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1xbet online games login Guidelines

  1. Faculty should review the policies on 1xbet online games login in the University Handbook, Section E1-E8. The University Handbook can be accessed at 1xbet online games login and Student Affairs.
  2. Faculty are encouraged to seek extramural funding for sabbatical leaves. The grants and contracts office can provide information on various grants and fellowships. Faculty members applying for a 1xbet online games login must make formal application to their department administrator no later than November 1 of the year preceding that for which leave is requested. Applications must be submitted to the Office of the Provost by December 15. Exceptions to this deadline may be considered depending on the circumstances. To inquire about exceptions to these application deadlines, contact the office of the appropriate dean. Leaves will be considered on the basis of comparative merit, with the preference given to 1xbet online games login requests for a full year at one-half pay.
  3. Faculty members seeking approval or who are approved for 1xbet online games login should contact the Human Capital Services - Benefits to determine the appropriate health insurance plan coverage while on 1xbet online games login .
  4. Faculty must complete the Application for 1xbet online games login form available in the Office of the Provost, 108 Anderson Hall, or at: http://www.k-state.edu/provost/resources/dhmanual/index.html.
  5. Faculty must obtain from the department administrator a statement which describes the merits of the proposed leave and outlines the details of how faculty duties will be covered.
  6. Those approved for 1xbet online games login will be required to sign a Board of Regent's 1xbet online games login Agreement form. Faculty must agree to return to the service of the state institution granting the 1xbet online games login for a period of at least one year (9 to 12 months depending on the term of employment) immediately following the expiration of the 1xbet online games login .
  7. Upon return from 1xbet online games login , faculty must submit a report on their 1xbet online games login . This is due within one month of returning to full time status. Copies of the report should be submitted to the Office of the Provost (provostpersonnel@ksu.edu), the college dean, and the department administrator. The report should include the following:

    1. A brief narrative of your sabbatical activities.
      Did you accomplish all you intended as proposed in the original plan of work? If not, why? Were there important activities or experiences that you did not foresee in the original application? If so, what were they?
    2. A description of the outcome.
      Did your sabbatical result in the product described in the original application? If not, what has changed and why?
    3. A description of the scholarship or professional benefits.
      In what ways did your leave provide scholarly and professional enrichment? How do you plan to share this with your students, colleagues, and the larger Kansas State University community?