updates 1xbet online sports betting to University Handbook

University Handbook, 2024 Updates

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B95. These changes were made to clarify language in the handbook and to bring it in line with recommended changes happening to the handbook in multiple areas. In addition, there was some concern about a lack of inclusion of all types of employees that should be on CCOPs, eligibility to participate in multiple CCOPS, and recommended meeting cadence for CCOPS that all needed to be addressed in these edits (Revision 6/11/24).

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting C60, C160.1, and C170.3. At their January 2024 meeting, Kansas Board of Regents passed a revised policy regarding notice of non-reappointment that it be no more than 90 days. K-State must be compliant with this new policy by July 1, 2024. The recommended handbook changes from the NNR work group will be considered by Faculty Affairs in early fall 2024. In the interim, the following statement will be inserted at the top of each of the following sections: C60, C160.1, and C170.3: "As of July 1, 2024, the procedures for non-reappointment of newly hired non-tenured or non-tenure track unclassified employees on regular appointments (as defined in PPM Chapter 4650, .050 for unclassified appointment types, including unclassified administrative personnel), have been updated and revised as per Kansas Board of Regents' policy. See Kansas State University Policy and Procedures Manual (PPM), Chapter 4050, Notice Procedure for Non-Reappointment effective July 1, 2024." (1xbet online sports betting 6/11/24).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting C159. Update language in 1xbet online sports betting C159 to clarify who should be involved in providing feedback for the 5-year review (Revision 2/13/24).

1xbet online sports betting D40-D41 and Appendix S

  • The Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Time policies were reviewed and revised for clarity (1xbet online sports betting 3/19/24). The main adjustments are as follows:
    • Link to KBOR policy, on which our policy is based and subject to;
    • Addition of a definitions 1xbet online sports betting ;
    • Clarifying language throughout the explanation of steps, process, and responsibilities.

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F62. The Excused Absence policy has been in place for four years and Student Support and Accountability is the primary office which verifies absences through the policy. Student Support and Accountability regularly meets with students who are experiencing challenging and complex situations with their mental and physical health. Some of these situations have been ongoing for the student and require treatment which may result in specialist appointment(s) which are not easily adjusted to accommodate the student’s academic experience. Other times, our students experience a medical emergency which requires an extended stay at a hospital or facility to fully treat them. Presently, these examples are not considered “excused,” and we are not able fully support the student to the level which should be expected when caring for our campus community. The two proposed additions will allow the University to support our students more fully through documentable medical situations (Revision 6/11/24, Effective Fall 2024).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F120. The general education requirements at K-State have been updated, in accordance wth KBOR policy (Revision 1/24/23, Effective Fall 2024).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F75. The current wording "any student enrolled" requires a student to be admitted and enrolled prior to being able to award credit. Changing the language to "admitted student" facilities business processes and allows the Office of Admissions to remove this barrier and update records prior to new student orientation (Revision 3/19/24).

Policy Development Process

  • Updates to the University Handbook Development Process to outline current practice and clarify that any permanent standing committee of Faculty Senate can be the originator of a proposed change to the handbook (1xbet online sports betting 4/9/24).

University Handbook, 2023 Updates

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B20. Issues noted were due to the name change from College of Enginering to Carl R. Ice College of Engineering in 2018. This change only affects 1xbet online sports betting B20 of the University Handbook (Revision 6/13/23).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B34. K-State Olathe has opportunities to develop interdisciplinary faculty clusters in targeted research and scholarly areas linked to industry and technology in the Kansas City region. This language adds the ability for the School of Applied and Interdisciplinary Studies to house its own interdisciplinary faculty and develop a tenure and promotion system that correlates with the transciplinary nature of their faculty activity (Revision 9/12/23).

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  • Revised Sections C1-C6. Revisions were made to align the handbook with faculty activity in the area of engaged scholarship (1xbet online sports betting 11/14/23).

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting D71. Clarifying in this 1xbet online sports betting that emeritus persons (as defined in D70), as well as other retirees as currently described in D71, will have certain retirement privileges (Revision 11/14/23).

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  • Revised Sections F121-F122. Based on feedback from a working group of the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures, updates were made to Sections F121-F122 relating to undergraduate degree requirements (1xbet online sports betting 2/14/23).
  • Overall changes to 1xbet online sports betting F were made after a review by the University Handbook & Policy Committee and the Faculty Senate committees on Academic Affairs and Faculty Affairs. Types of changes include: the standardization of numbers and terms; naming conventions and changing names to match current offices/campuses; updated URL links; standing business practices aligned; layout/format changes to match KBOR and other university documents (Revision 4/11/23).

Appendix E

  • Revised Appendix E. By-Law #7 regarding use of secret ballots was removed in order to comply with the Kansas Open Meetings Act (1xbet online sports betting 4/11/23).
  • Revised Appendix E. As determined by the ad hoc Constitution Committee, one seat will now be reserved within the General University Caucus for a senator from Olathe. The elections procedures have been updated to include this. Additionally, deans, associate deans, and assistant deans will be represented in their own college’s caucuses rather than in the General University caucus. Similarly, the Director of Extension should be represented in the Extension caucus rather than in the General University caucus (1xbet online sports betting 5/1/23).

Appendix Y

  • Addition of Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Workload Policy. On June 14, 2023, the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) approved a “Tenured and Tenure Track Instructional Workload Policy” to require each KBOR institution to prepare and implement a tenured and tenure track faculty instructional workload standard that at minimum shall be, “structured in accordance with the university’s Carnegie Classification” and is “measured in 1xbet online sports betting credit hour or student credit hours” and is “defined on a per semester or per academic year time parameter” (Added 12/12/23; Effective term Spring 2024).

University Handbook, 2022 Updates

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B80-B90. Revisions to the Faculty Senate Constitution, Appendix E, were approved on September 1, 2021, to include those on term appointments. Therefore, changes were needed to 1xbet online sports betting B80-B90 to accurately reflect this (Revision 3/9/22).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B95. This revision is made given a desire to see broader inclusion of voices in the College Committees of Planning. The Composition of FSCOUP is also being updated to align with current practice (Revision 3/9/22).

