offers workshops to 1xbet best casino website on grant development and preparation. These workshops are directed at the aiding 1xbet best casino website in preparing grant and contract applications. This can range of the identification of grant sources to how to prepare a budget.

      6. Department Head Workshops -- These workshops are directed at the professional development of unit/department head. Topics have included legal issues, evaluation of 1xbet best casino website , budget preparation, and so on.

    5. Expert Consultation and Assistance -- These more focused programs are usually made available to a limited number of 1xbet best casino website members who need (or want) the time-intensive attention provided by expert consultation or assistance. This face-to-face assistance can include a broad range of personal and professional topics. These programs may be recommended by a department/unit head.


      1. Office of Educational Advancement -- A variety of consultation opportunities are offered through the Office of Educational Advancement on issues related to the improvement and enhancement of teaching skills. Specific programs include: videotaping of teaching to aid in instructional development, classroom observation of teaching, individual analysis and interpretation of student ratings, etc.

      2. Instructional Support Center -- Staff from the Instructional Support Center of Computing and Network Services work one-on-one with 1xbet best casino website who are learning to incorporate multimedia technologies into their courses.

      3. The Speech and Hearing Center -- The Speech and Hearing Center offers assistance to 1xbet best casino website members who speak English as a second language and the Center conducts in-depth evaluations and observations and develops individualized programs based on the results.

      4. Mid-Probationary Review -- A formal review of a probationary 1xbet best casino website member seeking tenure is conducted midway (normally the third year) through the probationary period. This review provides the 1xbet best casino website member with substantive feedback from 1xbet best casino website colleagues and administrators regarding his or her accomplishments relative to departmental tenure criteria. The department head discusses the review with the dean and then provides to the candidate a letter of assessment, including a summary of 1xbet best casino website comments and suggestions. The department head discusses the review and assessment with the candidate.

      5. Other 1xbet best casino website -- In the same way that 1xbet best casino website serve as mentors when 1xbet best casino website are developing, they stand ready to help identify and solve specific problems.

Deadline Events


STUDENT RATINGS: Department notify 1xbet best casino website that student ratings are needed.


PROMOTION/TENURE: Candidates prepare materials for review.


PROMOTION/TENURE: Departments prepare recommendations.


PROMOTION/TENURE: Department's promotion/tenure recommendations are forwarded to the deans.


PROMOTION/TENURE: Promotion/tenure material and summaries for each candidate are submitted to the Dean's Council for review.


NOTICE OF NON-REAPPOINTMENT: Regular and probationary 1xbet best casino website /staff members, in their second year of service must be notified of non-reappointment.


PROMOTION/TENURE: Dean's Council reviews promotion/tenure files.


UNCLASSIFIED EVALUATIONS: Unclassified personnel submit documentation of activities and accomplishments for the period being evaluated. Unclassified personnel meet with department heads to establish goals for the next 1xbet best casino website year. Colleges/units will establish internal deadlines.


UNCLASSIFIED EVALUATIONS: The following tasks are accomplished according to timeliness established within the college or unit:

Department/Unit heads complete evaluations.
Heads share evaluations with unclassified personnel.
Heads forward 1xbet best casino website materials to appropriate dean or vice-president.


PROMOTION/TENURE: Deans forward recommendations to the provost.
EMERITI: Departments recommend 1xbet best casino website for emeritus status to deans.


NOTICE OF NON-REAPPOINTMENT: Regular or probationary 1xbet best casino website /staff members, in their first year of service must be notified of non-reappointment.


PROMOTION/TENURE: Dean's inform candidates of promotion/tenure decisions.


UNCLASSIFIED EVALUATIONS: Deans and unit heads forward 1xbet best casino website materials to the provost or appropriate vice president.


UNCLASSIFIED EVALUATIONS:The provost and vice presidents return 1xbet best casino website comments and evaluations to the deans and unit heads.


BUDGET ALLOCATIONS: Final budget allocations to units are made (basis for salary increases).


ANNUAL MERIT INCREASE, MARKET ADJUSTMENT, AND EQUITY ADJUSTMENTS: Recommendations for salary increases and market and equity adjustments are due in provost's and/or vice presidents' offices.


ANNUAL BUDGET DEVELOPMENT: Units report finalized annual salaries, promotions, and tenure decisions to the Budget Office.


ANNUAL BUDGET DEVELOPMENT: Start budget process for next year.


UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS: Completed continuing contracts are due in the Office of Unclassified Affairs. Reappointment of term appointments are submitted to the Affirmative Action Office.


BUDGET DEVELOPMENT: Budget Office reports annual salaries and promotion decisions to Human Resource Services.


University Handbook


Bases for salary increases. Annual written evaluations conducted for the purpose of determining merit salary increases are based on the distribution of responsibilities assigned, the relative difficulty and importance of these responsibilities, and the level of success with which each was performed.


Responsibilities of those who are evaluated. Each unclassified person will meet annually with the unit head to jointly establish personal goals and objectives for the upcoming 1xbet best casino website period and to discuss their relative importance within the context of the unit's goals. It is expected that the previous year's statement will be considered during the annual 1xbet best casino website and goal setting process.


Each unclassified person will provide an annual written summary of accomplishments and activities in accordance with the guidelines provided by the unit's statement of criteria, standards, and procedures.


The unit head who prepared the evaluations must submit the following items to the appropriate dean (or, for support units, the appropriate administrator): (See schedule as published by the provost each October.)

a. A copy of the 1xbet best casino website system used to prepare the evaluations.

b. A written 1xbet best casino website for each regularly appointed unclassified person employed for at least three months during the calendar year.

c. A recommended merit salary adjustment for each unclassified person that should be based directly on the person's 1xbet best casino website .

d. Documentation (e.g., a statement signed by the individual evaluated) establishing that there was an opportunity to examine the written 1xbet best casino website and to discuss with the evaluator the individual's resulting relative standing for the purpose of merit salary increase in the unit.

e. Any written statements submitted by unclassified individuals of unresolved differences regarding their evaluations.

f. Any recommendations for salary adjustments on bases outside of the annual 1xbet best casino website , together with documentation which supports these recommendations.


Chronic Low Achievement. Chronic failure of a tenured 1xbet best casino website member to perform his or her professional duties as defined in the respective unit shall constitute evidence of "professional incompetence" and warrant consideration for "dismissal for cause" under existing university policies. Each department or unit shall develop a set of guidelines describing the minimum acceptable level of productivity for all applicable areas of responsibility for the 1xbet best casino website as well as procedures to handle such cases. It is expected that departmental 1xbet best casino website will have input into any decisions on individual cases, if requested by the 1xbet best casino website member. When a tenured 1xbet best casino website member's overall performance falls below the minimum acceptable level, as indicated by the annual evaluation, the department or unit head shall indicate so in writing to the 1xbet best casino website member. The department head will also indicate in writing a suggested course of action to improve the performance of the 1xbet best casino website member. In subsequent annual evaluations the 1xbet best casino website member will report on activities aimed at improving performance and any evidence of improvement. The names of 1xbet best casino website members who fail to meet minimum standards for the year following the department head's suggested course of action will be forwarded to the appropriate dean. If the 1xbet best casino website member has two successive evaluations, or a total of three evaluations in any five year period in which minimum standards are not met, then "dismissal for cause" will be considered at the discretion of the appropriate dean.