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Kansas State University
Voluntary Phased 1xbet sports betting Program for Unclassified Employees Information Sheet

What is it?

A program that allows a qualified faculty or unclassified professional the opportunity to phase 1xbet sports betting over a selected period of time.

Who's Eligible?

This program is open to all benefits-eligible faculty and unclassified professionals who have attained age 55 and who have completed at least 10 years of service with one or more Board of Regents educational institutions.

What are the Program Features?

  1. A participant's current appointment is reduced to no less than .25 FTE;
  2. The participant's salary is reduced but benefits (health insurance, death and disability coverage, and 1xbet sports betting contributions) stay at the pre-1xbet sports betting rate;
  3. Tenure is not affected; and
  4. The participant must retire at the end of the agreement period.

How Do I Apply?


  1. A written request to the department head/dean. The department head/dean discusses with the employee.
  2. A completed transmittal form.
  3. A memorandum from the department head and/or dean which includes recommendation to the Provost and Executive Vice 1xbet sports betting OR appropriate Vice 1xbet sports betting (Vice 1xbet sports betting for Student Life, Vice 1xbet sports betting for Administration and Finance, Vice 1xbet sports betting for Research, or Vice 1xbet sports betting for Communications and Marketing).

Who Approves the Request?

The Provost and Executive Vice 1xbet sports betting OR appropriate Vice 1xbet sports betting (Vice 1xbet sports betting for Student Life, Vice 1xbet sports betting for Administration and Finance, Vice 1xbet sports betting for Research, or Vice 1xbet sports betting for Communications and Marketing).

What Else Do I Need to Know?

  1. The participant must retire at the end of the agreement period.
  2. The agreement must be mutually agreed upon by the employee and the appropriate institutional officer.
  3. The employer may deny the request.
  4. The agreement may be modified by further reducing the participant's fractional appointment or by permitting full 1xbet sports betting at an earlier date. Modifications must be by mutual consent.
  5. The agreement can be rescinded within 48 hours of signature at the option of the employee, but is otherwise irrevocable.
  6. The average period of phased 1xbet sports betting that will be approved is two to three years. In unusually meritorious cases a maximum length of phased 1xbet sports betting agreement that may be approved is 5 years.
  7. The participant may be re-employed 60 days or later after completion of a phased 1xbet sports betting agreement on a post-1xbet sports betting basis if no 1xbet sports betting plan distributions have been made.

Where Do I Go for Answers?

Human Resources
111 Dykstra Hall
(785) 532-6277


This is strictly a summary of the Voluntary Phased 1xbet sports betting Program and does not reflect the entire program. More detailed information may be obtained from the above named office.