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  • Added 1xbet online sports betting F45. A new 1xbet online sports betting F45 was added regarding the Enrollment Holds (Adopted 4/12/22):
    • Proposed addition of new 1xbet online sports betting , F45 to the University Handbook adding clarifying language to explain that K-State uses enrollment holds to prompt specific action(s) from students. Effective Term: Fall 2022.
    • For the past academic year, a working group under the Committee on Academic Policy and Procedures has been discussing the use of Enrollment Holds at K-State. This working group was acting on recommendations from the Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) work; with the charge to audit and evaluate the use of Enrollment Holds.
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F160. Updates the policy on undergraduate academic minors to reflect current practice. Clarifies that post-baccalaureate "post-bacc" minors are available to K-State or non-K-State graduates and the reporting structure of these. A proposal for an undergraduate post-baccalaureate minor needs to be submitted for approval through the normal course and curriculum procedures (Revision 5/11/22).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F170. Changes are being made to the undergraduate academic credit certificate policy to reflect current practice and also to be in line with KBOR requirements. Effective Term: Fall 2022 (Revision 4/12/22).

Appendix B

  • Revised Appendix B, Part IV - Financial Exigency. The language in Part IV of Appendix B, regarding the composition of FSCOUP and CCOPs, are duplicative. For simplicity's sake, University Handbook, 1xbet online sports betting B95 is now referenced for composition of those groups. No other changes are being made to Appendix B (Revision 5/11/22).

Appendix E

  • Revised Appendix E. Revisions were made to the Faculty Senate constitution to add a new permanent committee: Justice, Equity, Diversity, Access, Inclusion, and Identity. This committee was formed and has been working for the past two years as an Ad Hoc committee and bringing forward various proposals to the Faculty Senate. After consideratoin, it was believed there is value in having this be a permanent committee of the Faculty Senate. Other minor edits were made to the constitution to match current practice (1xbet online sports betting 5/5/22).

University Handbook, 2021 Updates

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F104. Revisions were made to the overall policy (Revision 11/10/21). The main changes include:
    • Cleaning up of language to provide greater clarity and understanding of the policies and what they do and do not influence in terms of a student's records.
    • Fresh Start sit out time change from 3 calendar years to 2 calendar years.
    • Standardization of forms used by the academic units.
    • Dean's office will require documentation of extenuating circumstances for AF.

Appendix E

  • Revised Appendix E: Faculty Senate Constitution. Various changes to the Faculty Senate Constituition (1xbet online sports betting 9/1/21). A brief outline of changes are as follows:
    • 1xbet online sports betting to composition: addition of the Term Appointment Caucus.
    • Updated membership of permanent committees and when turnover can occur.
    • A Land Acknowledgment will be included on Faculty Senate agendas.
    • Updated how amendments of the constitution are considered.
    • Updated criteria for when a senate seat must be vacated.

University Handbook, 2020 Updates

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F62. This policy establishes that certain absences are University Excused Absences. When a student provides reasonable advance written documentation of the need for a University Excused Absence, in accordance with the provisions herein, instructors shall provide the opportunity to either make up or excuse, at the instructor's discretion, any missed assignments, activities, and/or attendance-specific points that contribute to the course grade. The details of this policy describe common University Excused Absences and corresponding processes (Revision 5/12/20).

Appendix E

  • Revised Appendix E. Overall changes to the Faculty Senate Constitution (1xbet online sports betting 10/1/20):

    • Updating of language throughout to reflect current practice and terminology.
    • Composition:
      • Restructuring of student representation to add Graduate Student Council president (number of student senators remains unchanged)
      • Addition of the University Support Staff President (adds one new seat)
    • Definition of a caucus is provided.
    • Updated membership of permanent committees.
    • Updated how amendments of the constitution are considered.
    • Updated by-laws to allow for some flexibility in senator replacement at the discretion of the caucus.

University Handbook, 2019 Updates

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B (Revision 12/10/19):
    • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B1 to reflect the administrative positions in the President’s Office reporting to the President.
    • Revised Sections B2 and B5 to reflect the realignment of the structures, roles, and responsibilities for strategic enrollment activities as they relate to the Provost and Executive Vice President and the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students administrative positions.
    • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B3 and added 1xbet online sports betting B9 to reflect the reflect the realignment of the structures, roles, and responsibilities for activities as they relate to the Vice President for Administration and Finance (now Vice President for University Operations and Chief Operating Officer) and the Chief Financial Officer administrative positions.
    • Added 1xbet online sports betting B8 to add the roles and responsibilities of the Chief Information Officer administrative position.
    • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B20 to reflect the name change for the College of Human Ecology to the College of Health and Human Sciences.
    • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B50 to include “Cooperative Extension Service” in the description for the website link.

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting C10-C11. Updated language in University Handbook, 1xbet online sports betting C10 and C11, allows colleges more flexibility for rights and responsibilities of those with term appointments and brings policy in line with current practice (Revision 3/5/19).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting C6. Student organizations. To be consistent with the student organization policy, 1xbet online sports betting C6 was revised (Revision 10/8/19).

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  • Added 1xbet online sports betting D90.8 Parental Leave Benefit. Revision to Modified Instructional Duties for Faculty to add information about parental leave benefit, in line with policy approved by KBOR in Summer of 2019 (Revision 9/10/19).

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  • Added 1xbet online sports betting F104. These policies were approved by Faculty Senate in 2008. This formally includes them within the University Handbook. The Academic Fresh Start and Academic Forgiveness Policies enable an undergraduate student to neutralize, in part, the grade impact of prior academic performance. Academic Fresh Start and Academic Forgiveness provide for the computation of an alternative GPA and for the use of that GPA in most academic situations. A student may apply only once, and to only one or the other, and the process cannot be reversed. A student may not apply for either policy until he or she has been reinstated into his or her college (Revision 2/12/19).
  • Revised Sections F115 and F115.1. Credit Hour Definition. 1xbet online sports betting to credit hour definition and half credit hour definition to include all modalities (1xbet online sports betting 10/8/19).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F103. The change is to eliminate the dismissal policy disadvantages for transfer students and increase their retention. The previous policy put transfer students at a disadvantage their first year because the threshold for their dismissal was based on the credit hours they brought with them upon enrolling at K-State, which could exceed 60. This placed undue burden on transfer students, requiring a higher GPA after their initial semester to avoid dismissal. By placing the maximum of 60 hours on the number of hours counted toward the policy, the dismissal policy is fair and allows a semester of adjustment for new transfer students (Revision 12/12/19).

