1xbet online casino Handbook, Section K:
General Services: Recreation, Cultural, Social Activities; Political Events

(July 2006, 4/9/19, revisions)

K-State Student Union

K1 Offering a wide range of programs, facilities, and services, the K-State Student Union is the center for social, recreational, and cultural activities of the Kansas State 1xbet online casino Manhattan campus community For more information consult the K-State Student Union website.

The Union Governing Board (UGB) serves as the general governing and policy-making body of the K-State Student Union. For more information on this and other Union organizations visit the Union Organizations website.

K11 K-State Union Program Council (UPC) provides services to the Manhattan 1xbet online casino community with a range of cultural and recreational events. UPC also offers leadership opportunities to students. More information is available through the UPC Website.

Parking and Traffic

K40 In accordance with authority of the Kansas Board of Regents, the 1xbet online casino has issued traffic and parking regulations designed to provide safety for drivers and pedestrians; keep streets and roadways open for safe and efficient movement of traffic; and provide parking space as convenient as conditions permit, with certain priorities assigned to the physically handicapped and to those whose duties and responsibilities warrant special permits. Enforcement of parking regulations is primarily carried out by Parking Services Staff, but may also be handled by police officers. Traffic regulations are enforced by Kansas State 1xbet online casino police officers. All permits and more information are available at the Campus 1xbet online spor.

K44 Unauthorized vehicles are not permitted on 1xbet online casino sidewalks and/or walkways normally used by pedestrians. Bicycles move across 1xbet online casino on streets, bicycle-only paths, and on shared pedestrian/bicycle paths. Bicyclists will yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.

1xbet online casino Medical Services

K50 Student Health Center. Lafene Health Center is an autonomous unit located adjacent to the Manhattan campus. It serves the health needs of the Kansas State 1xbet online casino , Manhattan campus students. The health center is entirely funded by Manhattan student fees and fees for services. As faculty, unclassified professionals, support staff and K.S.U. students from other campuses pay no fees they are not eligible for free care, but limited services are available on a fee basis. The Health Center is available for foreign travel consults for faculty, staff and students traveling abroad. Lafene Student Health Center is a Joint Commission Accredited Ambulatory Health Care Unit. For more information refer to the Lafene website.

K51 Medical emergency policy. Medical emergencies should be directed to the local emergency room (as the 1xbet online casino does not have emergency services).

K54 Services available to non-fee paying 1xbet online casino visitors. Any 1xbet online casino visitor suffering from a minor illness or minor injury may be seen at the Health Center for a small fee.

Recreational and Cultural Activities

K70 Athletics. All 1xbet online casino employees are entitled to reduced rates for season tickets to all home football and basketball games.

K71 The Intercollegiate Athletic Council formulates policies for the conduct of all intercollegiate athletics. The council is responsible to the president of the 1xbet online casino and is composed of representatives from the faculty, students, and alumni.

K72 Recreational programs and facilities. Faculty and staff may participate in a variety of intramural recreational sports and fitness programs by contacting Rec Services. For more information consult the Rec Services website.

K73 Manhattan 1xbet online casino facilities include a recreation and fitness center (and Natatorium). K-State Polytechnic also has a fitness center called the Student Life Center. For more information consult the appropriate recreation center website.

K76 McCain Auditorium. McCain Auditorium sponsors a series of events each year. It also features attractions from the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance.. KSU students, faculty, and staff from all campuses are eligible to purchase discounted tickets for many of the events. For more information consult the McCain Auditorium website.

K88 In those cases where faculty or students wish to pool money and other resources from several sources to provide the means to bring a speaker to 1xbet online casino , it is necessary to provide formal coordination. Guidance in establishing the necessary coordination may be secured by contacting the provost.

K89 Formal academic programs. The only regularly scheduled formal academic events of the 1xbet online casino are the spring and fall commencements. All faculty members and officers of instruction and administration are urged to participate.

