Departmental Evaluation, Promotion, and tenure 1xbet online games login Guidelines/Documents

Each academic 1xbet online games login /unit is required by University Handbook policy to develop 1xbet online games login documents containing criteria, standards, and guidelines for promotion, tenure, reappointment, annual evaluation and merit salary allocation.

These documents must be approved by a majority vote of the faculty members in the 1xbet online games login , by the 1xbet online games login head or chair, by the dean concerned, and by the provost. They must be reviewed and re-submitted every five years, or as necessary. Dates of revision (or the vote to continue without revision) must appear on the first page of the document.

1xbet online games login documents must also include a set of guidelines describing the minimum-acceptable level of productivity for all applicable areas of responsibility for the faculty, as well as procedures to handle such cases of chronic low achievement. Minimum-acceptable levels of productivity are defined along with a clear explanation as to how the 1xbet online games login or unit will determine when a tenured faculty member's low performance in one or more instances fails overall to meet the minimum acceptable level.

All 1xbet online games login documents must also include a section on post tenure review.

This site contains the following information for every academic 1xbet online games login :

  • 1xbet online games login Mission Statement;
  • Departmental Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment Criteria;
  • Annual Evaluation and Merit Salary Allocation Procedures;
  • Departmental Minimum Standards;
  • Chronic Low Achievement Procedures;
  • Post Tenure Review Procedures; and
  • Dates of Revision for Departmental Documents.

Continuity of Operations Plans (COOPs)

This office is also the depository of 1xbet online games login /unit COOPs. Each 1xbet online games login /unit must complete the COOP form, the Pandemic Flu Form (doc). The 1xbet online games login /unit's documents will be filed by the Office of the Provost but will not be available online. Please follow the links to your 1xbet online games login /unit to see if our office has a COOP on file.

Documents by college or unit

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Departmental Document Drafting Clinic Video, June 4, 2015