1xbet online sports betting K

  • Overall changes to 1xbet online sports betting K, including:
    • Deleted a number of Union facilities and referred to the Student Union website, affecting K1-K10. These descriptions include:
      • After Hours committee
      • William Kemper Art Gallery
      • Student Union Ambassador Program
      • ATM description
      • Banquet information
    • Condensed and clarified K11 and deleted K12, referring to the Union Program Council website
    • Condensed and clarified Central Mail Services, including updating from the old name, and referred to their website for further description
    • Condensed and clarified Parking Services, including updating from the old name, and referred to their website for further description
    • Condensed and clarified Campus Medical Services, and referred to their website
    • Condensed and clarified Rec Services, including updating from the old name, and referred to their website for further description
    • Deleted K74-K75 and K77-K84; much of this information is out-of-date and no longer desirable fro a policy standpoint, and for description is either more effective from other sources. Rather than refer to these websites where services still exist, the committee chose to delete them altogether
    • Deleted K86-K87 as these programs are no longer supported (1xbet online sports betting 4/9/19)

University Handbook, 2018 Updates

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting C46.1 to reflect change in submission date that the unit head/chair will prepare a written evaluation for faculty and professional staff. Date will change from January 31 to February 28 (Revision 4/10/18).
  • Revised Sections C53.3, 63.3, 112.5, and 152.5. Wording changes made in these sections to clarify what documentation is in a candidate's promotion and/or tenure evaluation paperwork and additionally what documentation is given to the candidate and the dean (Revisions 6/12/18).

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting D3 for the insertion of wording and website link to new PPM Chapter 4094, Consensual Romantic Relationships Involving Students. Also addition to PPM Chapter 4095 to include policy related to consensual employee romantic relationships (Revision 5/8/18).

1xbet online sports betting E

  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting E1-E8 to include (Revisions 5/8/18):
    • Overall editorial revisions to 1xbet online sports betting E 1-8 for clarity. Headings for each subsection were changed. Sections E2 and E3 had substantial policy changes.
    • Revised E2, particularly as it relates to terms of the sabbatical. Additions to this 1xbet online sports betting include that faculty may accept limited lecturing or teaching responsibilities at another institution during the sabbatical, but will not be approved for sabbatical leave in order to accept full-time employment with another organization. Also the faculty member is released from all academic duties and responsibilities while on sabbatical, but they should make arrangements for the supervision of graduate students while on leave.
    • Revised E3, stating that the university will not reimburse a faculty member for sabbatical leave expenses (typically travel and subsistence) from general use funds. However, a faculty member may use non-general use funds such as DRA, SRO, Foundation or restricted-use funds, to the extent that such funds are at the discretion of the faculty member's use and may be used for professional development activities.

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  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F65.1. In recent years there have been many interpretations of the undergraduate retake policy. Therefore, the insertion of the word "cumulative" should provide clarification to the policy (Revision 2/13/18).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F83. Wording changes to the Incomplete policy to provide clarity regarding what responsibility belongs to the faculty member and student respectively, what is appropriate use of the Incomplete grade, and additional detail regarding the time frame allowed to complete the course (Revision 5/8/18).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F103. Procedural language was added for the reinstatement process when an undergraduate student has been dismissed from a KSU undergrad program, is admitted to a graduate program, and then re-applies to an undergraduate program. This is a rare set of circumstances. This addition will also be included in the undergraduate catalog and on the Registrar's website where reinstatement policies are listed (Revision 6/12/18).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F110 to include (Revisions 10/9/18):
    • Revisions clearly define graduation honors at the commencement ceremony as unofficial. Graduation honors recognized are unofficial because grades have not posted nor degree conferred.
    • Reduce the amount of graded hours form 50 to 42. This is in response to the credit hour reduction for degree completion to 120 hours. Bachelor of Education students enroll CR/NC in a semester of student teaching. This modification will ensure transfer students into the College of Education may still earn scholastic honors without having to take additional coursework.
    • Clearly define courses included in the GPA calculations as more students are beginning to challenge the calculation method.

1xbet online sports betting G

  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting G to include (Revisions 12/11/18):
    • Overall review and changes of policy. Faculty Senate opened review of 1xbet online sports betting G along with Appendix O, during the 17-18 academic year, at the request of the Vice President for Research. A number of deletions, which did not pertain to policy, were made such as a listing of the many research and extension centers across the state. Instead, it hyperlinks to that information on a College of Agriculture website.
    • There are substantial additions and changes originally drafted from the Vice President for Research's office in:
      • G43 Research centers, institutes, and core facilities
      • G50 Research on human subjects
      • G51 Research involving animals
      • G52 Research involving infectious agents
      • G53 Dual Use of Research of Concern
      • G54 Export Controls Compliance
    • Several sections were deleted because they referred to a committee that was not active "Committee on Classified Research", or due to duplication with the IRB.
      • G51 Classified research
      • G55 Confidential or sensitive research
      • G56 Patents and copyrights
      • G64 Libraries

Appendix O

  • Revised Appendix O to include (Revisions 5/8/18):
    • Overall editorial revisions to Appendix O for both clarity and modernization to match current Federal regulations.
    • Edited the list of topics which fall under the scope of the policy based on the Federal definition of Research Misconduct.
    • Provided definitions of the topics that fall under Research Misconduct.
    • Organized and formatted various sections of the old policy to match Federal policy guidelines and make it easier to understand and follow (added headers for each 1xbet online sports betting ).
    • Appointment of the IRSAC – changed membership numbers from 12 to 15.
    • Added provision that an individual who suspects a case of research misconduct may meet informally with the VPR to discuss before/if bringing forward an official charge of research misconduct against another individual.
    • Provided definitions for terms malicious and frivolous.
    • Added list of what should be included in the Inquiry report.
    • Removed requirement of including one tenured faculty member from the Department of the individual whose conduct is in question from serving on the Review Committee.
    • Added list of what should be included in the Review Committee report.
    • Added link to where graduate students can appeal a determination.
    • Added link to where undergraduate students can appeal a determination.
    • Added sentence that states that upon completion and closure of the case, a letter will be sent to the VPR documenting the resolution of the case and the matter will be considered closed.