K90 1xbet online casino Social Club. The social club is composed of faculty and spouses of faculty members. Various interest groups meet periodically, and social events are scheduled. For more information refer to the 1xbet sports betting

K91 Alcoholic beverages on campus. Consumption of alcoholic liquor may be permitted under authorization and appropriately controlled conditions and guidelines to be determined by the administration of each school and set forth in an institutional policy on service of alcoholic liquor. Alcoholic liquor may only be served at luncheons, dinners, or receptions which honor individuals and which occur in connection with official 1xbet online casino events and/or fund-raising activities for 1xbet online casino programs. The service of alcoholic liquor at such events must be approved, in advance, by the chief executive officer of the institution and may only be held in those non-classroom areas, and outside grounds immediately adjacent thereto, which are specifically designated for such activities in the institutional policy on service of alcoholic liquor. Each institution shall file and maintain a current copy of its policy on service of alcoholic liquor with the executive director on behalf of the Kansas Board of Regents. Each institutional chief executive officer shall also be prepared to provide information to the Regents in relation to the service of alcoholic liquor on campus as requested by the Regents or executive director. (BOR, Minutes, 2-18-88) 1xbet online casino requirements and complete policy may be obtained from the President's Office, the Foundation, or the Alumni Office.

Alcoholic liquor includes all alcoholic beverages except cereal malt beverages containing 3.2 percent or less alcohol.

Fund-Raising Drives and Collections; Sales, Solicitations, and Advertising; Political Events

K100 There shall be no solicitation of funds at gatherings on the 1xbet online casino to which the general public is admitted by paid admissions. Included are approaches, entrances, and exits. (ACM 5-14-51)

An organized fund-raising drive is one in which the 1xbet online casino accepts identification with the drive, and the departmental structure of the 1xbet online casino is used as the means through which all employees may make individual voluntary contributions. Such drives are currently limited to the United Way of Riley County, Inc. As the departments are merely the channels through which individual voluntary contributions are received and transmitted, policies with respect to participation in organized fund-raising drives and decisions with respect to participation in particular drives are prerogatives of the institution as a whole. For other drives, all employees may be contacted as members of the Manhattan community through general residential campaigns.

Policies governing student participation in fund-raising activities and decisions with respect to student participation in particular fund-raising drives either on or off campus are responsibilities of the 1xbet online casino Activities Board subject to the limitations imposed by its constitution and by-laws, and by the Student Governing Association constitution and by-laws. Contact the vice president for Institutional Advancement for further information.

K101 Policies concerning sales, solicitations, and advertising are included in the Policy and Procedures Manual on Use of Kansas State 1xbet online casino Buildings and Grounds, the Kansas State 1xbet online casino Literature and Notice Regulations, the Political Activity Guidelines, the Kansas State 1xbet online casino Association of Residence Halls and K-State Union Guidelines Concerning Sales, Solicitation, and Advertising. Specific information can be obtained through the Office of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement and the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

K102 State facilities shall not be made available for fund-raising events for candidates or parties. Facilities of institutions under the Board of Regents may be made available for the purpose of holding political meetings, provided there is no interference with regularly scheduled functions, there is not otherwise available a reasonable facility in the community, students are permitted to hear the speakers without charge, and sponsors pay in advance the regular fees for use of the facilities. (BOR 3-16-64)

K103 Political office holders and candidates shall not be introduced or recognized on 1xbet online casino unless they are participating in the 1xbet online casino event which they are attending. The distribution of handbills shall be prohibited in those areas devoted primarily to instruction or study or at the immediate sites and times of enclosed public events. (BOR 1-21-77; amended 10-17-80)

K104 Regents' institutions shall have the authority to develop additional policies and guidelines that are not in conflict with this policy. Such policies and guidelines shall be reviewed by the Policy and Procedures Committee and filed with the executive director of the Kansas Board of Regents.
(BOR 10-17-80)