Appendix U

  • Revised Appendix U to include (1xbet online sports betting 5/8/18):
    • Revisions to Appendix U reflect that Human Capital Services will now be responsible for the coordination of mediation services.
    • Employee Relations & Engagement (ER&E) is appointed to coordinate the services, in lieu of appointing a Mediation Coordinator. This approach will be cost effective and improve efficiencies for employees who are seeking services provided by ER&E.
    • ER&E can coordinate services through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), who have licensed mediators at no additional cost to the university.
    • If necessary, ER&E can coordinate mediation services through outside licensed mediators.

Sections A, B, D, F, and J

  • Revised Sections A, B, D, F1, F2, F6, F20, F21, F22, and J1 to change references to K-State Salina with K-State Polytechnic and to embed the URLs. Revised 1xbet online sports betting F20 to update resource unit names as necessary to embed the URLs (Revision 2/22/18).

1xbet online sports betting C and Appendix A

  • Language from 1xbet online sports betting C162.3 was updated and moved to Appendix A. This conveys accurately Board of Regents policy on the notice of non-reappointment (Revisions 3/13/18).

University Handbook, 2017 Updates

1xbet online sports betting B

  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting B to include (Revision 2/22/17):
    • Updated the university organizational structure.
    • Moved B123: Administrator Evaluation Procedures to C159: Administrative Assignments and Five-Year Comprehensive Reviews.
    • Added B35: Kansas State Polytechnic.
    • Updated B37 regarding the Manhattan campus branch libraries.

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting C to include the following (Revisions 5/10/16; 2/22/17):
    • Overall editorial revisions to 1xbet online sports betting C for clarity.
    • Clarified the definition of Unclassified Professional Staff in C8.
    • Expanded C31.1 Departmental/unit criteria, standards, and guidelines to include unclassified professionals and the non-academic units under the vice presidents and president.
    • Moved procedures regarding evaluation of close relatives from C37 to C30.4.
    • Moved C41 procedures to C43.
    • Revised C46.1 to reflect policy change requiring annual evaluations for all faculty and unclassified professionals, including those on term appointments.
    • Modified C47.4 to reflect current practice that the Provost no longer requires all written evaluations to be forwarded to the Provost Office for review but the provost and vice presidents should receive all salary recommendations and supporting documentation as determined by the provost/vice president.
    • Removed C81 regarding probationary faculty appointments as they are no longer used.
    • Removed C171 regarding non-reappointment of persons holding administrative tenure granted prior to June 1982.
    • Moved B123: Administrator Evaluation Procedures to C159: Administrative Assignments and Five-Year Comprehensive Reviews.
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting C63.3 to indicate a copy of the department head's/chairs written recommendation letter alone will be forwarded to the candidate to be consistent with other faculty evaluation policies. (1xbet online sports betting , 9/28/17)
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting C46.1: After latest overall revisions were made in February 2017, it was noted that wording was unintentionally removed from this 1xbet online sports betting and needs restored. The wording was originally approved in April 10, 2012. (Revision, 11/15/17)

1xbet online sports betting F

  • Revised Sections F75, F76, F80, and F121 with the relevant changes to Standard Exams, Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), and Grades (1xbet online sports betting 6/13/17).
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting F102. The updated wording provides clarification to students the required criteria to no longer be considered on academic warning (Revision 11/14/17).
  • Added 1xbet online sports betting F115.1. Addition of the definition for One-Half credit hour. the one-half credit hour definition proposed incorporates the same pro-rated time commitment as that included in the one-credit hour definition (Revision 11/14/17).
  • 1xbet online sports betting F121. Revision to clarify requirements for graduation (Revision 11/14/17).

Appendix Q

  • Revised Appendix Q to include the following (1xbet online sports betting 2/22/17):
    • Revised Appendix Q consistent with the relevant 1xbet online sports betting C changes regarding evaluating faculty and unclassified professionals including required annual evaluations for those on term appointments.
    • Added relevant 1xbet online sports betting C citations for ease in tracking future updates.

University Handbook, 2015 Updates

1xbet online sports betting E

  • Revised E7. Changed references to the "Controller" to the "Assistant Vice President - Financial Services" as the position of Controller no longer exists. Additional detail is also provided on the deposit of repayments. (1xbet online sports betting , 8/3/15)

1xbet online sports betting F

  • Revised F76. Credit for prior learning, effective for students enrolling after the Spring 2017 term, will not become part of a student's K-State grade point average. (FS 6/9/15)

Foreword, 1xbet online sports betting B, 1xbet online sports betting C, 1xbet online sports betting D, and 1xbet online sports betting E

  • Revised Foreword; B3; C180; D12; D70; E7; E8; E10; E14; E15; E92; and E120. Due to the closing of the Office of Academic Personnel, changed references to the “Office of Academic Personnel” to the “Office of the Provost” or “Human Capital Services”, as applicable. Also updated references to “Human Resources” to “Human Capital Services” and “Office of Affirmative Action” to “Office of Institutional Equity”. (1xbet online sports betting , 6/5/15)

1xbet online sports betting D

  • Revised 1xbe. Deleted 24-hour period exception to preapproval requirements to make this 1xbet online sports betting consistent with Appendix S and KBOR policy. (Revision, 5/21/15)
  • Revised 1xbet online sports betting Ha to include the following (1xbet online sports betting , 9/23/15):
    • Revisions recommended and approved by Faculty Senate and the University Handbook and Policy Committee on 5/8/12 and additional numbering edits recommended by the Office of the Provost on 7/24/12.
    • Incorporates changes approved by Faculty Senate and published since 2012 to the following: D12; D40; D70-71.
    • Updates to link formatting and URLs throughout the 1xbet online sports betting .

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Revised C10-12. Professor of Practice Titles. Addition of professor of practice titles and multi-year contract language. (FS 3/10/15)
  • Revised C12.6. Added Instructors listed in 12.0 to the list of faculty allowed to do one-time, one-way transfers. Added link to 12.0 to the list in 12.6. This was inadvertently left out when Professional Titles were added to the University Handbook. (1xbet online sports betting , 12/3/15)

Appendix E

  • Amendment to by-laws removing January meeting and correction of a typo. (FS 2/10/15)

University Handbook, 2014 Updates

Appendix X:

  • Addition of Social Media Policy Procedures to University Handbook (FS 12/9/14)

Appendix M

  • Changes made for clarification and administration purposes. (FS 12/9/14)

1xbet online sports betting F

  • Complete overview and revisions to 1xbet online sports betting F. (FS 5/13/14)

Appendix F

  • Changes made only to the Honor Constitution portion of Appendix F. All other areas of the appendix remain as they are currently. (FS 11/11/14)

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  • Revised C132, Promotion-related salary increases. 1xbet online sports betting to promotion increase percentage to reflect current percentage used. (FS 11/11/14)
  • Revised C192. Ombudsperson appointment and term. 1xbet online sports betting to language regarding ombudsperson appointment to reflect current practice. (FS 11/11/14)

Entire University Handbook

  • Changes throughout to reflect University organizational changes to replace Division of Continuing Education listings with Global Campus. (1xbet online sports betting , 9/8/14)

Appendix D

  • Clerical change to update Kansas Board of Regents Policy Manual weblink. (1xbet online sports betting , 9/5/14)


  • Changes to the jurisdiction 1xbet online sports betting . Further guidelines for what types of grievances may lead to a full hearing. (FS 5/16/14)


  • Changes throughout the policy to make it consistent with Board of Regents and federal law changes. (1xbet online sports betting , 5/9/14)

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  • Revised 1xbet to reflect change in KBOR Policy. (1xbet online sports betting , 9/5/14)

Appendix W:

  • Addition of Appendix W:, Post-Tenure Review Policy. This policy is being mandated by the Kansas Board of Regents. (Addition, FS 2/11/14)

University Handbook, 2013 Updates

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  • University Handbook, S. Changed references to the Student Disability Support Services Office which has changed its name and will officially become the "Student Access Center". (1xbet online sports betting , 7/1/13)

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Revised C157 Dean's Evaluation Procedures, five year comprehensive review. Wording edited to provide clarification related to how the survey will be administered and what content will be shared with the dean. Modified to allow the advisory committee to give input on the survey questions. Clarified what recommendation the committee is to provide the provost and the manner in which the committee will report their recommendation. Deleted items that no longer have relevance due to changes in technology. (1xbet online sports betting , FSM 5/14/2013)
  • Deleted "C29.3 The introduction to this handbook provides information on equal employment opportunity, employment of relatives, loyalty oath, and citizenship requirements." The introduction (1xbet online sports betting A) no longer contains this information. (Deletion, 4/19/13)


  • Updated conflict of interest policy by substituting the language from the Kansas Board of Regents Manual recently published. (BOR revisions, 12/19/12)

University Handbook, 2012 Updates

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  • D70-71. D70-Addition of a review process by deans or vice presidents and the Office of Academic Personnel for eligibility certification. Addition of President's discretion to approve emeritus designation for adjuncts. Changed service requirements for part-time employees. D71-Clarification of policy language. (POD revisions, 8/21/12)

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  • 1xbet online games login Handb has been reviewed and revised by the University Handbook and Policy Committee. (1xbet online sports betting , 4/10/12)

Appendix G

  • 1xbet online sports betting to the definition of "work day" in University. Clerical change only to clarify definition. (1xbet online sports betting , FS 5/4/12)

Appendix D

  • The entire content of 1xbet onlin of the University Handbook (entitled Board of Regents Resolutions) was eliminated because it was obsolete, having been replaced by the KBOR Policy and Procedures Manual, as confirmed by the KBOR General Counsel. It was appropriate to replace the content of Appendix D with a simple reference and link to the KBOR policy manual. The appendix title was changed to Board of Regents Policies. (Deletion, addition POD 5/8/12)

1xbet online sports betting C and 1xbet online sports betting D

  • Deleted C190 and C191 to eliminate redundancy and inconsistency within the Handbook. (Deletion, POD 4/27/12)
  • Sections C46.1 and D12 were modified to further describe professional conduct, refer to the Principles of Community, include an anti-retaliation provision, and list some university resources. (Revisions and addition, FS 4/10/12)
  • Revised C12.2. The 1xbet online sports betting , regarding Clinical Track Faculty appointments, has been reviewed and revised to allow all colleges in the University to benefit from it. Board of Regents has approved of this language. (Revision, BOR 1/19/12)

Appendix G

  • University was revised to follow a chronological order and to be more easily understood by users. (1xbet online sports betting , FS 2/14/12)

1xbet online sports betting F

  • Revised F140. Change in honorary degrees policy. (1xbet online sports betting , FS 12/14/10)
  • Added F115. Addition of credit hour definition. (Addition, FS 2/14/12)

University Handbook, 2011 Updates


  • The University's policy prohibiting discrimination was revised August 31, 2011, for purposes of clarity and legal compliance. The second part of Appendix J now links to the current university policy at Policies and Procedures Manual Chapter 3010. (Redirected policy/1xbet online sports betting , POD 9/02/11)

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  • Intellectual Property Policy and Institutional Procedures, substituted the original Appendix A Intellectual Property Agreement with a revised form to be consistent with June 2011 Supreme Court ruling. (1xbet online sports betting POD 6/08/11)

1xbet online sports betting F

  • Revised F21-22. Changed “vice president for institutional advancement, the dean of student life,” to “vice president for student life and dean of students” to reflect change in organization and titles. (Title change effective 2008, 1xbet online sports betting POD 03/08/11)

University Handbook, 2010 Updates

1xbet online sports betting A

  • Delete A40-43 to eliminate redundancies. These sections were inadvertently left in the Handbook after adoption of Appendix S in January of 2001. (Faculty Senate adopted from BOR policy, January 16, 2001.) (1xbet online sports betting POD 12/09/10)

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  • Revised E87. The disability income percentage changed from 66 1/3% to 60% per Stephanie Harvey, Assistant Director of Benefits. (change effective May 2008, POD 12/13/10)

1xbet online sports betting D

  • Added D90-90.7 Modified Instructional Duties (MID) policies. (POD 12/09/10)
  • Eliminated D60-D69. These sections contain outdated travel procedures. They were eliminated to avoid redundancy and confusing contradictory information. Because they apply to all K-State employees, all K-State university business travel policy and procedures may be found at: http://www.k-state.edu/policies/ppm/6410.html (deletion POD 12/09/10)
  • 1xbet online sports betting D12, which references the General Grievance Board, a board no longer in existence, was removed. (revision FS 2/9/10)

1xbet online sports betting B

  • Revised B123, Administrator Evaluation Procedures. This change reorganized the existing B123 and subdivided it into subsections B123.1 through B123.12. The only substantial addition is the prohibition of email communications to solicit, provide or report feedback (B123.6). (1xbet online sports betting FS 11/10/09)

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Revised C22.2 to delete policy language and replace with a reference to PPM 4650.075 Spoken English Competency. (POD 12/10/10) Revised C30-C34 to update faculty evaluation procedures to make them consistent with regular practices. (revisions FS 10/13/09)
  • Revised C25.5. State Resident Tuition Fees laws have changed. The university is no longer able to offer resident tuition fees to those students who do not qualify under state law. Therefore 1xbet online sports betting C25.5 must be changed by deleting "resident fees for dependents" and moving the "and" to before "parking privileges." (POD 3-2010)
  • Revised C157, Deans’ Evaluation Procedures. (1xbet online sports betting FS 11/10/09)
  • Subdivided 1xbet online sports betting C41.4 into subsections C41.4 (a) & C41-4 (b). This separates the text referring to yearly evaluations of heads/chairs/directors and other administrative supervisors, from text referring to the five-year reviews of upper administrators. (1xbet online sports betting FS 11/10/09)

1xbet online sports betting F

  • Revised F14. Continuing Education Fee Waivers were discontinued some years ago with the University transition to Linear Fees and the elimination of Non-Base class status. Many classes facilitated by the Division of Continuing Education continue to be self-supporting in that the instructors are paid based upon the headcount enrolled in the class. The reference to a Fee Waiver should be removed from the University's website as soon as possible. There is no current policy that would permit such a waiver of tuition and/or fees. (1xbet online sports betting FS 10/13/09)
  • Subsection F52, deleted "established by the regents," in the reference to below minimum enrollment classes. (1xbet online sports betting FS 11/10/09)
  • Revised F160, Undergraduate Academic Minors, allowing K-State students to receive a minor after their graduation. Also, this allows colleges to request to offer a minor to non-K-State graduates through an outlined approval process. (1xbet online sports betting FSM 3/09/10)

Appendix C

  • Added the following note at the end of Appendix C: NOTE: The K-State policy on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Time Commitment is Appendix S. This note replaced the sections on “conflict situations” and “university responsibility” within University. (1xbet online sports betting POD 12/09/10)

Appendix S

  • Add the following subsection: University, A.2.(h) The university’s nepotism policy is stated in PPM chapter 4095. This language was added so that all conflict of interest policies will be together in Appendix S, and they will be stated in one way, in one place only. (1xbet online sports betting POD 12/09/10)

University Handbook, 2009 Updates


  • Revised to be consistent with the Office of Affirmative Action's Policy and Procedure; no substantive changes, only form changes. (1xbet online sports betting Admin 9/21/09)

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  • Addition of E150 Limited Health Care Bridge. (addition BOR 1/15/09)

Appendix V

  • Removed Graduate Student Grievance Procedures. (1xbet online sports betting FS 6/09/2009)

Appendix G

  • Revised entire University. (revisions FS 4/14/09)

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Subdivided 1xbet online sports betting C41.4 into subsections C41.4 (a) & C41-4 (b). This separates the text referring to yearly evaluations of heads/chairs/directors and other administrative supervisors, from text referring to the five-year reviews of upper administrators. (1xbet online sports betting FS 11/10/09)
  • Restructured and clarified the evaluation process for deans. (revisions FS 11/10/2009)

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  • Subsection F52, deleted "established by the regents," in the reference to below minimum enrollment classes. (1xbet online sports betting FS 11/10/09)

1xbet online sports betting B

  • Subsection 123. This change reorganized the existing 1xbet online sports betting B 123 and sub-divided it into subsections B123.1 through B123.12. The only substantial addition is the prohibition of e-mail communications to solicit, provide, or report feedback (B123.6). (revisions FS 4/14/09)

University Handbook, 2008 Updates

Appendix F

  • Revised definition of plagiarism. (revisions FS 9/09/08)
  • Revised Honor and Integrity System Constitution. (revisions FS 6/12/07) University

Entire University Handbook

  • The phrase "unclassified professional members" was changed to "unclassified professionals" to be consistent throughout the handbook as both were previously used interchangeably. (revisions 7/14/08)

1xbet online sports betting E

  • The entire 1xbet online sports betting E of the University Handbook was revised in July 2008 to keep it consistent with the PPM and other directives promulgated by legislative, regulatory, and judicial processes. (FS 3/11/08; revisions 7/14/08) 1xbet online sports betting Ha

Entire University Handbook

  • Revised sections and appendices to add "color" and "gender identity" as protected categories so that the K-State AA/EEO policies and complaint resolution process in the handbook comply with Executive Order 07-24.(revisions with additions 3/18/08)

1xbet online sports betting F

  • Addition to F81 to provide clarity regarding the procedure for assigning a grade in a non-graded course (FS 3/11/08; effective 8/25/08)(addition)
  • 1xbet online sports betting to F71 to add language regarding conflicting exam times and rescheduling of non-group exams. (FS 2/12/08)(1xbet online sports betting )

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  • 1xbet online sports betting to D40 to increase consulting days from two to four. (FS 1/15/08)(1xbet online sports betting )

University Handbook, 2007 Updates

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  • Added policy on Course Accessibility Standards F125-F125.5. (FS 6/12/07) (addition)

Appendix U

  • Revisions to "Agreement to Mediate" 1xbet online sports betting of the University Handbook. (FS 3/13/07) (1xbet online sports betting )

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Added ancillary appointment language 1xbet online sports betting C27 to C27.4. Changed numbering of C26.1 to C26.3 to C29.1 to C29.3. (FS 2/13/07) (addition and 1xbet online sports betting )

University Handbook, 2006 Updates

Sections A, B, D, F, H, J, K

  • Changes recommended by the University Handbook and Policy Committee, including minor editing and updates by departments and university administrative offices. (July 2006) (revisions)

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  • Changes and updates recommended by the University Handbook and Policy Committee due to changes to BOR, State, and K-State policies in the PPM. (July 2006) (revisions)
  • Change in policy (E50) required by recent BOR decision. Increased number of working days of military leave with pay for active duty from 12 days to 15 days per Federal fiscal year. (BOR 9/26/06) (1xbet online sports betting )
  • Change in policy (E41) required by recent BOR decision to allow an unclassified employee appointed to a less than full time and/or less than twelve month non-instructional position to earn and accumulate vacation leave. (BOR 9/21/06)

Entire University Handbook

  • Changed "Kansas State University" and "KSU" to "K-State" where appropriate, to align the University Handbook with current K-State marketing procedures. (July 2006) (revisions)

Appendix F and Appendix V

  • Changes made to University to remove the Bylaws, add the Constitution, remove the Student Grievance Procedures from Appendix F to Appendix V (new appendix). Change the title of Appendix F to "Academic Conduct, Academic Honesty, and Honor System Constitution." Title Appendix V "Student Grievance Procedures." (2/10/04)(revisions/additions)

Appendix P

  • Changes made to 1xbet onlin to reflect the current Guidelines published in the Student Handbook that the Health, Communicable Disease, and Safety Committee updates annually. (3/02/06)(revisions)

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  • Added new sections C49.1 to C49.14 to include Professorial Performance Award. (FS 2/14/06)(addition)
  • Revisions made to C10 and C11 to include Clinical Professor appointments in the department of Clinical Sciences. (BOR 1/19/05)(revisions)
  • Added a new 1xbet online sports betting C12.2 on Clinical Professor appointments in the department of Clinical Sciences. (FS 6/14/05 and BOR 1/17/06)(addition)

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  • Change made to F12 due to implementation of new iSIS system. Increased maximum number of enrollment hours from 18 to 21. (FS 1/17/06)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Change made to F110 regarding graduation with scholastic honors. Reworded to include a K-State GPA of 3.850-3.949 needed for a Magna Cum Laude and a K-State GPA of 3.750-3.849 needed for a Cum Laude honor. (FS 1/17/06)(1xbet online sports betting )

University Handbook, 2005 Updates

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  • Policy changes in E20 and E60, to correspond with the PPM. (9/22/05)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Policy and editorial changes in E20, E41, E48, and E60, to correspond with the PPM. (08/11/05)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Deleted E81 regarding dual employment health insurance. This information is furnished to employees during the annual open enrollment period for health insurance. (8/08/05)(deletion)
  • Updated 1xbet online sports betting E82 concerning supplemental life insurance program available to K-State employees. (8/08/05)(1xbet online sports betting )

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  • Revisions made in accordance with modified BOR policy on assessing English competency. C22.2 (FS 10/11/05)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Policy change in C20 and C21.1, to change initial contracts to be issued by the provost and a copy of the letter of expectation to be sent to the provost. (10/12/05)
  • Changes in spoken English competency requirements and testing for all prospective faculty members and graduate assistants. C22.2(FS 4/16/05)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Increased promotion and tenure salary increases for associate and full professors from 5% and 7.5%, respectively, to 8% and 11%, respectively. 1xbet(FS 4/12/05)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Editorial changes made to C10. (8/08/05)

University Handbook, 2004 Updates

Appendix F

  • Revise 1xbet online sports betting on dropping student from classes. F64 (FS 4/13/2004)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Change of appendix title and addition of Interim Honor System Bylaws. (FS 10-2004)(1xbet online sports betting )

Appendix U

  • Made University Handbook permanent. (FS 05/11/2004)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Added to Appendix U pt. B review of list by provost. (FS 05/11/2004)(1xbet online sports betting )

Appendix G

  • Updated introduction to include mediation. (FS 05/11/2004)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Updated 1xbet online sports betting G.2 to include mediation. Appendices G.2.h, G.2.i, G.2.j, G.2.k. (FS 05/11/2004)(1xbet online sports betting )

Appendix K

  • Updated Appendix K.3.g on discontinuance of Academic Programs. (FS 05/11/2004)(1xbet online sports betting )

1xbet online sports betting G

  • Add part to 1xbet online sports betting G51 on the Committee on Classified Research. to include on their job to monitor faculty research. (FS 05/11/2004)(1xbet online sports betting )

Appendix G

  • Change the composition of the General Grievance Board. Increase the number of members from 45 to 60 and require that the board consist of at least 10 women and seven minorities. Appendix G (FS 4/13/04)(1xbet online sports betting )

1xbet online sports betting D

  • Deleted Sections D39, 41, 42, and 43 regarding Conflict of Interest. See policy in University (1xbet online sports betting 2/20/04)

Appendix C

  • Deleted paragraph regarding "Statement on Conflict of Interest". See policy in University (1xbet online sports betting 2/20/04)

Appendix T

University Handbook, 2003 Updates

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  • Discretionary holiday for faculty and unclassified professionals E60. (PPM Ch 4865) (1xbet online sports betting 7/17/03)
  • Supplemental life insurance E82. (PPM Ch4820) (1xbet online sports betting 7/02/03)
  • Long-term care insurance E86. (PPM Ch4820) (1xbet online sports betting 7/02/03)

1xbet online sports betting F

  • No examinations (unit or final) may be scheduled seven calendar days prior to the first scheduled day of semester examinations. F70. (FS 04/13/2003)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Adds 'XF' to the grading scale in 1xbet online sports betting F80. (FS 03/11/2003)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Gives further instruction for change of grades in 1xbet online sports betting F90. (FS 03/13/2003)(1xbet online sports betting )

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Clarification of the term regular as applied to faculty ranks of assistant professor, associate professor and full professor. C10(Approved 02/07/2003)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Further clarification to include "regular" appointments. C10 (Approved 10/30/03) (1xbet online sports betting )

Appendix J

University Handbook, 2002 Updates

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  • Strike the requirement that the probationary faculty's complete file be forwarded to the Provost. Files are available upon Provost's request. 1xbe (FS 5/14/02) (1xbet online sports betting )

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1xbet online sports betting G

  • Copyrights, Patents, Royalties, Delete G80-G84, replace with sentence referring reader to the Intellectual Property Policy, 1xbet sport(FS 5/14/02)(1xbet online sports betting )

1xbet online sports betting H

Appendix E

  • By-Law 3, Clarification on timely use of proxy. Appendix E (FS 10/8/02)(1xbet online sports betting )
  • Update of representation and eligibility requirements. Article II (Approved 10/08/2002) (1xbet online sports betting )

Appendix G

  • Added language to assure both parties have access to all of the information submitted to the hearing panel; added language to assure that if additional information is acquired by the panel, the hearing will be reopen; added language to assure anyone participating in the hearing is not subject to retaliation. University (FS 5/14/02)(1xbet online sports betting )

Appendix R

  • Intellectual Property Agreement 1xbet sport (FS 5/14/02)(new)

Appendix S

  • K-State Policy on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Time Commitment Appendix S (FS 1/16/02)(FS 5/14/02 1xbet online sports betting )

University Handbook, 2001 Updates

Added language to include unclassified professionals where appropriate throughout the handbook (Recommended by University Handbook Committee, Approved by FS and Provost 1/25/01) (addition)

Changed the title of the Faculty Handbook to University Handbook (FS 4/10/01) (1xbet online sports betting )

1xbet online sports betting E

  • Accidental Death Benefits (FS 5/10/01) (1xbet online sports betting ) 1xbe

Appendix E

  • Revised constitution to allow student voting privileges on Academic Affairs, Faculty Affairs, and FSCOUP (FS 9/16/01) (1xbet online sports betting ) Article III, Sec. C 1xbet best

Appendix U

  • Interim Policy on Mediation (FS 2/14/01) (new) University

University Handbook, 2000 Updates

Foreword (FS 4/11/00) (1xbet online sports betting ) Universit

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Interim Summer Employment Policy (FS 11/9/99) (1xbet online sports betting ) C23.1
  • Confidentiality of Peer Evaluations (FS 4/11/00) (1xbet online sports betting ) C35
  • Delay of the Tenure Clock (FS 4/11/00) (1xbet online sports betting ) C83.1-C84
  • Administrative Appeals, Grievance Resolution, Ombudsperson (FS 12/14/99) (1xbet online sports betting , addition) C190-C194
  • Appointment and Term; Recognition and Training of Ombudspersons C192 and C193

1xbet online sports betting D

  • Privileges, Benefits, and Responsibilities (FS 5/9/00; 6/13/00) (addition) D3, D4, D5, D6, and D7

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Appendix E

  • Constitution of Faculty Senate (FS 2/22/00) (1xbet online sports betting ) 1xbet best
  • Constitution of Faculty Senate, Article II, 1xbet online sports betting A, 2 (FS 9/11/97) (revision)

Appendix F

Appendix G

  • General Grievance Board (FS 10/12/99) (1xbet online sports betting ) Jurisdiction and Administrative Appeals
  • General Grievance Board (FS 12/14/99) (revision) Move ombudsperson procedures to 1xbet online sports betting C, increase number of members of the GGB to 45, increase the minimum representation of women to 8 and minorities to 5.
  • General Grievance Board (FS 1/11/00) (revision) Provide linkage from GGB to 1xbet online sports betting on ombudspersons, change wording from "sex" to "gender," reference to minorities "as defined by Federal Regulations.
  • General Grievance Board (FS 4/11/00) (1xbet online sports betting ) Changes to composition and legal advice for GGB and grievance hearing procedures.
  • General Grievance Board (FS 10/10/00) (addition) Reimbursement for expenses involved in pursuing grievances.

University Handbook, 1999 Updates

1xbet online sports betting B

  • Appointment, Reappointment, and Evaluation of Administrators (FS 4/27/99) (1xbet online sports betting ) B120-125

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Summer Employment (forwarded by administration) (1xbet online sports betting ) C23.1
  • Assessment of Instructional Skills of Graduate Teaching Assistants (FS 4/27/99) (addition) C39
  • Annual Merit Salary Evaluation (FS 5-11-99) (1xbet online sports betting ) C40-41.4
  • Departmental Procedure for Reappointment (FS 5-11-99) (revisions) C53.1-53.3
  • Mid-Probationary Review (FS 3-9-99) (1xbet online sports betting /addition) C92.2-92.4
  • Procedures for Tenure Evaluation (FS 4/13/99) (1xbet online sports betting ) C110-116.2
  • Procedures for Promotion Evaluation (FS 4/27/99) (1xbet online sports betting ) C150-156.2

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  • Faculty and Unclassified Professional Benefits (forwarded by administration) (1xbet online sports betting /addition) E80-129

University Handbook, 1998 Updates

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  • Service in Leadership Roles (FS 11/10/98) (1xbet online sports betting ) B94

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  • Sabbatical Leave policy (FS 11/10/98) (1xbet online sports betting ) E1-E8

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Determining the Threshold of Minimum Acceptable Levels of Productivity (1xbet online sports betting ) C31.8
  • Probationary Period (FS 5/12/98) (1xbet online sports betting ) C82.1
  • Defining the Role of College Tenure and Promotion Advisory Committees (FS 4/28/98) (1xbet online sports betting ) C153.1
  • Versatility as a University Requirement for Promotion and Tenure (FS 5/12/98) (deletion) C101

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  • Scholarly Leave and Tenure Clock (FS 4/28/98) (1xbet online sports betting ) E11

Appendix J

University Handbook, 1997 Updates

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  • Policy to Designate Change in Salary for Administrators Who Return to the Faculty (1xbet online sports betting ) (11/7/97) moved from B12.5 to C21.2

1xbet online sports betting F

  • Grades (1xbet online sports betting ) F80-F83

Appendix E

  • Constitution of Faculty Senate (1xbet online sports betting ) (10/27/97) Article II, Sec: A

University Handbook, 1996 Updates

1xbet online sports betting C

University Handbook, 1995 Updates

1xbet online sports betting C

  • Faculty Appointments (1xbet online sports betting ) C10-11
  • Appointments at the Rank of Research Assistant Professor, Research Associate
  • Professor, and Research Professor (new) C12.1
  • Faculty Evaluation (1xbet online sports betting ) C30.3, 45.1, 46.1
  • Chronic Low Achievement (new) C31.5
  • Student Ratings in the Classroom (1xbet online sports betting ) C34.1, 34.2
  • Final Approval of, Promotion and Tenure Decisions Rest with the President Rather than the BOR (new) C78, 93, 114.1-114.2, 115,154.1-154.2, 155-156.1

1xbet online sports betting D

  • Final Approval for Emeritus Status Rests with the President rather than the BOR (new) D70

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  • FMLA (new) E31
  • The Reporting of Vacation Leave (1xbet online sports betting ) E47

1xbet online sports betting F

  • Student Discrimination Review Committee Guidelines (1xbet online sports betting ) F38-39

Appendix R

  • Delete Appendix R